Americans will deny this

>Americans will deny this

This is racist

This is not racist

I'd say it's more representative

requesting orc edit

I'd bet you this is an american textbook.

America is whiter than the EU
My white state is whiter than your nation


this. Good post.

please tell me you made this, I demand a screenshot with date.
Jesus the autism is real.

Why are Germans so butthurt about America all the time?


>my face when argentina is whiter than the us meme isn't really a meme

>my face when
>black guy

Now this is top tier shitposting

>euros WILL try to deny this

>whey duo yorus lofe shyti dravins soe mush?

assblasted thirdies

but it's literally just math

>but it's literally just math
Yea but I wouldn't trust it because the numbers show that black people aren't good with math


American here, I'm white

straight people are fucking boring

Just tell them this at the boarder and then you won't have to sneak in


Kys degenerate

If you want to represent 12% of the population, then sure, it's accurate.

>using American statistic of whiteness (which counts fucking people from Sudan and Yemen)
>to compare against self-made European statistic which conveniently leaves out half the continent
You need to equalise the criteria for whiteness, user.

You know that a white in Argentina would be considered a Hispanic in the USA?

wtf is this

Good post

>america is 1st wor- *gets shot*

>homemade excel spreadsheet

> Poland
> 0% white
We BLACKS shall rule the earth