How racist is your country?

How racist is your country?

not enought

becoming unnaturally racist thanks to orbán, ppl call the police if a brown person walks in a village


lel fuck off, that doesn't happen

Unironically the least racist country in Europe

A mix of very racist people and antifa-like leftists

My country cant be racist because we are not white


non-wh*toids are not immune to racism

>in europe

Finns are the opposite of Jews, white or non-white depending on which one is the worse option in any situation.

This, ethnic cleansing and racist rhetoric in newspaprers with no formal accusations, just shows you how third-world Sudan is

fairly racist, except for jews.

you are one dumb chav

and you are one arseblasted gyppo

Not racist enough.


very racist except for Chechens. but surprisingly, many nations live together in relative peace here. no plain calls for race war or anything, but it's very deep in our mentality; for ex, most home/room rental offers state "SLAVIC ONLY" and no one have ever said it's wrong.

Many Canadians are openly racist to natives, especially in the west. And I'm not talking about the "microaggressions" that SJW's whine about. The racism faced by natives is real, systemic, and is accepted in polite company. It's nearly impossible for them to get jobs, even for the ones who genuinely want to work, and landlord don't want to rent to them. (my experience is with urban natives, not the ones who live on reserves) Sure there are a lot of stereotypical drunk chugs, but a lot natives are just normal people who want to live their lives and it really is difficult for them when society works against them.

we have no racists


It does....
In Portugal if they are gypsys

But you have loads of blacks in your country

>T. 59% native
Boy true racism in non existing in western countrys

Not very.

Too busy hating yourselves to hate others.

are there even people who can be racist in your country?

white as snow paki dumbo

Blacks are considered lesser aspect of the global empire, most work and honestly the half breeds are not bad at all.

Niggers here are not the same has in anywere else, they mostly behave because they have a good life.
I dont like them per say but if they stay in lisbon my countrymen are fine with them.

The people should just use machine guns on them instead of phone calls to be honest

Not enough. Still too many cumskins walking about.

What are you upset for lad?

Fairskinned people are in the majority here, yes. But I consider Slovenian racism illegitimate as we spent 70 years in a country together with five different nations of Middle Eastern rapebabies and invited many of them to settle here.

Not enough.

Openly? Not at all.
Inside white gated communities? All it's missing are Hitler posters.

We cant have that, not every single one of them deserves to die, some are babys.
And Portugal was the first country in history to abolish death penalty.

In Portugal Kingdom slaves were the backbone of the empire, niggers learned how to do everything an above all they keept they fellow slaves in check.
Its was very comun for loyal slaves to legally own several slaves of many nacionalitys.
It was a empire were everybody died with theyre balls empty

I wish...

Is it true you have immigrant hunters?

we're the ones with a migrant hunter

You proud?

The guy in the truck?

He bought a tank I think.

Haha based Bulgar


All time champions I reckon.

Yeah, you were quite good at it tbf

We call everyone slightly dark skinned "negro" , everyone native looking "Indio". We use ratial slurs all the time and we openly mock central american inmigrants.

What do you call whites?

Fucking hell is that a Hind?

Im a turk and i have never faced racism once in my entire life. It literally only happens on the internet. I even had many german gfs, too. Life is good here.
Maybe its because im not brown and look more southern european.

>Im a turk
Fuck off back where you came from

he's there to stay :)

25% of the population is NOT closet nazis.

wait how much that cost?
holy sheep

There are still black people so not racist enough

France is the less racist country in the world imo

boss usually

We're very racist toward gypsies.

More racist now we're flooded with Muslim, cos they hate everyone and everyone hates them

"except for Chechens" ? what do you mean?

they're gay faggots boys