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International #815
How is this perverse ideology seen in your country?
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/ ehemals /serb/
How come despite having the highest IQ of all races
Why is Italian woman + tunisian man so common? Pic related is the child of a tunisian man/Italian woman marriage...
/cum/ canada usa mexico
/fr/ - Le francofil
/nederdraad/ /vlaanderdraad/
Your cunt
I need amerimutt/ameigoblin/le56%face images NOW
ITT: Draw a quick map of any country, post it (with name of said cunt) and rate others’ drawings
Tell me about your cunt's gun laws, how bad are they compared to the best, like based Arizona...
Your country
Foreigner makes a cute english mistake
1. You are a cunt
Surrounded by water on 3 (three) sides
It's beautiful :)
Korean manlets are at it again
Sverigetråden - SD2D-upplagan
Post current temperatures in your cunt
Describe your country in one picture
How do you know so many flags, user?
What happens here?
Is it true that Americans really think it's difficult and constitute as "starving" to go without food for 12 hours?
Post pics of your country
Post age
Francisco ibn Al-arcón
I know the secret to Asians being thin
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why aren't Argentina and Uruguay in Eurovision? They are whiter than Australia. That's not fair
Your country
November the 9th
An European replies to me
Are you ready for winter, Sup Forums?
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
Only quads can stop Grande goblino from stealing your white genes
What are the worst and nicest sounding languages in your opinion, Sup Forums?
Give me bitcoins
Am i white and could i pass as a local in your country?
Mfw I found Japanese idiots obsessed with Korea even in Sup Forums
How do you feel about russian women?
Is Sup Forums so powerful or is Sup Forums so weak?
What have you done to fight jap menace today?
/balk/ - Balkan thread
Giant coconut crab sneaks up on a sleeping bird and kills it and then eats it
Sverigetråden - Svensk-Libanesiska vänskapsupplagan
/deutsch/ /bayern/
European literature
El Monstruo
The English Language of the Sup Forums
/ita/ il filo
/cum/ canada usa mexico
ITT we post dangerous thoughts that bring the average Amerigoblin's brain to the point of overload
/v4/ + friends
Be me
One authentic Italian pizza, please
Best Europe 2bh
I am white
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
Americans use radians instead of degrees
The Artificial Language
I have mastered the ancient martial arts of Glima. My fists are filled with the power of Odin himself...
God bless America
American girls are for
Don’t come here.. ever
/anime/ ehemals /deutsch/
Americans are scary
French people are the worst in the world, they are all effeminate and childish...
Le 80% Face
How can I make whitu friend in my gym??
Doner Kebab vs Burger
Why is the American police so violent?
This is Penny Mordaunt, she just became the UK's International Development Secretary
漢子 and Kanji Thread
Why is north africa so underdeveloped?
Tell me about Massachusetts
We were making Black Metal before Varg Vikernes. This band even had an influence in the Norwegian scene
Why only incompetent fighters allied with them in world wars?
Sverigetråden - Gripenupplagan
Hilo latino
Face of Ancient Greek warrior digitally reconstructed from skull
"lmao EU is finished brexit killed EU immigrants killed EU russia killed EU EU weak it'll be destroyed any min-"
The Cursive
How did Nordcucks become so effeminate?
What was childhood like in your country?
Daily Japanese Thread - DJT
Why is populism growing so much in first world countries?
Finland's presidential candidate meets people at Helsinki-Vantaa
American women are for _____
/CHAD/ ehemals /deutsch/
Tell me why you guys often fight in Sup Forums
Italian women are for _____
Tfw no gf
How do you call this in your country?
Poland, you are not one of us. You will NEVER be one of us
The best country
Blue-eyed people look soulless
Is there any reasoning why americans write month/day/year? I don't understand why someone would do that
Has any Indian here tried for the Civil services?
Thanks for the money, Germany
Tfw you can't crossdress or have long hair without being judged or sacrificing your career
Be snownigger
So... how much do you earn user?
1. Nationality
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
ITT: prove you're an oldfag
How do I lose more weight?
/meigf/ xdddd ehemals /deutsch/
Tfw you want to join the jihad in syria but you live in singapore
Kurva anyátok
How can one nation have so many immigrants, yet still be very nationalistic...
Eesti beesti :DDDDDD
What is it like to live in bad Europe?
Who is your country's Moldova?
I love Italy
If you not from dark red and you think yourself as a "Man", I've got bad news for you
/lang/ - Language learning thread
Show smart design from your cuntree?
G*rmanics will defend this
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
Happy 9/11 Day!
Your country
/luso/ - fio lusofono
What was the last time war was being waged in the snow?
If you won £100,000,000, what would you spend it on?
/Sino/ - 中文
Post a european girl more beautiful this
Feminism ruined our women, what do?
WTF I hate brazil now!
