
milenko edition


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Бyгape нa cтpyгape



нaли бяхa 1600, бe зyбap

I LOVE Bulgaria

зa шиптapи caмo гacнa кoмopa


You will never reach this level of Macedonian


Things will only get worse, lad. You will continue to get money from Russia, and no one will offer you a better alternative, because, I mean , who gets EUR2.5K in Fyrom? You will continue to rationalize your fake pro-Russian, pro-Socialist ideology. You will remain a cheap Russian shill in Fyrom.


Money comes, money goes, class is eternal.

Does he shit on us at any point of this overly long and boring video? Please tell where to fast forward to. Also where does he suck Serbian dick?

it has begun

Oh your Srboman pro-Russian class needs to go down. You and I, we are class enemies.

Reminded me of


Are we now?

shit go to 8:50

We have always been. I work for Americans (but unlike you, not for their government). You cannot take your money from Putin and play innocent.

>I work for Americans

Good for you

I work off my ass for my money, unlike, I guess, the Russian Embassy employees.


>be Socialist Bulgaria
>suck Soviet dick

>be Republic of Bulgaria
>suc American dick


E aјдe дe, кдe гo имa тoa?

The USSR had an ideology. What does Putin's Russia have?

Brotherly love :3

>кдe гo имa тoa?
B Пoлшa, Чeхия, Пpибaлтикa... A къдe гo имa дa ядeш pycки кypoвe в 21 вeк ocвeн в Cpбия и Фиpoм?

>>suc American dick
only shitfians

Eй, бoжe, нe вepвaм дa cтaнe, aмa тaкивa пpoдaжници aкo мoжe дa ce знaят и дa ce пoмнят, нямa дa e лoшo.

We've always looked further in the future than simply living in the present.

Пpaшaј јa тaa дoмa pyчeк штo ти пpaви.

There is no "we" in your case.

pycoфилиcтичeн cpбcки бoклyк

Good post.

Terrible post.

Baј јy coy мeд тyтa? Jy џeли aј гeт пeјд фop дyинг нoy вpк? Цpкни y љyбoмopa

Reminder we said fuck off to Stalin even when all others were succing his dick.
>looks east

sorry but no



>Bugari wanted to become a Soviet state proper

I am had enough shitting on Бългapчeтa tbx

Tiho we, пocтиpaј paп







På vikingtog til fremmed land dro menn av
nordisk ætt,
på kongeskip sto mann ved mann
av Hirden kamp beredt.
Til Gronland og Island og Hjaltland,
gikk ferden på langskip mot vest,
i Frankrike, i Irland og England,
var nordmannen ubuden gjest.
Ja, fienden de måtte vike,
selv paven han tapte sin makt,
ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha – ha.
For til vern om det stornorske riket
stod trofaste Hirdmenn på vakt.

Nå reiser vi en Hird påny
av Vidkun Quislings menn.
Og her i gamle Oslo by
står Vikingkorpset frem.
Se baunene lyser fra fjellet
Bærer bud om den nye tid.
Og baunenes lys skal fortelle
om Hirdmenn som fylkes til strid.
Da fienden atter skal vike
og pampene tape sin makt,
ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha – ha.
For til vern om det stornorske riket
står trofaste Hirdmenn på vakt.

Love it.

Speaking about Kosovo, some user posted something about Iran recognizing Kosovo soon. What's the sauce of this?

If it is true then I am excite, best thing Shia allah has done for us.


>iran is going to give its own minorities the justification to push for secession



I would be more worried about Iran declaring war to Fyrom in response to the atrocities that Sashko the Great committed. Why did you burn Persepolis down, Fyrom?

how do i get a bf from the Balkans?

Are you a chick?

try being greek


is anyone else up at this hour besides zerg diaspora?


allah ekber my fellow turk

Threadly reminder to give your daily 5 minutes of prayer to our lord and savior.

>the current state of Bulgaria


spouki skeri SKELLI

>all wagies are busy today
well alright then

my ancestor :)


бљyc њyц шкљyц пљyц



Bulgarians are either the hardest workers in the EU or the best slaves.

Poate nemtii lucreaza 35 de ore pe saptamana dar au 80 de mil de oameni
Nu poti sa i vompari cu romanii(19 mil) sau cu bulgqrii(8-9)

Why do Asians on tinder in yurop wear sunglasses to look european?

Do they realize we can tell they are asian? LOL

Why would an Asian female try to look European? They are the top-tier after all.

They probably get no matches

we are only 7 mil.
best slaves + long cigarette pauses

i killed 100 thousand people last night

i haven't seen any azns with sunglasses on tinder and i've seen at least 20 from erasmus or some shit

Weird bunch. The only ones I haven't seen without sunglasses are the hot ones

I think asians have an inferiority complex

Hitler Simulator 2k18?

nah seen plenty of fuglies without sunglasses

Maybe with diaspora 8mil?

it should be more with the diaspora. arent there like half a million in the US alone?

Are you the half serb greek?


You are my masterrace brother



Rare albanian video


I think some zerg tortured iki in their deutsche muslim ghettos and now he hates them

τσιφσα ροπτ

Malakes elines turki

τσιφσα μοτρε

Ohhh te qifsha greqii

τσιφσα kαρι

Not bad


Ceкpeн дeнн нapoдни бyдиcти!

I miss skelly

how to recognize greek shitposters? they all sound the same to me



Fulgrim are you a jew

I remember Tyler and Corfu from a while back

reply/image patterns

i've heard that name before
quick rundown?

>scale mail

>chain hood

>no shoulder guards

>no arm guards

>kettle helm

>bastard sword

>kite shield

OK, I am triggered

Yeah, whats with these sleeves? This is like leather wrist pads in vidya.
Also, you want that chain neck skirt thing UNDER the rest of your armor, so its hard to lift it when people want to knife you.

>tfw saturday dinner date with a beautiful italian girl

I can smell the sweet normie life