Why are Russian girls SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute? :3

Why are Russian girls SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute? :3

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Slavic and Finnic racemix

Finnic are ugly as hell though.

Asians are also ugly (inb4 >implying) and yet when you mix them with Dutch they're beautiful

Why do Russian women like to wear stockings so much? Not that I'm complaining.

Fashion... It's FUCKING FASHION.

99% of Russian men died so the qt women were mated extensively

So cute, but so shy.

Who is she?

whore culture

Polina Tikhonko

Woah, those chairs sure look dangerous!

It's pretty cold down here nine months a year. So when they wear skirts they usually put thick stockings under them.
Then again they wear stockings under pants as well.

They don't

>tfw your country gets no slavic immigrants just ugly poos and chinks and poms

You're far away.

Slavic girls are cute in general


They're godly

another question is how are russian males the opposite of that? very average looking or deformed like pic related

very rude

we slavs are most beautiful people on earth, its simple

I-im sorry. maybe internet just gives me the wrong perception.


They do it in Cuba too, but sadly they have ugly patterns on them.

but weren't their ancestors raped by mongols? that's not very good breh


It's just old meme

>6/10 average girl

Are slav women and italian men a match made in heaven? It sure seems that way to me 2bh familia

>polluting Roman gene pool with Mongoloid shit

Stop right there Vichenzo.

Russians are ugly as fuck

>not sharing my masterrace genes with the rest of the world
I would never be so selfish user

they melt like wax once they hit the 20s

Those girls would suck all day long on nigger dick if it would mean getting out of Eastern Europe and you know it.

Couldn't agree more

Do they love Japanese men?

lol damage control

Honestly speaking I think te because they just don’t care about their own health and appearance. You give that man good manners, a brand new set of teeth, a shower, nice clothes and haircut and he’d be decent.

This, slavs make god tier dilfs imo.

They are hideous inside

I want to see her inside.

there are many race traitors there? i tought uyou were free from that disease

>i tought uyou were free from that disease
niggers are rare therefore considered exotic here. Even if you're an ugly nigger you'll get decent girl here simply becasue you're "exotic"

same here

>italian men
you mean those brown manlets?


>that woman does not look decent though

I did not mean to greentext

she went to UK to find a nigger

>Check her yt channel
>both videos are gone

lmao butthurt beta cuck detected
I am 1.84, more than enough to attract any slav girl I want

I live in Kraków, which is considered student city, during school year about 200k of people arrive to the city, there are couple blacks on my uni and they all have white girlfriends.
Those blacks aren't 190cm, 10%bf Jamal type, their skinnyfat niggers who'd be considered ugly/bottom average in the west yet here they usually have a qt with them.
not memeing or race baiting, if you want to have a qt just be black here and one will come to you.

Those are incredibly irrelevant numbers, who gives a shit. Would you rather have millions of niggers in your country so they are not seen as exotic anymore? lol

>I am 1.84, more than enough to attract any slav girl I want
kek no mario, you are too short comparing to a white man

>implying I have not banged countless slav women already
unlike you I get out of my house once in a while user, but keep being butthurt that no girl wants to get near your tiny smelly mongol dick

>niggers are rare therefore considered exotic
consedering the demographty of the world, white men are the exotics ones desu

>tfw no Polynesian or Native American girlfriend

yeah, we all know shitalians are the best fuckers on imageboards

I want to marry my gf.

>of the world
im talking about Poland. We are 99,8% white. Niggers are considered rare here.

Russian girls is poor and they want money. They love fashion because they want wealthy man and can suck a cock.

>Those blacks aren't 190cm, 10%bf Jamal type, their skinnyfat niggers who'd be considered ugly/bottom average in the west yet here they usually have a qt with them.
same here, only american black are huge and are bigger because they were bread to be strong and only the strongest survive dutring slavery. Here you have all type of blacks, the most common is average guy with averague musculature, different from the us


>I am 1.84, more than enough to attract any slav girl I want

thats why you are posting on Sup Forums instead of doing it?

Some muricas like Russian girls, but their corn babes aren't worse.

what makes you think you can't do both?

common sense

>I want to marry my gf.
Post more

sounds to me like you are massively projecting here. Sup Forums is full of people who have a gf or have casual sex constantly. Your idea that this is a "muh sekrit club for losers" is, again, your own made-up ideal. Even /r9k/ has a good number of people who are not virgins ffs.
Sorry to disappoint you user, but there's no reason to be butthurt about the fact I am successful with women unless you are a jealous beta.


>tfw russian gf

feels good man

>sounds to me like you are massively projecting here

how? i am not one spending hours on Sup Forums telling people how i can get any girl i want

> Your idea that this is a "muh sekrit club for losers" is, again, your own made-up ideal. Even /r9k/ has a good number of people who are not virgins ffs.

strawman, i have never hinted even close to this

>Sorry to disappoint you user, but there's no reason to be butthurt about the fact I am successful with women unless you are a jealous beta.

your entire post reads like satire and i hope it is one

For Southern Slav girl you are a manlet. Average height in Dinaric alps (Serbia,Croatia,Bosnia,Slovenia,Montenegro) is 185.4 cm women will not date anyone below that

What would you know abouth height... you're a chink.

most of thread about russia on every board in this site turn around their women. sad !

too many sexually frustrated guys

judging from all the southern slav girls I fucked that is not the case, but keep deluding yourself "we wuz giants n shiet"

