When will Russia pay for its crimes against the Circassian people? Up to this very day...

When will Russia pay for its crimes against the Circassian people? Up to this very day, they deny the genocide they committed.

>paying for any of the crimes they have commit throughout their long, heinous history

take of all russia's gas and other natural resources, it would still not be enough to pay for 1% of the crimes against humanity they have commit throughout history, and still commit on a yearly basis

russia is the personification of evil, of pestilence, of jealousy, of greed, of wrath, of lust, of degeneracy

fuck circassian, german, georgian, ukrainian, polish, finnish, chechen """"""""""""""""""""""""""people"""""""""""""""""""""""""""

This, but unironically.

You should have thanked the.based.buk
Your loved ones would still be alive
I wold murder babies if russia gave me the order

Soon Chechnya, Circassia and Georgia will rid of the Russian swine from the Caucasus!


More like all you subhumans will immigrate to northern europe and your home countries will be empty wastelands

When they commit them for real

LOL even if we left 100 families back home the population would increase to 1 million in a couple of years. Russians however will quickly die out due to HIV, Drugs and alcoholism. Face it Ivan, you are a dying "people".


Russia can always kill some roaches

You all look like a product of incest between to chimps. If there would be only 100 families you will look like pigs with 3 arms and hoofs

An inbred Mongol rape baby accuses others of being Inbred, LEL.

As long as Putin sucks Chechen dick you wont be able to do anything.


We never commited genocide. We just kill people who openly oppose us from time to time. Kids, women and elderly rarely fight back so they generally stay unharmed.

>inbred mongol
I understand that for such a subhuman like you understanding of meaning is a difficult thing but at least to do it next time. You look like a mix between a chimp and a ass that was converted into human like form. The best thing your subhuman race can do is to take children as hostages
More like average georgian subhuman with black eyebrows cucked by turks

I am amazed that a inbred Mongol rape baby like you know how to type in English.

Pic related are true Russians aryans n shiet.

When will Brazil pay for crimes agains native population? Fuck you monkey.

Something made by Romanovs have nothing to do with us. They treated native Russians no better, even worse compared to Germans, Finns and Ukrainians for example. Don't get me wrong, I don't blame those nationalities but that just makes no sence. We wwuz slave n shiet. It is like blaming Afro-Americans for slavery or North for the Southern crimes.

The home of Romanovs could've apologized for their ancestors though. I'd love to hear that. Not like I care reaaly.

That must be Ukraine, not Russia. Same with the Siberians. Moscow and petersburg used Cossacks to clean the way.

Except stupid hairstyle and cheap clothes these people look pretty normal. And this is how your subhuman tribe looks like.

I amazed a subhuman like understand what is internet and can communicate with me and can even cherry pick images on the internet. I would post a few of your photos here but I would be instantly banned for posting bestiality

There is a big possibility that those three fucked your mom, Ivan. I mean Putins policy is that all russians should bend over and take the Chechen cock. Why argue over the internet? just look at your president as an example and say "Chechnya kruto".

I am also amazed that pigs evolved to learn how to handle a computer. I am very proud of you.

>There is a big possibility that those three fucked your mom, Ivan
Wow high quality posting here.

When you will drive into a crowd in Sweden, can you leave a note with 'sup Sup Forums' written on it, that would be hilarious.

>t. Guaraní genocider

>Performance in ethnic minority republics differs dramatically. Many of the Turkic and Finno-Ugric regions, such as Tatarstan, Komi, Chuvashia, and Karelia did well; however, Mari El is a big exception. The Buddhist peoples of Asia, such as Chita oblast (now merged intoZabaykalsky Krai) and the Sakha Republic, performed relatively poorly, as did the Muslim North Caucasus region of Dagestan. Extrapolating from Dagestan, Chechnya would probably score around 400, i.e. like Brazil.
You seem like don't understand how an amazing an average chimp like creature you. There should be an nobel prize like award for you, praising you for your relative success in understanding of how a computer works

You will have to thank Putin and his Overlord Kadyrov for that.

>When you will drive into a crowd in Sweden
He's not a fan of Islam, he's just butthurt because you say shit about Chechens. Pretty natural. We had a normal conversation several days ago, it made me want to know more about Chechens, maybe I was misjudging them all the time.

In 2007, 83% of HIV infections in Russia were registered among IDUs, 6% among sex workers, and 5% among prisoners.[12] - though as of 2010 the share of IDUs had gone down to ca. 70%.[13] In 2007, 93.19% of adults and children with advanced HIV infection were receiving antiretroviral therapy.[14][15] The official number of registered HIV-infected people — 703,781 (22 November 2012)[16]

Russia is probably the worst country there is on earth.
Centuries of living in shitty climate made them hate the world and lose any form of basic humanity.
Hypocrisy is pouring out of every pore of Putin's skin, and still he get 80% approval ratings.
They say hate imperialism but they work actively toward their goal.
They use the behavior of America as an excuse for their heinous project toward the world.
Instead of letting people of the world decide their future for themselves, they try to influence and weaken them for a marginal improvement of Russian interests.
When confronted with the obvious reality of their action, their only argument is "America does worse"

>he's just butthurt because you say shit about Chechens
>will rid of the Russian swine
Well, first he posts about Russian swines, than he butthurts because we say shit about Chechens. Pretty retarded.

Win with love.

t. Justin

Aren't those guys muslims anyway?

>Two Russians say "fuck Chechen"
>gets butthurt when called a swine after being a cunt

Please treat them nicely..
Unpaid and unproxified Sup Forums Russian posters are a rare occurrence, we don't want to make the flee.

Are you the same guy that accused Chechens of starting the Russo-Chechen wars?


>a chimp can understand graphs
Wonderful! We will make millions by showing you in circus where an usual viewer wouldn't even guess what type of creature you are.

