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International #813
/ita/ - il filo
1.) Your cuntry
What do Russians think of RT?
Spic married to pajeet wife. She wants me to go to India with our son
Euros have no cult-
/sino/ - 中文
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Why do Americans hate France?
Why do Americans call Germans for destructive when Americans has been at war for 93% of their existence?
Would you rather live in:
How much Soros cash do you get in your country?
>>>Sup Forums147954202
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
/luso/ - fio lusofono
Faces of Sup Forums
I am Lithuania
1. You arrrr country
Moving with my wife to the land of the dutch is the language a must have or is english enough?
Europeans are asleep, post freeways
1. your country
Do you ever wish you were a 6'7 WHITE protestant male with an IQ of 150, huge ass WHITE COCK, chiseled jawline...
ITT: Post a woman from a foreign country that you like, and anons from that country tell you what they think of her
Russian women
Tunisians produce good women but shit y-DNA?
El goblintaliano
What would Latin Americans do if Muslim refugees started arriving en masse to their cunts?
Mfw someone say racist things near to me
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Google maps game
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Why Japanese men are feminine? They look so cute
We are one race, the mexican race
Why Japanese people hate Koreans? We did not do wrong to you
/cum/ canada usa mexico
/hilo latino/ - /lat/
/med/ general
How good is kebab in your cunt? poland only good when you're drunk or hangover
Why protestants hate catholics so much?
What is your favorite country outside of your own?
If you came out as gay to your parents what would they say?
/mena/ - مينا
ITT post your street
French accent
Basque people
Why dark-skinners have lower IQ than light-skinners?
Can we have a hometown thread?
Poor Zermany :/
White Americans
Why english men are so hot?
Why does this country exist again ?
Culture Pals - /cp/
HOW MANY DILDO CAN FIT INSIDE ASS SWEDEN MAN?????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Serbs will never remove keba-
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
Hey Sup Forums, I came across this map today on the Internet but can't seem to figure out what country it is
I could buy a nice shotgun for 300 euros
When you love Sup Forums but Sup Forums hates you and your flag and just posts pictures of orcs and goblins whenever...
What are the chances of this fat pig getting killed in prison?
/üppig/ ehemals und nie wieder /deutsch/
/cum/ canada usa mexico
ITT: make fun of your country
Are you impressed by Americans?
You wake up
/lang/ - Language Learning Thread
What should i do with my 450 euros neetbux
On Sup Forums
Would you rather live in:
Sverigetråden - SD2D-upplagan
Sverigetråden - Lördagsfest
I'm a mexican living in Argentina (Buenos Aires)... ask me something
Why can't Lebanese people put their garbage in a garbage can? You can't just throw it out the window
Hello Sup Forums
Spen? spen? r u a neggur spen?
/mena/ - مينا
Why are Mexicans so racist?
Why is this statement considered to be controversial in America?
Where do you draw the line at Whiteness?
Ruh roh
Let's play a game
In Los Angeles, all donut shops are owned by Asians. No clue why. Is this true elsewhere?
White men who likes Asian girls are pedophilia
Be a Polack
I like to think of it as a sort of BLACK revolution. Ever since its creation...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
My Persian roommate uses this watering can to wash his ass in the bathroom. How does it work?
Guys i think i hate myself
Red pill me on wine, int
You wake up in the nicest nordic city. What do?
Can any Turk-bro please transalte this for me?
Are they any mongoloid or black in anime
If your country is nor red, you live in aa shithole
Sverigetråden - Eftermiddagsupplagan
You must choose a country to be annexed by that borders you by land (unless you're an island)
/ita/ - il filo
What is the (real) purpose of Sup Forums?
Your opinion on italians before and after Sup Forums
From what I learned through the redpilling videos about women on youtube
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Oui oui let's pronounce our words completely arbitrarily hon hon hon
Spen :3
Always remember to put your sunscreen
3 of our new F35 planes landed in Norway yesterday. Looking good desu
Why Turks and Greeks hate each other?
Post a more irrelevant country in modern history than this WE WUZing, lazy, poor shithole
/deutsch/ /bayern/
In america you are required to participate in this daily if you want to work in a store
Indian cartoon
Kevin Spacey makes a move onto a young dude
You neighbor both Turkey and Albania
Amerifats getting TOLD by based IKEA
Our prime minister just resigned fearing assassination
Which country has the best pornstars?
I love you
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
Your cunts friends vs enemies
Would you rather live in Latvia or in Lithuania?
卐 deutsch 卐
My sister is hot
Can you name 10 chinese people who aren't Jackie Chan?
