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International #812
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/fr/ - Le fil des couilles
Kurva anyátok
R*ssians are pigs
Post your airport. Rate others' airports
S*cular Turks are mad the government is closing down this building
Any european here?
Whats the ugliest country in the world? i say russia
Mfw I see a wh*Te subhuman
Do anglos on Sup Forums get jealous of the fact other anons speak at least 2 languages while they only speak one?
Culture Pals - /cp/
I wonder how people who live East of this line survive during their rude continental climate. It's only 0°C in Moscow...
Be american
Is the US the worst thing to happen to Christianity?
I'm going in to Lisboa in summer any protips?
Sup Forums it's
Tfw going to Thailand again soon
His country has less than 310 000 square meters surface area
/homoköder/ ehemals /deutsch/
Religion and alphabet stolen from Greece
Soviet Russia had no cultur-
Do you support the move to change Finland's flag to correctly reflect our secular identity?
Nights are getting longer
Greece doesn't deserve their cool heritage
What does Sup Forums know about Uzbekistan?
Sverigetråden - Raskrigupplagan
Hello I need a French reply could a Frenchman please post in this thread?
You have 20 seconds to act as Greek as possible
My ancestor :)
Are Russians White?
This was one of the proposed german national flags
Be brazilian
Are they more german or french?
Nordic = True white
ITT: We discuss which countries have been the most important in shaping the world at large as we know it today
/deutsch/ - [Ritter, Tod und Teufel Ausgabe]
Ok lads, what is the WORST country on earth
/ita/ - il filo
A girl has likely masturbated to you before
A racist talk to me
This is normal to see while driving in am*rica
A thread for virgins. how do you deal with being a fucking virgin?
/v4/ + friends
My country never lost a war
His country wasn't a colony of the greatest empire ever known
Mein fuhrer, I'm from (your cunt)
Reminder that this will happen when Finland and Japan and will unite in 2030...
Spain is our friend :3
Why are europeans so autistic when it comes to Russia? Can you just leave us alone, please? Like...
The West will cease to be relevant in your lifetime
/nederdraad/ /vlaanderdraad/
Daily reminder that if you GOTTA GETTA GOOK then you should fucking top yourself
Is this correct?
Bantering an american
I love you Sup Forums
How do French people get depressed with great labour environment, beautiful city and good cuisine?
"I wonder who is behind this post?"
Are you a goldlet?
Is this accurate?
We are not slavs
Woah, I never knew that Spanish people love Italy SO MUCH!
Would you racemix with a tunisian autist high school girl ?
Are russians considered to be people of color in the west? Would I receive gibs if I were to immigrate?
Literally billions of possibilities
/rus/ - Russia and friends
Why is Estonia such a wonder of a country?! Only 25 years ago it was devastated by communist rule...
How well dressed are the people in your country?
Do you do embarrassing things when drunk?
Poland, why do you put carps in bathtubs?
Is Spain an African country?
I am in metro metro wat do))
Kurva anyátok
"white" american
What is "white culture"?
I want a bottom weeb bf so I can stick my willy in his butt
Look Americans I've got a big egg with a big toy wich is biggly banned in your shithole
Why do you guys hate burgers? ;_;
New worlders are asleep
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Let's talk about the Armenian Genocide. Did it happen? What were its causes?
Goodmorning Sup Forums
Are Mexicans angry the Dodgers lost?
What is life like in small-town Russia? I mean legitimately small...
Japan, do you still worship the Emperor?
How do I get Japanese girlfriend as a fat guy?
Your cunt
Americucks will NEVER taste the godliness that is the tim-tam
Is it true that American culture is tainting the Japanese people?
I am dying. Recently diagnosed with terminal disease...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Master degrees duration
What went wrong?
Hilo latino
Why do americans use this poison so much?
Why aren't you handsome Sup Forums?
/sino/ - 中文
When did Middle Easterners stop dressing like this?
This is what 100% of Americans look like
I just leave this here
If you're white and you browse or post on Sup Forums then I have two words for you:
Why is NOBODY talking about the terrorist attack here?