Even if you dislike the Chechens you have to admit that they are based...
Welcome to Culture Pals! Message QTs around the world!
/Tag der Deutschen/ ehemals /deutsch/
Why is this board so faggot nowdays?
I want to do homo stuff with swedish boys
I learned my neighbor South-Korea-chan don't like us. b...
How do I cure my yellow fever?
Finnish military and old Russian insignia
Chinese-American friendship
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Tell me why your country is better than Denmark and I'll explain why you are wrong
Why are Korean people so aesthetic, all memes aside?
Viking thread
What's the gayest thing you've ever done?
Believing in """Nations"""
Which part is the white part?
/ex-ussr/ general
At what point in time did it became cool...
This is Russian hospital. Notice something?
Is Hokkaido a nice place to live?
Me and sweden
Why are nips so ugly?
Never forget. My heart is with the Americans today
Do You Love Finalnd?
Does liking traps make you redpilled?
/cum/ canada usa mexico
How successful would we be if we had successfully incorporated it into our Empire?
Tfw I will never live in the greatest city on earth
Well, Sup Forums?
Why do Mexicans put mayo on corn? Disgusting
English flexibility
Sir can you explain this 4 year gap in your resume
How old were you when you realized that the British Empire was the greatest civilization to ever grace God's green earth
Do NEET girls like me exist?
Do you like latinas?
I can't control myself when I see Asian women
/cum/ canada usa mexico
Why no one talk about White occupation of Asia?
Does your country have natives?
Stop bullying the Americans
Describe some posters from your general
Who are your favorite posters on here?
I want a pet Japanese :3
Sverigetråden - För svenskar och brödrafolk
Do Irish girls like Latinos?
DNA Test Results
So I heard you hate Sup Forums and T_D as much as we do
Tfw I, aveage jap male, could be considered a lanklet in Mexico
What is xi thinking?
If you're frustrated kissless 25+ year old virgin,just go to the UK...
Why is India still poorer than its former master 70 years after independence?
Do east asian men like cute white women?
Mfw Sup Forums is playing pentadimensional chess with Sup Forums making them think they are being raided by jewish...
/cum/ canada usa mexico
Do you know a slav with this face?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Latin American Animation
Hilo Latino /lat/
Mexicans explain yourselves
This is american girl
Go to Madrid for holidays
/fr/ Le tiret
Live in Ontario Canada
1.) your cunt
Why are they so fucking stupid?
You wake up and find that you're the unquestioned supreme leader of the country above you
Why is Sup Forums so butthurt about le 56% face?
Mfw Sup Forums says the left can't meme
/ita/ - il filo
Your country
"Muscles are useless for getting wom-"
What do schools in Germany teach about Hitler?
Mfw have sexual thoughts about black women
Why Colombians like to fuck donkeys?
/cum/ Canada United States Mexico
/deutsch/ und /antihelvetia/
Is it too hard to get into a masters program in western europe or usa with a gpa 2.8 (economics)?
How to get Norwegian gf?
What is the best country in Eastern Europe and why is it Poland?
GDP of the richest and the poorest city in your country
This is what i imagine behind european flags
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
They really believe that Soros is behind it
Does your country also have a part which is inhabited by retarded, unemployed and racist rednecks?
/deutsch/, reelle Ronnystunde
Sverigetråden - Evangelineupplagan
/deutsch/ schweiz-ausgabe
Post cars from ur cunt
Want to learn korean after realizing they're the only honorary white asians
This amerimutt meme is just another divide and rule tactic by the jews. Stop spreading this, we white people must unite
I did the DNA meme
Rate nordic fitness girls
Whiter than you, Muhammad
"Muscles don't matter to wome-"
Le /fr/ancofil du soir - tiret
That feel when I lift my shirt in front of the mirror and realize this problem is entirely my doing
/cum/ canada usa mexico
Mexican "culture"
Destroying the eu
Name 1 downside
Is it true italians live at home with their parents into their 20's? And other southern europeans? Why do they do this?
Do you now understand why there's poverty in the world?
Be me
Tfw America will inevitably have a latino president anyday
Her ancestry is Swedish and one quarter Finnish
Well, Sup Forums?
Why is the cradle of human civilization a war torn underdeveloped shithole?
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
How could a Prime Minister be this cute!
Which coutry have the cutest """""men"""""?
/balk/ ehemals /deutsch/
Are we all in agreement that Finland is the better country?
My dads are "we wuz italians n shieeeeeet"
Can You Rate My English skills
Hey faggot turn around, I'm the guy with red hair
Where were you when the Turkish army tried to make a coup in 2016?
What's your excuse for not visiting Croatia yet?
Kek,I love being tall as fuck in a manlet filled country like mine
City/Province flag thread
Do white men really have fantasies for Asian women?