[BREAKING NEWS] Half of homeless in Berlin are Polish: report
/isr/ , /ישר/
This is what Americans actually believe!
What's the relationship between Poland and Russia like...
Is Autumn the best season?
/polska/ + /gensokyo/
Sverigetråden - Goda tider vi hade -upplagan
Autism maps
A French fairy appears (She's black)
What a hell is going on in Denmark?
I-I love you, Poland
ITT: Your favorite Polish film/literature
How relevant is your country?
Transsexual propaganda
Me and france
Any anglos here? I wanna kick your asses
Reminder that the average refugee could have been Jesus in a different time
When parts of america are more european than germany
/deutsch/ Reichspräsident ausgabe
Tfw everyone hates my country
24 in 3 months
/mena/ /moan/ /ⵎⴻⵏⴰ/
Talking to european user
Spen posters
Post your female version Sup Forums
Why Korea hate Japan?
Korea's fertility rate
Kurva anyátok
What group of people causes the most amount of troubles in your country?
Over 30% of cadets in Berlin police academy are of migrant background
ITT: Pure people only
Why do people in Portugal have a slightly curly hair and tanned skin compared to other europeans?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Please come to korea
What's Sup Forums's favorite?
To what does steampunk refer to...
>Typical chad of south korea
Why isn't this man hated in Britain when he single-handedly destroyed Britain's industry?
"The Middle East can't be fixed"
Uhh, haven't heard a "thank you" yet....rude
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Come to japan
If you could wipe one countries entire population off the map, which would you chose?
Confess your sins, i wont judge
Chilean here, AMA
Which language is the best and why
So apparently the ancient Persians Someone please explain because modern Persians look nothing like this
Which country has the hottest women?
What do you call this ?
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Do you watch anglo propaganda during your spare time?
We have no stable own general
Niggers and Arabs become shorter. Why?
If ash can do it, you can do
Are Slavs white?
How can you call yourselves Christians if you are racist. Isn't everyone God's children...
Name your favourite Finnish people and cities
Sup Forums, post pics of nice Architecute from your city so I can expand my folder...
South Africa is my favorite country
1. Your country
Why does the US have 1% of their population in prison?
Would you racemix with a colombian girl?
Redpill me on Hong Kong lads
Anyone else visualise the Americans who reply to you differently now because of this guy?
Hilo latino /lat/
Mfw I see brown eyes
/cum/ Canada United States Mexico
1. Your country
/cum/ canada usa mexico
Why doesn't take over this?
/Nachtschicht/, deutsch und gut!
Will China ever be free?
What are your favorite African countries?
What are these countries called in your language?
Mexicaños, tell me about mexico city :DD
Culture Pals - /cp/
Why do you love France?
Can we end this meme about laughing at white people please? It's not funny anymore it's making us want to leave
Canadians aren't Americ-
Why are Turkish women so beautiful
Anglo first name
Do you have kids?
I see a comment about Japanese work to death in gaijin websites sometimes, but today Japan is not in worst 20
Visage le 56%
The face of europe
ITT we act as wh*Te as possible
ITT we act as BLACK as possible
Tfw 15 cm penis
Sverigetråden - Skånska upplagan
Meanwhile in Springfield
He doesn't support Mother Russia
/sino/ - 中文
Marry millionaire 91 yr old woman
If ginger T*rk manlets can bone super models, what is your excuse for still being a virgin?
WTF, I wanna fuck myself now
If you had a male kid who's 15 yrs old and you happened to know an easy going woman...
/romance/ - romantic country
Do you want to visit Japan someday?
/ita/ il filo
WHY IS EATING CONSTANTLY HUNGARIAN MAN??????????????????????????????????????
/ibe/ = /esp/ + /tuga/
Prison population per 100k people
Be a burger
What is the easiest countries to get pussy in the world?
This is what the average Indian man looks like
Why do Brits need to have a general not just in Sup Forums, but in many other boards too...
What happens here?
Best Europe
/v4/ + friends
/fr/ - le fil francophone et de la culture française
Do americunts and North-Western europeans believe they are truly white?
Your country
Would you rather live in:
Why did the ___ cross the road?
How are manlets treated in your country?
Oh, me begonias, it looks like ol' Oireland's gettin' into Blizzard's new game
Your cunt
Ywn be European
Mutt nations
/ita/ - il filo
/extraflags/ + /flag/
Oui oui las grenouilles sont très delicieurs mon ami, have a taste !
Food from other countries you always wanted to try
Sverigetråden - Fredagsmysupplagan
Why are drug laws so retarded?