I'm the one you called polite.

no one even knows anything about that ethnic group so no one cares

Its better in France, where you get beaten and raped by blacks and arabs, right?

> Gets a graph from a blog named "JayMans"
Huehueheu Chechniz dont understand graphs huehue we Ruskies are more intellegent n shiet

Getting ass beat by Arabs and blacks in France VS Getting ass beat by Chechens in Russia.

Except Russians actually fight back. Unlike Swedes who either bend over and take it or lies down and cries like babies.

Don't be so mad. At least you kind a smart enough to migrate from your region and live in a different country where nobody will stop their larping
You guys don't fight anyone. If you go outside it's always there entire pack of you and you afraid of every shadow because le ebil fascist, fsb and police. Aside from Moscow your asses are getting handed to you everywhere and you can do shit because you have absolutely no power outside of moscow and chechnya

I am chechen cyka blyat fuck putin chechen stronk

Dont kidd yourself Ivan, if you had the chance to move from your shitty village in bumfuck Siberia then you would take the chance. I live in Sweden because i came here as a refugee when i was a kid.

"Chechens are no fighters"
>Fights alone against one of the biggest countries in the world
>some of Russias best MMA fighters, Boxers and Wrestlers are Chechens.
>Implying that fascists have any power and that they do anything but attack little kids.

I'm ok here. There no subhumans like you and I know there would never be any of them in my city.

Are you retarded? We have quotas for you subhumans. You always lose qualification fights but you are chosen anyway because it would be offensive to admit that a violent monkey can't even fight

How can you call someone subhuman, Igor.
Don't you think that's a bit ironic.

Dont flatter yourself, there are barerly any Chechens in Russia (outside of the Caucasus). Most of the non-Russians are Armenians, Tajiks and Tatars who mix with your people.

quotas? are you fucking degenerate? why am i even asking? of course you are. Look at the MMA scene in Russia, look at the Champions in M1, ACB, WFCA and Fight Nights, tell me who the champs are.

Chechens are subhumans

I agree with that

Humans > Dog shit > Horse shit > Russians >>>>>>>>>> Chechens

>mixed arts
Who the fuck watch that shit outside of subhumans like you and women? I though we were talking about boxing. I don't give a shit about it because it's like a special Olympic for losers who couldn't do well in traditional sports.
Yeah , it's a bit ironic that people who conquered half of africa can't even go for a stroll in paris or marseille at night

>Implying MMA is not traditional sports
How retarded are you? have you heard of Pankration? Dumbass. Chechens have many great Boxers too who represent Russia.

chechens and russians look exactly the same, which makes this hilarious

Du har inget med detta att göra Åke. Lägg dig inte i. :P

>chechens and russians look exactly the same

You obviously never went to France. You prefer to watch the propagande on Poccya 1 like a nice little Putin lapdog would do.
>Putin owns half the asset in Russia
>Don't care as long as he makes me warm and fuzzy inside.

We look nothing like pigs.

>chechens and russians look exactly the same

Never heard of it. I know there was one but he didn't continue to fight after the Olympic.
Yeah like a swede and a finn
I was there and it fucking stinks. Moreover I unironically thought that it's all russian propaganda but Paris fucking full of niggers and they are everywhere. Will never go there again
He is right. An average chechen look like a pig with a head shape of an ass and a brain and a body of a chimp.

Pic related is a typical Russian.

don't insult us pl0x

> Look at the MMA scene in Russia, look at the Champions in M1, ACB, WFCA and Fight Nights, tell me who the champs are.

our lads are creating IT and scientific masterpieces while your subhumans are beating each other

why wont you go back to your shithole

These brave heroes killed a Russian cuck, you should be grateful Ivan.

thats so gay

aoh shit wrong pic m8
here you go

AHAHAHAH, Im sorry, the image of inbred drunk Russian pigs creating "scientific Masterpieces" just got me XD.

Think you got the wrong pic m8, this one is more appropriate.

when another chechen commits terrorist act, don't forget to tell everyone he was CHECHEN, not RUSSIAN.

Really tired of you and other post-soviet scum criminals posing as "russians" in Europe.

Dont worry, your prostitute sisters are doing a great job of representing Russia in Europe.

Uhm yes ukrainians posing as russians... ok.

And chechen girls are not allowed to leave home at all, hmmm

Stop blaming the Ukrainians for your degeneracy, Chechen girls stay at home because they are not whores like Natalia. They marry Chechen men and are faithful while Russia is the capital of Abortions in Europe.

> likes "spirituality"

> keeps living in world gay capital

ok иca

I would rather live in "gay" Sweden then the degenerate, HIV capital of the world Russia.

Be happy that Putin pays tribute to Chechen or else your little piglet sons would be forced to fight in Chechnya and die.

> I would rather live in "gay" Sweden then the degenerate, HIV capital of the world Russia.

Well, you can live in grozny hehe

> Be happy that Putin pays tribute to Chechen or else your little piglet sons would be forced to fight in Chechnya and die.

Only people chechens can kill are hostages.

So basically in 1995 we had whole world thinking about poor chechen freedom fighters and their struggle against ebil russia.

And what do we see now?

Concentration camp for gays, terrorist attacks, criminal diaspora (especially in Austria), sharia law, main source of ISIS combatants from Russia.

hehe, it's 1:1 now. We are both ebil now in the eyes of "international community."

Keep working on your image, it was a good job chechens!

Lmao international fightings are funny and entertaining to watch

We dont have Gays in Chechnya, lel.

Dont worry Ivan, there will be a third war and we will Secede from the degenerate Russia.

I have to go now bye

>chechnya kruto xd
>kadyro overlord of putin xDD
>posted from 1st world western country

