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I drive

Aкo пoмниш бях мoмчeтo oт Плoвдив , къдeтo cвъpших 3 пъти ;) Aз cъм 180cм виcoк :)

anyone know this girl?

looking for big titted hottie and she seems to fit the bill, but I'm hesitant.


two great steppe warrior leaders

Bulgaria needs better relations with our Magyar brothers

пpaшaј гo мoмчeтo oт плдoвдив кoeтo cвъpши 3 пъти

By today's heteronormative judeochristian standards yes, they were total faggots.


guys how do i turn this hideous halloween page layout in chrome?

change the style at the bottom right of the page newfag

oh yeah, thanks

im used to browsing in firefox and i just change it in view options



kek, you can say that again

>дaвaш ли дa тe чyкaт гpyбичкo кaтo кypвa c пляcкaнe пo зaдникa,oпъвaнe нa кocaтa , бyтaнe в гъpлoтo ,чyкaнe в ycтaтa и гoвopeнe нa мpacoтии.Tъpcя cи жeнa зa тaкъв ceкc

Yeah, she's working for the CDC, testing new venereal diseases

bulgarian sounds so innocent and childish

it's like an old villager from a kids fairytale cartoon trying to talk dirty

where is your holiday spirit, make?
i feel terribly bored...
last year I was invited on helloween party (my first)
drank expensive cognac and wine in a big maisonette near NDK, nice stuff
this year - nothing, friends didn't want to go out even for a beer
or at least that's what they said.

why is bulgarian so hilarious

here it's just like every other day

the costumes and party stuff is reserved for the 1st of april

i didn't go last year obviously because dressing up in costumes is embarrassing

When is Bulgaria going to legalize brothels and all that crap

Looking for greekbro

i thought it is legal there?

Hello senpai, may wise anime bless your path

I want to slaughter amerisharts

Mлaди и пpeкpacни aзијaткињи ce изeбaни oд иcкycни мaжи, кoи знaaт кaкo ce eбe нeиcкycнa дeвoјкa. Гeнг бeнг cцeнa: чeтвopицa цpнци pacтypaaт нeжнa aзијaткa, двaјцa вo ceндвич a дpyгитe двaјцa кypиштaтa и ги бyтaaт вo ycтa. Дpyгa ceквeнцa кoгa paзpaбoтeнoтo пичe нa жeнcкaтa пpимa двa кypa иcтoвpeмeнo. Лyдницa. Cлeди двa кypa вo пичкa a тpeтиoт вo aнyc и тoa мoжe ce paзбиpa. Имa и чeтвpт вo ycтa! Двe aзијaтки мy ги нyдaт ycлyгитe нa eбaчoт, шиpeјќи ги пичињaтa зa дa гo пpимaт дeбeлиoт кyp. Opгии,пyшeњe, aнaлни cцeни, cвpшyвaњe пo лицe, cвpшyвaњe нaдвop oд пичкaтa зa дa пoтoa и гo нaчyкa внaтpe.


Selling sex is
Pimping and brothels aren't (on paper)

why do you need to legalize it?
just open alo.bg, pick a whore and enjoy your STD
we weren't dressed per se, we just got drunk,
some even practiced their pussy-grabbing skills (but not me)

2 gypsies

if hungarians are gypsies, then id rather be a gypsy than a wh*Toid serboman subhuman

I'll be damned this is quite cheap

>1 чac 200лв + 20 тaкcи

Sad thing is that people don't even mention that Metaxas was an awesome fascist.

When are you moving to Shitfia?

>20 тaкcи
пo-дoбpe caм дa cи ги дoкapaм и зaкapaм, дeeбa.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Fidesz. The political motivations are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical demagoguery most of the decisions will go over a typical voter’s head. There’s also Orban’s authoritarian outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Stalinism, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these policies, to realise that they’re not just good- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Fidesz truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Orbán’s existential catchphrase “Állítsuk meg Brüsszelt,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Hitler's fight against the soviets. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Orbán Viktor’s genius wit unfolds itself in their newspapers. What fools.. how I pity them.

>пaлaвa пиcaнкa


listen to serbo-croat, makke and bulgar and tell what each one sounds like to you, like what do they sound like in comparison and all that, can you even tell them appart? come on give us your opinion on our shkljav languages


>zdraveite sladuri

Penis vaginae lupus est.


molto bene

>Price per hour: 50 BGN

All sound same

>tfw I got schooled by my too intelligent coworker on his thesis that we are barely 6 million, we ammount to nothing and that he hates his country

When the RaHoWa comes nu-males like him are the first to go. Sure we aren't one of the big boys but why is he a self-hating faggot

are there not hooker sites where you can search by cupsize?

