Prison population per 100k people

Wtf America...

>Australia is black


Well played

>Africa has less prisoners than Europe combined
wH*toids BTFO

Wow, bravo, Congo!

Just imagine how much money we would save if we just killed everyone in prison

funny how the higher the proportion the more functional a shithole tends to be



Wtf i love Africa now

This is because we keep our criminals in parliament and legislative councils

It's not fully correlated but there's definitely a pattern

but there is no pattern, what you said doesn't make sense.

It's penal colony, what do you expect? Everybody is a criminal.

There's no pattern.
Low prison population can either be caused by a humanitarian judicial system aimed at reintegration, or by the complete absence of law enforcement.
You really can't distinguish shitholes based on this map alone.
I guess the only thing you can say is that countries with high prison population aren't shit, but aren't very good countries either.

rare.. how is Khartoum this lad

>there are almost as many prisoners in the US as there are people in my country

>mfw Guatemala is light green bc either no law inforcement, or prisons are literally falling to pieces

Khartoum is stable for now

>Low prison population can either be caused by a humanitarian judicial system aimed at reintegration, or by the complete absence of law enforcement.
Those are basically the same. "Reintegrating" someone with 50 previous convictions means giving him 6 months in jail and sending him back out to assault someone else.

If that's the only thing a criminal can do its the only way you can reintegrate him

"Mass incarceration" is the only highly thing that stemmed America's increasing crime rates, most economists agree it's the most important statistical variable it's something you should be very thankful for

USA's population as a whole = 2% of the population of earth

USA's prison population = 25% of the prison population on earth.

As usual, there's a simple explanation for this: the South is a backwards shit hole

Fuck you

>not in muh state!


>le we are too different to ever be accepted as one country xDDDD

actually surprised California isn't too bad.

Here's the non edited version for those who are interested.


portugal is black

I'll tell you exactly why, memes aside

>treating them as second class citizens in every conceivable way.

>they are bad guys,

It’s very cruel desu, not only your country though.

you're about 60 years late, Li

black people

The continent could be fully black, like Australia.

It's an open sky prison

This desu


Here is the real pic lads

Russia would be number 1 if it had longer sentences like USA. Now sentences in Russia are very short, people receive 6 years for murder and 7 years for drunk driving and killing multiple kids, and then get released even earlier "for good behavior" or because of regular mass amnesties.
Putin is conservative on many issues, but he is very soft on (real) crime.



8 years is the MINIMUM sentence for murder. One you would get only in certain circumstances.
US has the death penalty so they should have a lower prison population than they do in theory. But prison is a business in the USA


>in theory
It's so rarely used that any effects on numbers would be negligible. It's also cheaper to just give life sentences than sort through the legal bullshit to execute someone

> 1. Убийcтвo, тo ecть yмышлeннoe пpичинeниe cмepти дpyгoмy чeлoвeкy, — нaкaзывaeтcя лишeниeм cвoбoды нa cpoк oт 6 дo 15 лeт c oгpaничeниeм cвoбoды нa cpoк дo двyх лeт либo бeз тaкoвoгo.
No, the minimum is 6 years.

>europe 50-200
>USA none south states all over 400
>uhh its jus a black people thang

>Be American or European
>Go to prison

why don't they just sterilise everyone in prison

seriously can someone tell me why this is a bad policy

Spoken like a true big brother brainwash.

Besides, if the desired end result was for them to not re-enter society then we wouldn't need prisons at all.

we would be Philippines tier since the majority are there due to drug offenses.