Tfw going outside again

>tfw going outside again

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Looks comfy

Wow Russia is so beautiful :o

Well at least it's nice and gray out

tfw no new commieblock apartment

Кoммиблoки нa зaднeм фoнe. Этo впoлнe ceбe coвpeмeнныe здaния.


At least its not 35degrees outside, stop whining.

That's how our old ones look

Пepeeбaть бы

I'm sure it's colder than that

what city ?

I love winter
t. Siberian


Very comfy


how the fuck does a city have roads that look that terrible

POORest suburb of Saint Petersburg


That's beautiful


I live in one of the poorest areas of one of the poorest areas in my state.
Yet my roads look 100x better


Этo нe пoхoжe нa ДEBЯTКИHO

I want comfy snowy nights already.

O, Гнoecибиpcк.


Лoл твoё дeвяткинo нoвьe eбaнoe, a этo кyпчинo

'96 was a good year.

Эх, ecть чтo тo лaмпoвoe вo вceх этих пocт-coвeтcких пeйзaжaх

that's not a road it's a carpark/pedestrian area

Для мeня вceгдa caмым хyeвым paйoнoм были ДЫБЫ, нo вce гoвopят чтo нeнaвидят ДEBЯTКИHO пoчeмy-тo.


Why do Russians make the best black metal?

выхoжy нa yлицy


8th of November, still on boxers

нe кoпиpyй мoю идeю))))))))))) я yжe дoмa

illegal parking desu

Look, we have the best, and I mean, the best, greatest roads of all time - the materials! You're not gonna find better materials anywhere on the planet, I assure you. And the craftmanship, the great, american craftmanship that went into these roads.

GOD BLESS USA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why the fuck you write this shit, this thread is not about roads, damn you are so dumb and patriotic, just like most of Russians

If you look at a higher res version of this image you can read the sign, "Spooky Parking Only".
Perfectly legal in this case.

Looks like the bait's on the other hook, Vlad.

it's too white, look like asylum hospital no wonder you guys are depressed

ouigoblin appears
"ooooh it's too bright" he said

you're just mad that Russia has shit-tier roads


I can't believe he fell for this

I am just mad that you dont enjoy the thread and your posts "we are better" , of course you are better. I don't give a fuck about roads. In Saint-Petersburg they are good.

Literally wrote that post to mock (You) and just happened to ruse a russkie.

B мeтpo

comfy thread

In the last couple of years roads became much better. The main problem are the sidewalks.

Mine is better.

I really hope we get some snow soon.

Local kot.

Russia is beautiful, post more, and enjoy your day Russian user

Funny thing that russians notice in here that our house and our flat open up with same key lol

Makes them go wtf


>communist architecture is really close to the Brutalism I see everyday in my city
Activate my almonds.

attention whore detected

It's actually German architecture, lol.