I'm just looking for some big tits

>здpaвeй, cкyчнo ли ти e???

Would you as a virgin act shy in front of a 40+ year old woman that wanta young inexperienced dick and has already paid me to get one?
You could go to a different one later but it would cost you. You can pretend and act it out, men dont have hymen or any other indictor of virginity appart from being scared or cumming too fast

What's awesome about being a run of the mill 3rd world dictator?

No idea why they haven't added it as an option

Do they stop once you cum or do they honor the time

moras se vratiti do /ex-yu/
tu sme samo alfa muskarci

da mastio are da viknesh nekoq ot po-vuzrastnite kolejki staa li

Necu, tamo su debili veci od vas

Is he a lolbertarian?

Valgarian sounds a bit more refined.
And gay.

answer the question you motherless bastards

>tfw too poor to attract thai hookers

It's a retarded question

>implying money=attraction and not looks

so when you cum, they stop
unless you cum so fast, that they can't reject you
they behave like snakes and will try to milk more cash
if you want to do something extra, she will tell you - we didn't agree to that and ask for more money
you have to always remember that they are whores and have no feelings for you,
they are probably praying to god that you cum faster
i know, cause I paid 150 BGN to one whore in Stara Zagora

Literally two selyak dialects and bulgarian.

Oh. So the best course of action is to slow down a bit for a minute or 3 and not take it out

Purvoto video nema nikakvo audio, idiot

Not really he identifies as an anarchist. I asked him what kind of anarchist and I told him that there were different types of anarchism and it was fucking clear he heard them for the first time.. He's just a faggot who hates himself and tries to be the eternal contrarian

How many euros is one bgn

>he thinks he can delay it

the polish anthem is a trillion times superior to the cheap yugoshit copy


Dai oshte

>call on the phone
>ask for the services you want
>ask what it will cost
Is it that hard?

1 € = 2 BGN

in my diasporaling opinion:

bulgarian sounds way more poetic and soft, reminds me of how russian sounds in that sense, it sounds like it rolls off the tongue easier

servo-croatian reminds me of gheg albanian a lot - everything is pronounced very "harshly", exactly as written, and words dont seem to be tonal at all nor change pitch often. and i cant tell the difference between servo-croat and mk

I just now realised that its the same melody

Not delay, cum but slow down and keep it in. Sure everything is going to collapse and you will take it out, but you do get extra 10 minutes.
Or just think about something horrible or embarresing from life that bums you out. It can buy you some short time.
How much do they charge for their ass

Same as our konvertable mark. 150 is nothing for a whore, here you get a fat old one for 100 and its disgusting. All the good whores are sold elsewhere. If bosnia had a decent whorehouse there would never be a war here

they are always trying to cheat
i know most of you are masutrbating to the thought of trying it someday, but seriously - this is not safe...
every whore has her pricelist
some won't do anal

thanks for the input bros

yes i have trouble with the audio in that one too, i have to mess around with my headphones to get it right, i noticed it too late

thanks, very interesting observation, i feel similarly as someone who understands both BG and SR-CR, i have no opinion on MK since it's neutral to me

>If bosnia had a decent whorehouse there would never be a war here
Fucking leld

kek, finally skopje has some competition in the balkans

>a diaspora
>and on top of that a literal reditor
You are the worst

kek that's how lolbertarians start off. Introduce Ayn Rand to him. He will become 10 times edgier

albania is one of the most redpilled reddits, they make fun of fags and constantly post nazi propaganda


You do realize we shiposted about Tirana bike lanes before?

This is giving me unironical bloodlust. I am literally one step away from making it my life's purpose to exterminate the Tiranian race.

>Ceкcи мaцкa нa 21гoдини, пpeдлaгa интимнa кoмпaниянa плaтeжocпocoбни гocпoдa

What's fressh?

some kind of socialist youth wing or some shit

t. jealous provincial who bikes in mud

hahahahah marry this one

it's the first hooker who can write hahahahahah

you can keep the kid

My mountain bike costs more than your house.

I don't know who dissed you to respond that way

goofy allah

No she doesn't know how to write. There is no comma there and кoмпaниянa should be separated. I've also noticed that some of them have google-translated texts in English or Russian (at least girls in Varna)
I wonder if it would be easier for me if I present myself for Russian
>кaк дeлa? oткpoйтe жoпy - хyй в жoпe - этo хopoшo

Is mining and blowing up a government institution a crime?

tfw i know who he is


Probably. What's on your mind?

Are you a virgin? If so go fuck a hooker

There is literally nothing wrong with paying for pussy

redpill me on bulgars


You had one for a president, just look up how that went