/deutsch/ ehemals /österreich/
/deutsch/ miem-ausgabe
Post American stuffs
/handsome men/
The face of arrogance and greed
/fr/ - Le fil Français
Tfw Charger car is not sold in France. You can import one but it's very exprensive, like a luxury car
I fixed the world
Which country in Europe has pic related men most?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Music from different countries
Why are Hungarians so goddamn obsessed with fruits?
Japan and incest
I envy the Med masterrace genetics
This is a Brazilian shower
Be a weeaboo from an irrelevant country
Rus russia
/deutsch/ Eine leicht debile Ausgabe
Is it true non-Americans don't eat s'mores?
>be na(t)ive English speaker
Sup Forums has made me less racist
Why can't Asians fuck with one another?
I want a Swedish boy to dominate me!
/nederdraad /vlaanderen/
This is a normal sight in America
*meaningless guttural sounds*
Mediterranean pussy belongs to the african bull
Eyes of Sup Forums thread
What do they mean by this?
Kurva anyátok
Come back from your evening cappuccino with your gf
Where my spanish brothers are?
What is the greatest invention of the 21st century?
Who win
If you can't pronounce the English "th" sound, you're not white
Last bastion of free speech in the Americas, possibly in the world
Why do people spell Brazil with an S now? Did I miss something? Or is it ESLs?
Learning German for poorfag user
The least suicidal countries in the world
Any italian diaspora here?
Vocaroo thread?
Sverigetråden - Vinterupplagan
Our president's favorite daughter is taller than the Japanese prime minister
International window view thread
Christians are the most persecuted people on earth throughout history
/ita/ il filo
Speak english to a french person
How do wh*Tebois even cope?
Post your fixed Europe
/fr/ - Le francofil
Tfw not Swiss
Why are eastern and southern europeans so dumb? Non-meme answers only
Why are Japanese women so fat?
This qt killed herself
Post your country's version
Reminder that if your language didn't originate in your country, your country is irrelevant
He doesn't live in a dark blue region
Polish women lust for Turkish cock
Be in café in Germany
Population: 163 millions
So*Thern european enters my thread
You're bordering turkey which if full of turks and other violent shitskkins
Do you have any friends int? How many?
Last bastion of free speech in Europe, possibly in the world
Sverigetråden - Fina upplagan
Is Brazil literally hell on earth?
I'm gonna punch every single lithuanian in the face
Mrw a southern european says they're white
/rus/ - Russia and friends
/deutsch/ /bayern/
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Last bastion of free speech in Europe, possibly in the world
Is your country hated on Sup Forums but in real life your country is loved or no one gives a shit about your country?
I hate sweden
What should we do in 2020 Tokyo Olympic opening ceremony?
I want to live in europe
SWEDISH MAN GOES TO BAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How many people in Sup Forums your country?
Why are Eastern Europoors so fragile lmao
You are in the clube
Do you have a girlfriend?
How can white boys even compete?
How fucked in the head do you have to be to design such atrocity?
Why are Russians frightened of T-I-G-E-R-S?
Can we just wipe Germany off the face of the planet already...
Why do slavs hate gays while there's so much gay porn coming out of eastern europe
/fr/ - Le francofil
Culture Pals - /cp/
What do navy uniforms look like in your country
Just got back from cuckrope and it was an overrated shithole filled with sandnigger muslims
Big singaporean cocks
Was anime a mistake?
Ex/ussr/ general
1. You're country
What is the political situation in Iceland like? Anti-immigration or neutral or pro-immigration...
/V4/ + friends
Your favorite / least favorite countries per region
Would I be asking too much if I wanted you guys to just take a picture of whatever is outside your window?
Kurva anyátok
Why does everyone in the Middle East love Erdogan so much?
Is Russia the ultimate proof that intelligence differences between nations is cultural and not race/biology...
Post the worst national anthems
Do portuguese look like this?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Can Americans explain this shit?
Jap make a good coffee
Racemixing is wro-
Arr rook same
Mfw I make a god leftwing post on Sup Forums and inbred reactionaries begin braying honestly BRAYING like mules in my...
Makes me think
Why is japan a safe country?
The worst 20 of suicide rate
Why are east asians smart?
Go to doctor because insomnia
Why do Russians think of themselves as white?
Why doesn't Sup Forums like US Americans?
Japanese defending Trump
/cum/ canada usa mexico
Low iq
Have you ever done this to an Asian person?
Is your country an elementlet?
Heh, good thing Yuropoors can’t have guns. But we can! When will Yuropoors learn?
Who will win the upcoming race war?
Why do the white nationalists look like kebabs?
Any canadians present?
