This was one of the proposed german national flags

>this was one of the proposed german national flags
Why didn't they choose it?

cos its well gay
also if they'd have that the uk and the netherlands should also get flags like that

Why not? Nordic crosses are classy.

because they aren't scandinavian. The only other country that could have a scandi flag are those of the brittish isles, excluding the irish.
g*ermans are trash.

Because this cross is offensive to turks.

Except Germany has some states which were part of Nordic realms for a long time.

that was rape baby land for denmark. Nothing else.

It was one the flags of the German resistance under the Third Reich.
The nordic cross design as nice as it is wasn't taken as anything official before or after WW2.
It has the disgusting colors of failed German democracy.
Schwarz, Weiß, Rot bis in den Tod!

We Scandi now

Don't listen to this nigger

We had land in northern Germany for 200 years.

all Germanic countries should use Nordic crosses imo. even new zealand

So USA too?

what about brazil?

both of these countries are majority non-white and America will be using a Latin language in the next century, while Brazil already does. they don't count

But you had a germanic majority not that long ago

that's true but its gone and never coming back

trump will fix it.

(1) Germany isn't nordic (there is a difference between North Germanic and West Germanic)
(2) It would seem like we wanted to join the "nordic club" in an attempt to escape from the bad rep we got from the world wars
(3) we have our own flags from our own history

he's been in office for a year and things have only gotten significantly worse.

just nuke us

we will always remember the white America in our hearts

g*rms fear the NORDIC cross

You are the one with all the nukes, you have to do it yourself

Too lazy to try it out, but Schwarz-Weiß-Rot would surely give off a gorgeous-looking cross flag.