Which country in Europe has pic related men most?

Which country in Europe has pic related men most?

Other urls found in this thread:

google.co.kr/search?q=polish actor&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjjvOWi_qLXAhXGwLwKHV-jAisQ_AUICigB&biw=1745&bih=818

Poland, maybe Denmark.

But guys (and girls) like this exist everywhere in Europe, its probably most European looking archetype

what type of european is it and where this kind actually from?

His name is Froy Gutierrez and he's from Texas



Where this phenotype come from in Europe
Where do Europeans think he's from if he was Europoor


Looks someone got CHI.

im 99% positive that brown hair+blue eyes is most common combination in Poland

>what type of european is it

lol, i dont know, the least rare one

> where this kind actually from?

everywhere in Europe you can find people like that fairly easy, from Macedonia to Finland

>exist everywhere in Europe
Not in Portugal and Greece

That's not uncommon pretty much anywhere in Europe.

t. Italian with the same phenotype

come again

>google.co.kr/search?q=polish actor&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjjvOWi_qLXAhXGwLwKHV-jAisQ_AUICigB&biw=1745&bih=818

It's not about colors of hair and eyes
Polish nigs usually have roundish features like Asians

That Jew nose is very Greek like
Pic related has a pointy and smaller nose

so what are you asking then? bone structure and shit? how are you expecting randoms on Sup Forums to tell you this, not even actual scientists could tell you

Literally me.

Idk isn't it somewhat northern europeanish to you too?

>Froy Gutierrez is an American-born Dallas-based actor of Caxcan Native and Mexican descent.

His mother must be pure Scandinavian to come out looking white like this.

Netherlands, germany, poland, denmark

no, i see people like that when i walk out, i see peope like that when i go to vacation, im telling you, people like this are everywhere in Europe

Why are mexican americans so much better looking than mexicans?

Haha what the fuck

he's part spanish you halfwit

I k now but where is it from originally


He is the male version of my Dane mother

el chicANO senore jajajaja


Britain probably

His father is Mexican actually.


He looks like a less masculine version of Rico Verhoeven.

I also saw Rico Verhoeven but couldn't be bothered to post it.

I don't understand how ugly people can compete with this.
Even more sad that ugly people still manage to reproduce

>Which country in Europe has pic related men most?
Central Europe in general. That guy could be anything from a Dane to a northern Italian.

If I had to make a guess, I would guess French maybe, or German.

>That's not uncommon pretty much anywhere in >Europe.

>t. Italian with the same phenotype


no, I think you should know your own countrymen

he's probably a Germanic-Slavic mix

Another guy with a Mexican father and white American mother.

We should just let Mexicans breed all American women.


>I don't understand how ugly people can compete with this.
They can't


Maybe not the most accurate picture of him but he really does have that sort of look (albeit a lot less sissy about him). He even has that kind of faggot hairstyle.

America has the ugliest people in the world, but also the most attractive people in the world. Pic related. When I meet tourists from Europe, I'm always amazed. The guys have very good looking girlfriends but are not very attractive themselves. I think "wow you're lucky, because here in the US she would never be with you because so many handsome men"

yeah, we came to a conclusion that this is in the top 5 genes

I went to school with the guy on the left.

I saw bunch of those guys in Scandinavia and Poland. I'm kinda jealous desu

Who is best looking American guy in 2017

Poles here arent really good looking

Haha shiiit cause you all rook same desu

*teleports behind you*

oh yeah also

>game about killing nazis
>protagonist looks like uber Aryan god of war

was this on purpose?

not surprising at all. here in japan every 10/10 girl are taken by them and Meds

yes, because he's actually jewish.

Look how subhuman they look next to Froy

hes not

I unironically know multiple people that look like him. He has such a normal face it's funny. I never thought anything of it.

I thought japs were only into nords since they always picture foreigners like that

Your pic includes a dutch guy and a spanish girl.

Not him but in north Italy it's pretty common. Mind you, NORTH Italy..