Hilo latino
Reminder that Southeast Asians aren't Asian
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Tfw being an asian is like being an ant in an ant society where originality...
Does anyone else pity the Russian people...
Why do Japanese people hate North Korea so much...
Can someone explain what torque is and how I can demonstrate it? It's for school tomorrow
This guy walks up to you and puts pineapple on your pizza
ITT: Post the most famous cuck from you country
/cum/ canada usa mexico
/nederdraad/ /vlaanderdraad/
What music are you listening to right now?
You guys are all underage right?
Let's Play a game
What's your crushes name?
Yellow fever
Non Americans
Why are BRAZILIANS so attractive? That's what anyone asks every day
Daco-Roman edition
Reminder that she touched the chocolate peen
This is the current fleet of the Belgian Navy (Composante marine / Marinecomponent). Say something nice about it...
/anime/ ehemals /deutsch/
Why do Americans mutilate their children? I don't understand
/brit/: sticky icky edition
Unironically, all memes aside, which language is going to replace English as the global lingua franca?
Your cunt
How are you preparing for the Desi Century?
For what does Britain owe gratitude to your country for?
People you've had sex with
Hola negros del Sup Forums tengo una duda como mejoraron su ingles? y donde puedo mejorar el mio...
/dixie/ - Spouthern US & Friends
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Why are Europeans moving to America?
Post your language pronouns with a verb as an example
Can we talk about Benin without immature memes?
British girls are stupid and heartless
Sverigetråden - Svensk-Libanesiska vänskapsupplagan
As dumb as subsaharan Africans in America are for claiming that the Ancient Egyptians were black...
Are Filipinos really part Spanish?
What are you drinking Sup Forums
What nationatlity have the most aesthetic penis?
Kurva anyátok
Why do you losers want a Japanese gf when Taiwanese girls are clearly superior?
There are more Arabs than Finns in Sweden
Phenotypically, what are some core differences between Southern Europeans and Middle-Easterners / West Asians?
/asean/ - Buddha :DDD edition
Can someone explain the el peruANO may may to me please?
Crackers lived in mud huts for centuries whereas we lived in pyramids
/panama/ ehemals /deutsch/
That awful realization that if I were to die tomorrow the only thing I could remember spending my last years on before...
/v4/ + buds
It is still understandable that Poland is treated like a tragedic country due to its history...
Your opinion on russia and russians?
/fr/ - Le francofil
I'm from Rosario
Americans think this is normal
Watch British shows
What does Sup Forums think of Delhi...
Most of Europe had authoritarian governments only 30 years ago
What is your favourite russian city?
1. Your country
/cum/ Cambodia Uganda Macedonia
Heh, good thing Yuropoors can’t have guns. But we can! When will Yuropoors learn?
What does Sup Forums think of ålänningar? You know, those sea jews living on that island between Sweden and Finland
*steals your sport*
Is usa the most diverse country in the world?
I have a mexican bf and i love him
Sverigetråden - för svenskar samt brödrafolk
Who is to blame for general threads?
American girls need a rocket launcher to target their own vagina
Wanted to learn british english
Is Russia the best nation?
Is this true?
Wake up
Does your country have great monuments?
Autist maps
First Civilizations
Why did you learn English?
Why is Haiti so different from Dominican Republic?
/International women/
Your cunt/state
Do you wear a watch?
Who will win WW3?
Post pictures of your country’s rural and farming areas
Do you ever wish you were a 6’5 white protestant male with an IQ of 140, blue eyes and blonde hair like I am?
What are your teeth like?
I live in a open air whorehouse and yet I can be a virgin
/Mena/ - مينا
Here we see the Amerimutt in it's natural habitat. Currently...
Hilo latino
Le /fr/ancofil du soir - tiret
What happens here?
Wtf, Murrica
/ita/ - il filo
/Mid-Mid Atlantic General/
Photos of bakersfield, ca
Hilo neder
What is your country's opinion on fascism?
Estonian boy responds to your post
/white/ general
You're bordering turkey which if full of turks and other violent shitskkins
Go out
Mathematics professor looks mexican
Who in Europe makes the best games?
175 cm manlet
Daily Japanese Thread - DJT #I give up
Show me important things out of your survival backpack!
Is white men dating Asian women an America-Canada thing only?
Failed a really important exam
Yfw Sup Forums is the worst board on Sup Forums
Whats prostitution like in your cunt?
Sverigetråden - Mysiga upplagan
/balk/ - Balkan thread
Sverigetråden - Normalupplagan
/deutsch/ Feminismus Ausgabe
Is college fucking terrible in your country? I hate it so much...
Sverigetråden - Låliupplagan
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...