100 years and 2 days ago, Lenin initiated the October Revolution in Russia
I used to think scandinavians and finns were giant manly men, sons of viking warriors
Kurva anyátok
Mfw my fetish is scat
Cocks :3
/fr/ - Le fil Français et/ou Francophone
Rate our winters
Why is the Italian a make up of incommensurable cunts
Congratulate Macedonia on starting negotiations for accession to the European Union
Das Monstrum
Anyone interested in marrying this gril?
This won’t exist in a hundred years
You wake up in Brazil
Visit france
Post your heritage Sup Forums
When you're forced to admire French culture for a moment...
/luso/ - fio lusófono
Swedish boys
Americans don't have culture
I used to pronounce the word albeit as "all-bahyt"
Sverigetråden - Skånska upplagan
Post your cunt's greatest creation
[meaningless guttural sounds intensify]
Why do British people say that they're not European?
Americans use the word "liberal" for left-wing ideologies
His language has 2 verbs for "to be"
November 8th, 2017
Turned 30 yesterday. Thinkin about killin myself
What do you think of the guy above you?
How many nazis did they hide after WW2?
Do you love Israel?
How can i get rich quick?
/balk/ - Balkan thread
Japs love America and Amerigaijin again
/IBE/ - Hilo Ibérico
Damn she is really cute
Americans are fat and stupi-
Japanese and Rusian
Imagine living in a country without summers. Must be so fucking boring
[:]Israel get in here [:]
Are Italians Latino?
Red countries are non-countries
How can i lose weight in your country? I don't want to be fat anymore
If you're above 49.9, then you're not European
Make thread on Sup Forums
/v4/ + friends
Am I Scottish now? :)
Post aesthetic pictures of Japan
Gemany officially recognising 'third sex' other than male and female
What is the grandest challenge your country is facing at the moment?
Talking with whites on internet make me less emotional and less energyful day by day
What do you call this in your country?
1. your country
Is it acceptable to date two women at once in your country?
Why do countries do this?
Give me one good reason why the EU shouldn't have an army?
For those of you not from here or Aussie, when you think "New Zealand" what is the first thing that pops into your mind?
Why are """black bulls"""" so small lmoa
Why are Japs so short??
Why was the name of "Philosopher's Stone" changed to "Sorcerer's Stone" in the American edition?
Be European
/ita/ il filo
Tfw going outside again
Americans get the tip of their dick mutilated even though they're not jews or muslims
Swede dad
/mena/ /شأشإ/
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Me and Sweden
Middle Eastern girls are for
Your Voice is Good?
Persuade me to (or to not) live here
Pure arab genes
What is:
I feel more Japanese than being Korean
Which countries have the best cuisine on the planet and why is it the Scandis?
Can we discuss this?
Guess it! thread
Whiter than you, Muhammad
Welcome to Culture Pals! Message QTs around the world!
Who else is going hungry because they are too poor? I have lost 5 kilos
/Sino/ - 中文
Le 53% faic
Metric system
Kurva anyátok
When will we stop being associated with this asshole?
What's wrong user? You seem nervous
ITT: controversial city opinions
Russian navy looking good
Be Krautshits
Who does Sup Forums support in the upcoming war?
Do you love Japan?
Hilo latino
Saw an Australian sex tourist get beaten at a club last night by Russian gangsters
ITT: Your country in one image
This is the truth
Sverigetråden - SD2D-upplagan
Why aren't your country more like australian?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why do nonwhites love Hitler so much?
Just curious if anywhere besides /cum/ can get crabs this size
Americans will deny this
Mfw you realize protestantism is literally judaism
Immigration won't change your coun-
Your cubt
Is there anything worse than your own family telling you you're fat and have a problem?
So Sup Forums, memes aside how often do you eat fast food?
El monstruo
Another day to be wasted on wagecucking tomorrow and the next day and the next day until a two day break where ill post...
Being agnostic jap reading bible
Why do Peruvian wear little British hats?
You're a cunt. What's the most embarrasing song in your music device?
He never saw the ocean in real life
/cum/ canada usa mexico
Why are black girls so perfect ?
Is your country full?
/fr/ - Le /fr/ancofil
Rate this picture of me giving a speech
What is Germany like?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Hurrr white people we order you to protect us from the niggers (we still hate you though)
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Sup Forums rooms
Why Uruguayans think they are white? They are Chile-tier
Youll never live in pre-1980s US
Do girls in your country wear choker?
Why don’t you want Americanized gun laws for your country...
What country belongs in each place Sup Forums? Post your ideas
In all seriousness, why does this happen? I'm not even trying to Sup Forums here...
/nachtschicht/ - König der Chads
Hilo latino amour
Letters in your language that foreigners get wrong
This is my first legal post lads
Be american
Tfw schizotypal personality disorder
Go through catalog
Behold, the average American
/cum/ canada usa mexico
What the FUCK is their problem?