Redpill me on Canadian culture, Sup Forums
S*uthern """europeans"""
Do these abominations exist in your country
ITT: Sup Forums in 1871
1. Country
Reunification when?
/fr/ crochet tiret crochet le fil des ouiaboos
Monarchy or Republic?
Russians: how do you feel about Putin?
Nasheed Tread
/cum/ canada usa mexico
Somalis have an average IQ of 67, which is worse than people with down syndrome
Jew here. I understand what the Father and the Son are, but what is the Holy Spirit...
Okay, so I decided to post this here since /trv/ is the slowest board and we have loads of North-Americans here
Why do americans smile all the time
The Peruvian:
Hilo latino
Are they white?
Funeral culture in your country
Would you rather live in:
Your cunt
/cum/ canada usa mexico
How are you preparing for the Asian century?
We wuz italian n shieeeet
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
Sverigetråden - Rom och cola-upplagan
That's the USA on the right and Canada on the left
How mind-blowing is Finnish on a scale from 1 to 10?
Why are chinks so stoopid
Are there any noticeable differences between brazilian and portugal portugese?
This boggles the mind of an American
And I find it kinda funny
Using autism characters
When Europeans mix with Asians this is the result
Did americans end slavery or just include all races?
Would you rather live in:
Ur cunt
Ukrainian and Polish languages
Latin American cucks
TFW Sup Forums is only getting worse by the day
Wtf Finland? What is your wisdom here?
Culture Pals - /cp/
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
I am white
MANNERHEIM (finnish hero) was TÜRK (BLACK).... but the wh*Te sw*Doids be claimin that he be wh*Te...
/cum/ canada usa mexico
How is corporal punishment on child viewed in your country? Is it absolutely unacceptable?
Am i the only one who feels deep disgust seeing this flag?
Confession time
Your cunt
One is Serbian,two are Italian and one is Lebanese
When will America apolozige to France for stealing our History ?
Italians are NOT Arabs. Not in the north, not in the south, not in the middle...
/luso/ fio lusófono
How are short boys with wide hips treated in your country?
A new /brit/ general is created everyhour on Sup Forums
ITT we say which country we're posting from
/fr// - le fil /fr/ançaicophone
Why is latin america so dangerous?
Black africans eat mosquitoes steak
Sverigetråden - Låliupplagan
/Mena/ - مينا
Mfw this is the average German poster
Austria-Hungary reunification when?
Percentage of people in Latin America who often or sometimes don't have enough to eat for themselves or their families
Last year
Japanese are really badass, the master race of Asia. Thanks to the new Sony game Ghost of Tsushima...
Post here only if your country has never lost a war. Hue
I'm thinking of fucking off for a couple weeks
Arab American here
Tfw no Norwegian GF
How do Europeans (specially Western Europeans) view immigration from other European or white countries into theirs...
/ita/ - il filo
When will Uzbekistan stop producing terrorists?
What do you think about Ukrainians?
/deutsch/ und /antihelvetia/
What do you smell like?
Russia should not be allowed to take for herself so many cuties
Hilo latino /lat/
Please tell me about the health sector in your countries
Europeans are so poor that they have to ride a bicycle to meet their king
Perfect climate
Now that the dust has settled, how was your Halloween...
Girl visual ranking
Sverigetråden - SD2D-upplagan
When will Russia pay for its crimes against the Circassian people? Up to this very day...
/cum/ canada usa mexico
If Europeans hate America so much, why do they watch our TV shows, movies, and listen to our music?
There's pretty much two types of pizza in the world
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
/fr/ - le fil /fr/ançais
Slavic languages
What boards do you visit besides Sup Forums?
Why are Finnish socdemblocks aesthetically superior to slavic commieblocks?
I've noticed an interesting phenomenon and I wonder if others feel the same
Le 56% visage
Who has the better culture; France, Italy or USA?
Le 79% face
What's your country's excuse for your government being so young?
In 30 years thanks to global warming and the rising sea levels, the Netherlands will be completely underwater
Why are so many countries butthurt about it?