Play the sequel that came out a week ago, his mother is Jewish and his father snitches her to the Nazis and she gets executed.

Have you only seen Sicilians or something?

Just looked at some other pictures of him. And I'm pretty sure he'd be British with that skin and hair color. And that bone structure.

his mother's surname is lee and she looks like mostly english/german descent
his father is probably a mix of native mexican and spanish
so he's a european mutt

Why are pasty brits so cute

Another one.

Looks like a downie that loves sucking dick. Probably American.


Dutch people have thicker skin.

Netherlands, UK/Ireland, Denmark

Reminds me of one of my old school friends but he had green eyes

I wish I was good looking desu

it literally gives you wings

it ain't shit if you are autist

If you born looking good, you'll be less likely to grow up an autist because people adore you literally the just way you are anywhere you go

What if u don't go anywhere tho

I'm very handsome, but from 10-13 i was completely isolated cause my family had to move to the black part of the country. Not only I was an angry kid, the people also saw me as the rich outsider (even tho I'm not even close to being rich). I basically wasted those 4 years away with games and anime. When I came back to the south, I was the most socially inept guy you could imagine. And even then more than a few girls had crushes on me, but it never went anywhere because I simply didn't know what the fuck to do.

My whole life from 10 to 17 could be described as "school -> computer -> sleep -> school", repeated 2555 times.

Basically, if you don't talk to people, you don't make friends, if you don't have friends, you have no reason to leave your home, if you never go out, you never have experiences and learn how to interact with people, and if you don't know how to talk to people...

Ultimate autism. Congrats

Thank you. I still hate myself for being such a retarded faggot.

>very handsome

If you were for real, you get hit on no matter what reason

He looks exactly like my cousin and a little like my half brother, with my half brother being the blonde version of him.

My cousin's ancestors are from throughout Denmark, Northwestern Germany, and Northern France.

My half brother's are from Northwestern Germany through Northern France, but he has some English and Irish ancestors.

Reminds me of me.

How do people rate him in America?
Does he get underrated because not dark with soft impression?

I got hit on quite a couple times. I never dared to act upon it.

Are you famous for the look at least in your town?

I literally had a girl rubbing my leg while I was sitting on the bus a while ago..

I told her to stop it.

Stop daydreaming you faggot


t. swedish antifa feminist posting violent anti-male images again

everywhere in western europe btw

Um, might depend on where you are, but here in Northeastern Washington, people fucking love that look.

My cousin is a gifted socially, constantly has girls fighting over him, old ladies give him shit and love him, older men want him to be their son and marry their daughters. While my brother is awkward as fuck and still has girls fighting over him. He gets a few more of the stalker types though. People will spy on him at his work and ask someone in the family for his number.

You can't get hit on if you're home.

The few times where girls at school hit on me, they were quite direct, and I still only realised they were hitting on me about 2 to 3 months later.

I'm talking about girls i've never exchanged a single word asking to take a sip of my soda or asking me why I look sad, desperately trying to start a conversation, and I didn't even notice they were hitting on me until a few months later. A girl once sent me a piece of paper (delivered by a friend of hers) with a declaration of love written and I just teared it apart and threw it in the trash because "if I don't know who she is, what am I supposed to do?"

Are you a girl?
I'm pretty much this guy

Petty much most of Europe though people would hate him for being a ''twink'' one of these days, at least in Sup Forums

can i be your gf?

>tfw girls do not swoon for me immediately


Too white.

His father is 'Mexican' and his mother is 'Native American'.

So muh heritage matters when a euro wants it to?

>His mother must be pure Scandinavian
maybe he's heritage is form northern Spain

pretty much all mexicans are

>tfw look like this but with beard, different hair and no freckles
Ive noticed it before but why does asians fucking worship tall guys with brown hair, dark looking yet blue/green eyes and pale skin?

I look almost like that, except that I don't have any freckles.

But when I went to europe I didn't see anyone like this

because they're fucking ugly. above average looking people in the west look like literal gods to them