Yet another week being wasted wagecucking instead of pursuing my real interests and passions
How is Brazil seen in your country?
Le fifty six percent face
From the world's Queen to America's Bitch
Why do so many white aussies pretend to be abos?
Why is Poland poor? Serious answers, please
ITT we post pictures from our travels and others guess where they were taken
8m pm
I want to move to america
Do Italians really hate Italian-Americans here or is it just memeing?
China is overrat-
Just what is wrong with this country? Why are there mass shootings every other week...
Was giving Anatolia to the Muslims in exchange for Iberia a good deal? Would you personally trade back?
Statistics edition
This country is just infinitely better than USA
The Turkish MIT ''National Intelligence Agency''
Ask Croat who took some MDMA anything
My brother thought pic related was a black woman. Should Indians be considered black?
Why are they so cute and silly
Summer was too short and too cold. I don't want half a year of cold again
Sverigetråden - Karolinska upplagan
Sup Forums sings - The Sup Forumsernationale
Women ranking thread
/fr/ - Le francofil
College- also special french last name
Whats even the point of living as a fat person?
Is it true that Americans think Science is some sort of voodoo or cult?
/cum/ canada usa mexico
Wh*Te bois BTFO
/lëtzebuerg/ ehemals /basel/ ehemals /deutsch/, immer /österreich/
Me and france
At present it seems that anti-US demonstrations are taking place in South Korea. Lol
How's conscription in Korea?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Mythical Creatures
Why neo-europeans think they are white?
/ita/ - il filo
Do Greeks really think they have unmixed DNA going back to ancient Greece...
Christianity is a sandnigger religion...
QUICK REMINDER that white people are the actual niggers is mexico
Mfw I see someone talking bad about Sweden, my brother!
Most famous building in spain is a mosque
Why Asians are handsome?
Wtf I love Austria now
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
What come to mind when you think of Pakistan?
I heard Sup Forums likes the Contrast
Have you ever felt like emigrating user?
Real talk, are there actual blacks on Sup Forums?
What makes you ashamed of your country?
Do the French identify themselves as Celtic, Germanic, Mediterranean, or something else?
/fr/ - Die Frankreich
Are this the lations/hispanics acording to the average American?
Why don’t black people drink coffee?
When was the last time you left your country?
I have a severe case of yellow fever (asian fever). What do? How to fix this?
Perfect city doesn't exis-
Most Overrated Empires
If you change one thing about your country's past, what would it be?
What are Sup Forums Turks opinion on islam?
I'm f*cking addicted to Sup Forums
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see pic related
Will your country accept Japanese refugees if Japan face extinction crisis because of volcanos...
Kurva anyátok
Come to Poland pls, we are very nice and will be friends with you
1. Cunt
/ita/ il filo
Draw the line between poor and rich
Do people in your countries eat poverty food like soups, buckwheat, canned meat, plov, cabbage rolls?
Am I ugly?
Is Russian worth learning?
I post Amerigoblins
Finally got it bros, free gibs here I come!
Sverigetråden - Låliupplagan
Who are the worst immigrants in your country?
Why sandpeople cant into internet?
Welcome to Culture Pals! Message QTs around the world!
Do you think your country will still exist in 100 years time?
What does Sup Forums know about the War of 1812?
You wake up in a European Federation with all governments merged and individual nations reduced to Catalonia tier...
Wake up
How cucked is your country?
Violence-wise, is America getting worse than South American shitholes like Brazil?
Guest who is back?
What is the story behind your flag?
What stereotypes are actually true about your country?
Muh Chinese hoax
How can a place be so based?
How much does a prostitute cost in your country?
Sup Forumsernational help v2 HALP!
Are white people basically guilty of every wrong that exists in your country?
Post your eyes
How did your country's capital city become the capital?
I am in Burger King. What should I order?
Post your country's ancient warriors
Do white people pretend to be black in your country?
Do you think multiculturalism works in your country?
Your country
I am Korean
What is the worst thing someone could say about your country?
How can i get out of this country?
Anti-italy thread
Friend country
Why don't Americans drink coffee or tea?
/Your Eyes/
Why are Americans such criminals?
Join the Sup Forums club
How racist is your country?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Are you single or double eyelid??
How has Sup Forums enriched your life and understanding of foreign cultures?
Why the fuck asian porn are censored?
In this thread you must use Kanji, Hanja, Traditional Chinese or Chữ Nôm
Are they basically Anglo?
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Why are Finns so different from Turks?
Reminder that Finland and Japan will unite together in the next few years and will form a new glorious regime along...
These countries don't have any future. Their emigration numbers are too high and they are economically almost bankrupt
This is the 2 countries I would love to visit before I die
American names
Let me present the Danish military in all its might and glory!
ITT: Times you acted like an american
The asian peninsula is full of 70-80 IQ brainlets
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...