Polish women lust for Turkish cock


Her tokmaci bf

I lust for Polish cock...

His BF exactly looks like me :DDDDD


>he even has a cute bull ring on his mouth
Looks like anime character

le central anatolian çomar face

I didn't know Turks have so strong Asian features, is he a native?

what asian features

we’re proud african whitey

1/10 cracker

Can't put my finger on it, mostly slant eyes I think. If I didn't known he's Turkish I'd say he's from a country much further east, like Kazakhstan, Mongolia or even China

Have you actually ever seen a Chinese or Mongol person before.

No. And I'm not trying to be offensive or anything, he just looks Asian to me. And apparently to other Poles too, because that's what youtube comments say.

white ppl shaking my head


even h's laffin at yts

kek, praise tengri/10

I want a Turkish qt GF

slanty eyes and yellow skin are very very very common in Turkey

so yeah there are very obvious prevalent asian features in our body

but as we all know, the rest of us is pure 100% AFRICAN BULL

avrupanın göbeğinden mi bunu yazdın asilzade user?

hocam gerçekten le çomar face var adamda :DDDDDD ben de ordanım :DDD