In medieval manuscripts, there are often pictures of knights battling giant snails. No one really knows why...
Girls with social anxiety and BOYFRIENDS
Itt: things that shouldn't exist
/deutsch/ /bayern/
This Central Asian (Uzbek) killed lots of people in the USA
I wish Saddam invaded and conquered Saudi Arabia in 1990. Think of how much better the world would be
ITT: post your desktop
An american tourist blocks your path and says "hello where is the burger?"
/brit/ - Corporal Nauyokas' Bad Lads Army Edition
ITT: Describe masculinity of your country
I use this and shower gel to wash myself
The ROMAN man is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity
How do you go from this
This is an average city in Australia
/ita/ - Il Filo
Come to Sup Forums to discuss international culture
Why do Russians think of themselves as white?
/ex-ussr/ general
Look what we got here
2000年代初頭の日本 / Japan in the early 2000s
/fr/ - le fil /fr/ançais
This is salvini, the leader of lega nord,say something nice to him
Sverigetråden - Novemberupplagan
Remember nips
/rus/ - Russia and friends
His """language""" isn't mandatory curriculum in at least 3 countries outside of his own
/nederdraad/ /vlaanderendraad/
/tgsg/ - Traditional Grand Strategy General
Germany will help Ukrainians to be more tolerant towards refugees
Is being policeman in your country is prestigious ?
Ukrainians are honorary BLACK BULLS now. Fuck r*Ssians
Do this for your country
How much does pizza cost in your country?
November 1st, 2017
How rampant is homophobia in your country?
You wake up on Christmas Island
Imagine how powerful Greece would be if Turks didn't exist
Your cunt
I love Italy
Daily remember that the Americans killed 16 millions of Iraqis since the first Gulf War and some of them like him...
Why are Amerimutt mongrels so adorable?
Russian elections
Is breton the original language of france?
How can I improve my English...
Of those two, which one has the better culture/history?
Why are they so CUTE?!! I want to HUG them!!!!
I am westerboo I think
Why are we too kind?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Could he pass as a local in your cunt?
Chad pajeets are whiter than average Mediterranean
Kurva anyátok
What happened to indiachan? Indiafags here please tell me
Chinese and Koreans loves Japanese Cock
I really like the evolution of the goblin meme into somekind of lovecraftian imagery
Why are Russian girls SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute? :3
/balt/ + /ausnz/
I thought they were Mongoloids
Why are westaboos such hypocrites?
How do I know if I belong on Sup Forums or Sup Forums?
My GF has a hairy pussy
How many territorial disputes does poland have?
/fr/ - le bastion francophone
When you switch your lederhosen for a kilt
Co-worker (female) asks me how i know a lot about flags and countries
Most learned languages in Duolingo
As a japanese, who do you hate more: chinese or korean?
That fucking chair
I'm lost Sup Forums where does this go
/cum/ canada usa mexico
My titties are pink therefore im white
ITT: Post a country you want to visit, and anons from that country tell you whether it's worth visiting
Why does everyone in East Asia hate them?
Happy halloween, burgers of Sup Forums! It's the first of november there already, right?
This is inside a vagina
ITT: Prayers to Argentina and Belgium in light of todays event
Another Addirtion of the Edition Edition
Tfw didn't born in a first world country
How exactly do i get a russian gf?
Hilo latino /lat/
How many trick or treaters did you get? For me:
When you meet an American and the not even a minute into the chat they bring up their ancestral heritage
Ask a rich American who married a Japanese woman anything
Pre-Indoeuropean words
Fuck off. I'm not a Germanshit at all. My last name is Mantevoni, which literally translates to "Milan" in Italian...
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
French Police uses Sig-Sauer SP 2022 as official weapon. Specially designed for us. What do you think ?
ITT: we thank Australia for helping lay the foundations of Israel 100 years ago today
I'm shy. Which country can I go to where the girls will initiate the relationship?
An American enters the thread
Sup Forums thinks Ainus are a repressed "white" native group of Japan. Top kek
Why dont you like american cars?
I am a brown boy and I love fucking white bottoms and there is nothing any of you nerds can do about it...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Which are the most important countries based on power, influence, and history?
