I fucking hate Europeans

I fucking hate Europeans


Why tho

I hate Russians.

I love all countries, because they bring a uniquely beautiful note to the song that is the world.

I suck cocks.

>be yurop
>conquer the entire world
>never manage to conquer a country that is right next to you

wtf i love russia now

really or figuratively?




I spend too much time ehre so not sure anymore.


You’re European though

How do you know, he might live in the Asian part

no you dont

Haceлeниe: 5 281 579[4] (2017) чeл. Caнкт-Пeтepбypг — caмый ceвepный в миpe гopoд c нaceлeниeм бoлee oднoгo миллиoнa чeлoвeк. Cpeди гopoдoв, пoлнocтью pacпoлoжeнных в Eвpoпe, Caнкт-Пeтepбypг являeтcя тpeтьим пo нaceлeнию, a тaкжe пepвым пo чиcлeннocти житeлeй гopoдoм, нe являющимcя cтoлицeй[13].

>euro delusions

Who cares, not like wanted to visit the commie shit hole anyways.

Why middle Asia and Transcaucasia are green if this map doesn't consider Russia as a European country???

>europeans trying to conquer lands that already have guns

It doesn't work Ivan, they can only shoot natives with spears

And now the browns are colonising us since we yuros (collectively) don't have guns.