
ss + gomad edition

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gott strafe england

is this photoshopped

in winter i live on the sun



the guardian actually managed to guess the election result pretty accurately in their "worst case scenario" prediction

love watching the election night meltdown compilations from Brexit and Trump always cheers me up 2bh


probably some alternate reality where the first scenario happened


cor blimey guvna, fancy a spot of tea and crumpets?


any niggers in here?

Tis a sad but true story
From the Bible it came
And it tells us how Judas
Sold the Savior in shame
He planned with the council
Of high priest that day
30 pieces of silver
Was the price they would pay

30 pieces of silver
30 sheckles of shame
Was the price paid for Jesus
On the cross he was slain Betrayed and forsaken
Unloved and unclaimed
In anger they pierced him
But he died not in VAIN
Twas on there on the hillside
The multitude came
And found our dear Savior
Then took him away
They bruised Him and mocked Him
Thorns were crowned around his head
And his garment of purple
Showed the blood stains of red

Far off in the mountains with his face towards the sun
Judas begged mercy for what he had done
He gave back the silver
For his heart filled with strife
Then there in the mountain he took his own life

30 pieces of silver
30 sheckles of shame
Was the price paid for Jesus
On the cross he was slain

really enjoying this more effeminate look from The Golden One

the Isle of Man powerhouse


the bible has got to be the most overrated book ever

i'm a white nationalist

plotting a coup

is it behind the rabbit?

against whom?

Describe yourself in one word
(No funny answers)

Remember my pal's Chinese gf used to see this girl as a fashion and style icon and talk to me about it but I always foudn it hilarious cos of all the damn photoshops (?)

cutevictim.tumblr.com doesn't strike me as someone who has read the Bible


God and his son Jesus

What's he doing lads?

killed by jews then


Paul 16:9 "Fuck niggers, though"


*enters the thread*

no actually it's the majority of liberal states with most of the illegals like commiefornia. they do it on purpose

stop spreading fake news


paid 2 euro for a small bottle of water, absolute state

I said no funny answers you ugly bastard

Dad is more talkative, slurring his words, moving slowly and clumsily
he's not drunk

differential diagnosis, go.


jesus wasn't palestinian or homeless, so that's retarded


*grabs your tail*

heh you've got a fluffy one

....... I feel sexy on the inside

I haven't seen many Tim Byrne posts lately...shame

Fucking shit forced gimmick that has finally died out

tell me a fun fact about life in japan

t.the dentist

Lots of history there.

kind of depresses me that for every major film has a website made for it, and it still remains up for years after everyone has seen the film and stopped caring

Someone Byrne this fella

just cause you say it doesn't make it true

>Jesus was Palestinian


>held protests at oppressive temples

>advocated for universal healthcare

>redistribution of wealth

>arrested for terrorism

>tortured and executed

>for going against the state

You're taking modern concepts and trying to apply them to the ancient past.

>tell me why he'd vote conservative
Because he sure as hell wouldn't vote for the homosexual debauchers trying to let in 1,000,000 Muslims


literally wrong unless it has a budget of like 50 billion

part of the budget goes on securing the domain
if they don't ask for it then they get less money to produce the film

>it's another "yank takes shitpost on /brit/ way too goddamn seriously" episode




if you can't open your laptop screen with one hand you're a povvo cunt

someone redpill me on what's going on in Saudi Arabia




>wasn’t serious when he said Mexicans were rapists and Muslims were terrorists,
love when the left lie without blinking

salman is launching an "anti-corruption" drive to purge potential adversaries

young women never go into gyudon place

arresting all the ISIS funders

>expecting autismo yank not to be retarded

this is a ridiculous way of gaining publicity its so fake


what is the gyudon place


the romans were a bunch gay nonces who wore skirts into battle desu

they don't have clasps these days
kids don't know they're born

Alri lads. Heard the goyim might be aware. Keep it on the dl though yeah?

whats WRONG with you people?!

Do you reckon Tim will be alone for Christmas? Makes me sad, we should send him a Christmas card

>kids don't know they're born

I tried to go to the gym again
still too anxious

daddy diddled me

waiting for lefty-g to blow a gasket at this post (made by yours truly)
technology calle

>he doesn't go to the climbing gym

benders were made immoral by jewish teachings, then thousands of years later it was jewish teachings that made benders socially acceptable again

the difference is, the homos the jews persecuted in the classical ages were a hypermasculine warrior cult. the homos the jews embraced in the modern era are feminised, drug-obsessed mentally ill degenerates

i'm not racist though (well, maybe a little bit)

wtf is a climbing gym

Rock climbing

Places I would happily live in

>South Island
no place like home
seems pretty similar to the south island
>Nova Scotia
same as, bit colder and close to major North American cities if I ever fancy visiting
Quiet, sparse, nice nature, interesting culture


Just fucking do it man. I'm sure you've already prepared what you're going to do due to your overthinking of things. Warm up 10 mins on the treadmill, do your sets, base them around bench/ohp/sqaut/deadlift with some compounds then some curls or cables. Remember that you're there remember that you're there to improve yourself and invest in your future, you'll feel better about yourself and less anxious and once you start going along you'll become addicted to it and believe me brother that's a good place to be. Good luck user, i believe in you.

gym is a waste of time go for a walk

gaffer had a go at toil today. considering doing a quit tomorrow

i like the austere, windswept, cold but stoic aesthetic you've got going on there

is he a hardliner, a reformer, a lone nutjob or what

any yanks in visit /brit/ on he daily?
how long you been coming here?
are you a britboo irl also?
how long have you been britboo?
what made you britboo?

You sound like me. Ironically NZ tops my list (Scotsman). Haven't how the fuck I'm going to move there and get a job though.

don't feed them

zonked on pills or maybe TIA

would say vancouver island is closer to NZ than nova scotia
maybe newfoundland too

thoughts on alaska?

Fuck off Jock

every time I go I get so anxious that I can barely breathe and I feel like I'm going to faint
one time I had to rush the bathroom and physically vomit

I pass this on the way to work every day (don't doxx me bro) and I'm always tempted to give it a go

depression creeps up on you