Why is India still poorer than its former master 70 years after independence?

Why is India still poorer than its former master 70 years after independence?

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because it's still developing?

inefficient governance.

india tried to be isolationist and did not embrace the commonwealth or the west after independence

GDP doesn’t mean jack

China is 2nd world largest economy yet hundreds of millions of people still live in poverty

gdp means a lot mate, it tells you the nominal or ppp value of the nations trade. the higher means the more prominence they have on the world stage. per capita tells you the quality of life of the individual citizens but that is somewhat less meaningful when you compare nations to other nations.

on account of eternal anglo

>You will never be in top10

the fuck do you expect? most of the country except for a few cities were rural and poor. shit can't modernize overnite happen without billions of dollars and even then it takes decades for the effects to be concrete.

And Brazil is still the country of the future?

You are literally a digit away


Tell Saddam in 2003 that GDP doesn't matter.

Wasn't China getting gangraped by Japs, bandits, and commies when India gained its independence?
What did China do right that India did not? Poo in the loo?

for such a country to be within the top 20, even with assistance from a place within the top 5. that in itslef is an achievement, but also a requirement being right next to such an unstable and hostile place.

You might if you let that won appreciate. Please we want less trade deficit. =^)

But it still hasn't and is growing 5%.

but china 50 years ago was nothing compared to what it is now. india might take another 20 years before it goes uphill just as china has. and china has had a huge trade partner (us) to give it funds along the way.

A lot of South Korea is purely because we provide them protection for free. That's like $500 billion over the last 70 years. anyone could get developed if they had that support.

you mean to tell me it was easier for a communist country to gain a huge trade partner (us) then it was a for a democracy?

>Canada is in the top 10

But China was in a far worse place than India in 1950, 1960, 1970, and 1980, yet now is far better. How?

India is our fourth largest trade partner amigo. They have been around longer than China. If they wanted to trade more with us and for us to "give it funds" (are you retarded and seriously think we gifted China money for free), they could have just like China.

The question is why.

honestly, friend, i have had a good 3 pints of whiskey and i can't really go into a discussion that deep. sorry to disappoint


Umm, so you are saying we gave China "funds" in exchange for nothing? I thought our private businessmen were smart. Seems like Trump has a point. We've just been handing China billions for free for decades.

the answer is unclear to me in my current state, but i do assure you it is not because of anything racial, that would be to simple.

Any other explanations?

they have sweatshops, the stereotype has to have some reality, which means they maximized their profits.

I'd point to the fact socialism was never fully discredited in India like it was in China.

#2 China
#3 Japan
Why Korea too weak compare to neighboring countries?

both countries have the benefit of being whole. im goin to bed, i love all of you Sup Forums posters!


if it's any consolation, you are projected per capita PPP to beat japan by 2030



Perhaps because the most economically productive Indian states with the highest HDI have been socialist (borderline gommie in one case) for decades.

India is definitely better than China, it’s the MSM and internet memes that is leading you to believe that China is making ghost cities for epic lulz and Indians are busy shitting on streets.

Don’t forget that India is the world’s largest democracy and that means there is a better market on India than a restrictive authoritarian regime China. India had the western countries’ eyes for a long time now and I can definitely tell you that India can achieve Chinese growth within 5 - 10 years what China did in 50 years.

Don’t ever forget that India is growing scarily strong as time passes while the west is busy sucking chink dicks. The Indians are just playing possums and doesn’t have the need to attentionwhore like China does. The standards of China is definitely lower than India’s.

i get that you're probably upset at china for the islands and all but....

you are seriously fucked up if you think India can overtake China within 5-10 years. 50 years? maybe, but 5-10 years? i haven't done the math but you'll need at least 20% yoy growth for that.

never disagreed with that. very interesting perspective given you are much closer to their lands than we are. thanks for the input. im still fighting all the pills and drink i still wanna stay up and talk to all of you guys.

See? This is the problem, then world underestimates what India can do within this century. Don’t forget India already managed to launch its own satellites in the space while you’re still busy shitposting about Ganges River.

Indians aren’t superhumans, but they’re definitely one of the best and the most powerful people out there. They can easily dominate the west if they tried.

commies had their turn with india

every objective indicator tells us that India has great potential but has not realized it. India for all it's strength is very difficult to govern given it's diverse language, geography, and bureaucracy. i do not honestly see India achieving China's level of growth within my lifetime.


>tfw richer than Russia
Great power LMAO. Why do they even have veto power?

Are you Chinese by any chance?

yeah i know, it must be super salty to you guys if the Koreans achieve a higher per capita gdp then you guys, a former colony.

nuclear weapons mate. nuclear fucking weapons.

india is already on the up and up. just at a much slower pace than china

How do you think UK feels?
Every Anglosphere nation except New Zealand is richer than UK per capita

means fuck all when koreas are crammed into commieblocks and japs get thier own comfy homes


>GDP doesn’t mean jack
You are retarded.

We still have a shot for the 21st century.

Too much population and not enough natural resources. Ineffective central government. Low rates of literacy. All three of these factors on their own could kneecap the economic growth of any country.

Incidentally, I haven't seen any Indian posters on here recently. Where have they gone off to?

poo in loo meme really fucking did them in.

He isn't. Nominal GDP is pretty much useless.