Was giving Anatolia to the Muslims in exchange for Iberia a good deal? Would you personally trade back?

Was giving Anatolia to the Muslims in exchange for Iberia a good deal? Would you personally trade back?

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when did this exchange take place?

Middle ages

when which year?

You resisted tooth and nail.

fuck no

>wanting a muslim new world
wtf is wrong with you?

non-Catholics aren't Christian

What's the region with Tibetan Buddhism?


>non-catholics aren't Christian

I feel bad for Orthodoxy. They need more adherents.

Armenians are not Orthodoxy. They have their own Apostolic Church.


It's just a lazy shorthand since Armenians are "close enough" in culture and appearance to the Orthodox.

>Dat Turey
>Dat Polan
Le. Net.

I'd rather kill myself than convert to a kremlin controlled religion. Because that's what it has degenerated into. The patriarch of moscow is now the de facto leader of the church and not the ecumenical patriarch of constantinople. That means putin has the final say in everything the church does or says. Might as well give the keys to the childrens changing room to a pedophile.

Orthodoxy is a corrupt, perverse, and perverted religion in general. The fact that it's basically a Russian ethno-religion now just makes it even worse. Russian orthodoxy is syncretic as fuck too which is retarded, African tier.

As a Catholic I literally respect Islam more than I respect Orthodoxy or Protestantism.

Tasteless plebs. Orthodoxy is GOAT, Constantinople is in Turk hands and the Russia governments interest aren't negatives.

You have to go back.

It was never an exchange, what are you retarded?

He's being tongue in cheek.

It's true, pr*testantism was made up for people who didn't believe in God.

>reclaim constantinople xddddddd


it wasn't an "exchange" its just the fact that both regions happened to be conquered

>ii-t was an exchange!
>w-we weren't just c-cowards for not helping Iberia! It was al a p-plan!
>n-nah! The Turk didn't sistematically face rape u-us, we just let them w-win!
SubhUMAn monkey poster

>As a Catholic

Pfft. go kill yourself worthless heretic who adheres to as corrupt church if even more. Atleast orthodox's whilst being an syncretic ethno-religion hasn't been accused of multiple molestation scandals and widespread indepth corruption.

Whole christianity is corrupted and the only place where a christian might find solace is in his own beliefs and surprise surprise Catholicism forbids that in the face of pope's supremacy.

Castile conquered moroccan occupied iberia in 1215, liberating and respecting the religions of Iberians, constantinople conquest happened 240 years later.


Castile then liberated seville.

Next city conquered in such conquests.


Given that Spain was in an optimal position to colonize once the age of exploration started, definitely. I'd rather not have Muslim Mexicans.

whatever makes you sleep my transvestite