1. Your country
Post cute Apu's
Your country
It's November tomorrow
Be me, portuguese guy in America
Terror attack happens in europe
Terror in the City of NEW YORK
Why does this board talk about Sup Forums so much? No other board discusses another board quite so much
/cum/ canada usa mexico
Little kids are ringing the doorbell asking for candy
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
Let's have a thread about Brazil. Talk about anything, including the culture, people, food, landscape, lifestyles, etc!
Let's have one of these threads
Be American
Spy our president
Tfw from Kentucky
Is this accurate?
How did we go from this
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA how will white ppl recover???
America if you just had guns to protect yourself, this wouldn't have happened. :)
How is this gentleman seen in your country?
Why are Europeans celebrating holloween?
/fr/ - Le Fil Francophone
I’m thinking about moving to Chile
How is crossdressing perceived in your country?
/ein wahrer deutscher Mann/ auch bekannt als/deutsch/
I fucking hate Europeans
We European now
Dont call me european
Bernie Sanders
What russian food do you know instead of okroshka, bliny (puncackes) and caviar?
Mexico and Brazil have elections next year and left-wing populists are set to win both of them!
Americans dying AGAIN
Is Halloween in the US as comfy as the movies make it out to be...
Theres a lebanese other than me here
This is what the average Indian looks like
Map thread
They give us a room with the view of the beautiful Rhine
/AfD/, auch /deutsch/ genannt
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
Why does Sup Forums hate Americans so much?
Post your best 56% face
The population growth of Africa
Be Colombian
/cum/ canada usa mexico
WTF america
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Sup Forums in
1. Your country
Comparing these small ass European countries to big countries is so silly. For example...
Don't you ever forget that we were kings
/v4/ + other ex-commies
Sup Forums hates gays and feminists and progressives
What are you playing right now, INT?
Is this correct?
Why europe Overestimate china?
Mfw i see brown eyes
1) Your country
Reminder that L*ther was under demonic influence and now is eating his shit in the 6th circle of hell
Things that murikans obsess with but you just can't give a shit about
Explain this meme to me. Are we making fun of amerilards now?
Are there actual Japanese people on Sup Forums and /Jp/ or are they almost entirely American students in Japan and...
/ita/ - il filo
When I was a kid I though the world was a big happy place where everyone loved America and Americans and was eternally...
Why did Korean abandon kanji?
How do you scare off annoying children on Halloween in your country?
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
I hate niggers
Dear UK-anons
/ibe/ = /esp/ + /tuga/
Post average food from your country
American """""adults"""""
First written language
Multiculturalism doesn't wor-
Sverigetråden - Låliupplagan
Kurva anyátok
/deutsch/ + /jap/ - niedrige japanische Geburtenrate ausgabe
What's the best way to hit on Swedish girls?
Culture Pals - /cp/
Best EU year?
/Mena/ - مينا
/polska/ + /jp/
ITT: Letters in your language that foreigners always mispronounce
Are there any zimbabweans here?
With all love, why is Brazil such a bad country? I believe that even Russia, which for us seems quite primitive...
Why don't Catholics celebrate the Reformation?
Why doesn't israel create their own suez canal?
/deutsch/ ehemals /sommer/
What do you think of LGBT movement in your cunt??
Hello anons, how are you doing? I hope everything is well! I love you!
/fr/ - le fil de la France
T. /gsg/ - Traditional Grand Strategy General
Im back Sup Forums
Your spherical location
Sverigetråden - Ursvenska upplagan
Out of love for the truth and from desire to elucidate it, the Reverend Father Martin Luther...
Are Finns white?
Does tabasco belong on pizza?
Second world war:
Anime must be banned
Hilo Latino /lat/
Hi guys
/fr/ - le fil de la francophonie
Is there anywhere in the world where this is still commonplace in church?
Happy Reformation Day everybody
"American women are ugl-"
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Need to lose more weight, bros
1. Your cunt?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
With Jews, you lose
If you don't use this plug you don't live in a white country
Why are Eastern Europeans so racist?
