This is what Americans actually believe!

This is what Americans actually believe!

>the muh heritage bit

and they wonder why everyone hates them

The heritage part finished me

New Zealanders are exactly the same except for the muh heritage part or we're the centre of the universe part

The average normie just does not give two fucks about the history or culture of other countries unless they visit it themselves

he just dropped the Heritage bomb in there like it was nothing ahahahah they literally do it irl

>simply because that is my heritage

I fucking hate when they say "I'm irish" or whatever when they're clearly not, but why would looking up your heritage be a bad thing?

What is so wrong about being proud of your heritage?
Like they can say "i'm irish because my great grandfather wuz irish" but they can look back and be proud tho.

>Brazilian doesn't get it because he's just as guilty of the same thing

>our history is taught to others in school
What history? All we learn is
>Declaration of independence
>two lines about Civil War
>two lines about Wilson policy
>Great depression
>BTFO in Vietnam
If anything it's Burgers who learn a ton of Yuro history

>New Worlders
Not even once

If you're focusing on your ethnic heritage it is fine. Pretending that you have anything in common with the people from the nation is not.

>>Declaration of independence
>>two lines about Civil War

Why do Euros learn these? They don't seem relevant to anyone other than Americans.

>If you're focusing on your ethnic heritage it is fine.
How does discovering your great-grandfather was from place X make you a different person, you idiot, you're still just autistic LARPers looking for imaginary ties since there is no magical Irish gene
Possible exception: looking for genetic markups of rare diseases

It doesn't make you different ya dingus. Its just nice to know these things. And what part of "pretending you have anything in common with the people from tha nation" don't you get? Its the complete opposite of larping.

love how it develops into the heritage shit

You're completely separate from them culturally. I have an Irish mother and my Dad is half anglo half Irish. I'd never consider myself Irish though, even if I may be genetically similar to the Irish.

It's fine to look up your family tree and all that, but letting it shape your identity is stupid

for us it was
>1920s America because of the Depression
>the Cold War, which is a mix of Russian and American history
>Vietnam because we were there too

The civil war it's related to france and uk, so maybe that's why.

For us it was pretty much only the independence war and WW2, with the only addition that we loved the American war with England because we made a lot of money by selling weapons to both parties.

>love how it develops into the heritage shit
europe is the pinnacle of WE WUZZERY though

they have more reason to do so than a burger with one irish great grandfather

Only britain and greece


>Taking pride in being ignorant
>America, 2017


we wuz german scandinavian and celtic rapebabies?

they can't say i'm irish i meant

Those of us that have interest and curiosity about foreign nations wind up here and get relentlessly ridiculed by you meanies




it's just training, harsh times make men

fucking new worlders


But The Depression is put into the context of Germany and the rise of Hitler.
We only learn Vietnam as a case study of the Cold War.

I'm German Brazilian and proud to be German, yes, so what?

>But The Depression is put into the context of Germany and the rise of Hitler.
Yeah same here, we segue from that into Nazi Germany, then go into Russian Revolution, the Cold War and modern Australian history


Dutch history is world history.

So I guess that means American history has been largely unimportant to the world. If it doesn't cover the rest of the world as well.


literally on the lowest of the low of American trash believe this. Also you live in Brazil, where at least 1/3 of your population lives in favelas and are sub 90 IQ niggers

I mean, you can't teach Dutch history without talking about Japanese shoguns, the American independence, Napoleon, Africa, the Franks, the Romans etc.

>Also you live in Brazil, where at least 1/3 of your population lives in favelas and are sub 90 IQ niggers

t. João Winckler

I only remember us learning about the US nuking Japan and the freeing of slaves.

That's because internally nothing ever happens here so we just write about everything we did in foreign countries.


Name one great (cultural) revolution that happened here in the last 200 years that wasn't imported from some other country.

I recall the independence thing then it drifted over to the french rev

Why 200 years? And we've been on the forefront of liberal policies (weed, abortion, gay marriage, euthanasia, prostitution) even in the last 50 years.

>Other than that I don't have time to learn about every country when I have dreams I'm working on
>Basic curiosity about the world is considered a luxury in the US

And 400 years ago we were on the forefront of republicanism, capitalism and freedom.