>how? i am not one spending hours on Sup Forums telling people how i can get any girl i want
I merely pointed out slave women and italian men make great couples. Then you butthurt virgins started claiming it's not possible because "muh height" so I had to use my own experience to show you that you were wrong about that. I have never made this about me until you started attacking me personally.
>strawman, i have never hinted even close to this
You have hinted at the fact people posting here means they can't be successful with women. So yeah you have hinted at it.
>your entire post reads like satire and i hope it is one
I see that you have no arguments and you are just shitposting now so bye bye butthurt virgin

>I am successful with women unless you are a jealous beta.
the typical agenda of any type of brown shits from turks to italians - 'I fuck girls, look at me, mehmet is succesful, and you are not'

m8, most people have sexual relationships, it's normal, but when brown subhuman like you comes here and tells how a white woman let him touch her pussy once it's just pathetic, stop doing it anymore and maybe someday people will respect you disregarding you are inferior sandnigger.


Every single Asian and nerd is obsessed with Russian women. That's more than half of the entire male population of the world and there are only 70 million Russian women left.

>I merely pointed out slave women and italian men make great couples. Then you butthurt virgins started claiming it's not possible because "muh height" so I had to use my own experience to show you that you were wrong about that. I have never made this about me until you started attacking me personally.

I have never talked about that though, are you schizoprenic, unable to understand simple sentence or just straight up stupid?

>You have hinted at the fact people posting here means they can't be successful with women

Nope, those are your baseless accusations

Someone who is succesful with women has no need to go to great lenghts to convice people how many women he gets to fuck, i just came to this thread and it was funny to me you chimping out

>I see that you have no arguments and you are just shitposting now so bye bye butthurt virgin

2/3 of posts mentioning virgnity, are you insecure about your lack of experience with women perhaps?

>the typical agenda of any type of brown shits from turks to italians - 'I fuck girls, look at me, mehmet is succesful, and you are not'
I am not successful because I fuck girls you fucking mongoloid pea brain, I fuck girls because I am successful, big difference. And again I didn't brag about it until you forced me by calling me a brown manlet, when I merely pointed out italian men and slav women make great couples. You're only showing how insecure you are.
>but when brown subhuman like you comes here and tells how a white woman let him touch her pussy once it's just pathetic
I am whiter than you will ever be, Gengis.
> stop doing it anymore and maybe someday people will respect you disregarding you are inferior sandnigger.
I have literally only mentioned that I am successful with women because of how butthurt you were at the general idea that italian men have sex with slav women and kept going "b-bb-but you are brown m-manlet"

slavic girls are degenerate whores who are quite literally the biggest gold diggers that exist. They would do anything to escape their shithole russian country which is understandable, but they are still disgusting bydlo inbred mongol rape babies

>I have never talked about that though, are you schizoprenic, unable to understand simple sentence or just straight up stupid?
You are just shitposting at this point, fuck off nigger
>>Someone who is succesful with women has no need to go to great lenghts to convice people how many women he gets to fuck, i just came to this thread and it was funny to me you chimping out
Maybe read the whole thread instead of attacking me for only one post and you'll see why I said what I said. I was told by a butthurt virgin that I can't fuck russian women because "italians are brown manlets", so I answered the accusation by explaining my experience and the fact I am not a manlet.
>2/3 of posts mentioning virgnity, are you insecure about your lack of experience with women perhaps?
lmao you can believe that if it makes you feel better, the fact remains you are just a butthurt beta mad as fuck I have more success than him with women from his own country. Stay forever assblased


> I am whiter than you will ever be
> this coming from mario
m8, I bet you are barely could be distinguished from a turk, like 100% other shitalians

you just have this typical fixation on 'I fuck girls'-thing, mario, like every single shitskin in this world, so stop excuse yourself

>lemon faces and random insults
>not triggered at all

brown guys coming here and bragging how they can fuck any white girl is getting pretty old though

> you are just a butthurt beta mad as fuck I have more success than him with women from his own country.

damn, are you actually not able to write full sentence without buzzwords everywhere? you sound like Sup Forums parody

>you just have this typical fixation on 'I fuck girls'-thing, mario, like every single shitskin in this world,
that's not being a shitskin, that's being a straight man you fucking homo
>m8, I bet you are barely could be distinguished from a turk, like 100% other shitalians
sure thing Yao-Ming Smirnoff, I bet you are totally white as snow

Why are Russian boys SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute? :3

tbqh CR7 is fucking right, he just rents the uterus of a 10/10, impregnates it, get rid of the woman and keeps the children.

>literally prostitutes: the country
>complaining about foreign men fucking their women
>complaining about others being brown
and I am the Sup Forums parody?
Everything is ok user, when your sister comes home tonight and tells you "yeah Mario is only a friend" you can proudly believe her because she would never, and I repeat NEVER fuck a brown italian manlet

Anyone know the name of this girl? google search only redirect to some random Russian forums

you are making shit up then arguing against yourself, you should really limit time you spend on Sup Forums, maybe the brain damage is not permanent

yeah its my gf

Cristiano Ronaldo uses American wombs to create his little gypsies clones.

meant for

you alright pedro

russian is kawaii language

you are trying too hard to shitpost now, it's not even worth giving you (you)s anymore when you pretend to be illiterate and functionally retarded

based BLACK bull