Be 8/10 nip male
ITT: we discuss and celebrate Protestantism
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド Halloween ver
China YES!
It's decided guys... im going to move to japan. I can't stand this multicultural marxist shit full of degenerate sjw...
Daily Estonia thread! Today's topic is:
Happy shitposting day, Sup Forums! On this day...
Meme aside, Is that Polish new generation stealth main battle tank PL-01 A.K.A " The Black Death" a thing?
Is it illegal to view this image in your nation?
What will be the downfall of the Western world?
Attempt no. 2. No shitposting, serious international discussion only. Are ukrainians europeans or russians...
/rus/ - Russia and friends
When was the last time you saw someone with blue eyes and blonde hair in America?
Who are some foreigners you recognize behind other flags?
Are they russian or european? I just realized that I know nothing about Ukraine other than memes...
Most Valuable Brands in European Countries
What does your cunt think of Stalin??
Sunnis are better than shi-
Why do non-whites love Hitler so much?
Relative poverty and child poverty
Fuck kanji
Canada :3
Was he a bad leader. Do any Russians like him
Kurva anyátok
I'm here for the job interview
Browsing facebook
ITT: spooky legands from around the world
Have you ever been stung by a bee or a wasp?
Be me
Browse Sup Forums
What's the most ugly writing system in the world?
Theres too many blue pill threads about Serbs being based for killing a nigger. Facts:
/balt/ + /ausnz/
This fucking cow just won't stop mooing day and night
Iberia is Arab!
Why are south-american natives such ebin?
Who was in the wrong here?
How can i meet Native Americans?
/sino/ 中国
Why it's so easy for Brazilians to get girlfriends in Asia (or maybe only the white ones) but their diaspora here only...
Based kiwis putting a stop to the yellow man without forgetting to make exceptions for Bruce
Why isn't Australia attacked for not accepting migrants?
How do we fix Japan's fertility rate user?
Why sandniggers and pooniggers live in such shitty conditions?
I just discovered my girlfriend cheated on me
Start typing in English
What color eyes you got? Where you from?
The fuck France
Oh say can you see~
Whats your countries view of Trump?
Sum up your country in one image
Do non-Anglos eat battered and fried fish? With ketchup or vinegar? Please don't tell me they put mayonnaise on it
Hilo latino
How was your day today, friends?
Will they be remembered at all?
Tfw from kentucky
What does the typical rape alley looks like in your cunt?
Hello. Russian guy here. I moved to America few weeks ago. I do not have any cool skills. Not into programming...
/luso/ fio lusófono
/cum/ canada usa mexico
If white people are so superior, why they are set to become a minority in their own countries...
Monstrum appropinquat
/dixie/ - Southern US &
How is it living in Japan?
How do we solve the /chi/ problem?
ITT: Old flags that should've been the official flag
Would you rather live in:
Are Spaniards and Portuguese white?
/fr/ - le fil de la francophonie oui j'ai copié ceci du dernier fil et je vous emmerde
What music are you listening to right now?
/cum/ canada usa mexico
Handsome politicians
Tfw the nationalist movement of your country is full of low iq people and pro-monarchy cucks
Your cunt
World would be a better place without Anglos
I havn't been on Sup Forums for a couple years now. Is Benin posting still a thing?
Say something good about Brazil
Sverigetråden - Läskiga upplagan
Polish or Czech gf?
Is there possible a marriage between the queen of united kingdom and the king of spain? if so... it will be one country?
You are this guy and a tourist start to mock you
Boy, did Italy fuck up
Are Carthaginians white?
Tell me your stereotypes about italians
Are you a smart person or are you dumb dumb?
How do you greet immigrants in your country
Thank you Dutch people for popularizing and being the world top producer and exporter of brussels sprouts...
Be me, portuguese guy in japan
Tfw 2018 in two months and one day
Let's pretend it's proven that Russia intervened in the American elections, what could happen? war...
Life in China
Culture Pals /cp/ gen thread
What do germans think about the tv channel Arte? Do they watch it a lot? What generations watch it?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...