Russian navy looking good.
Russian navy looking good
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it does
"What an awful post, a thread died for this"
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You of all people should not be acting smug
aww, i remember the time when world of warships was fun and i mained destroyers...
not going to return till they begin nerfing limited premium ships
butthurt diaspora strikes again
It could be Nikita with a proxy.
>it's the jews fault our navy is a rusty pile of shit
Oh how the mighty have fallen.
more chances you just a hohol or something alike
>Oh how the mighty have fallen.
Russkie navy was NEVER good
>this is what retarded angloshits actually believe
They're better than most African navy's!
But its mostly a slavs + boats thing, they just don't into water craft very well
Defendign MOther Russia from Great White North, Comrade Yeltsev?
>eternal anglo marginalising other superpowers' naval achievements
He's right though, the russian navy has always been either mediocre or hilariously bad
Russians not made for water. Can't swim, necer will
>btfoed swedes
>btfoed turks
>btfoed germans
>le bad navy
none of those are good navies
neither is yours
>for when even your army manages to sink itself
what did you expect? russia is literally being ruled by a criminal gang, and the only goal of the members of that gang (including Putin) is to make themselves richer. why would they waste money on navy if they only need to pay police and so-called national guard to stay safe?
this shithole is ridiculous
>Russia criticizing the most powerful navy in the world
Ayy lmao
>british navy
>le the most powerful navy
>can't defeat suicide boats and vietnamese farmers
>Russia sends their navy to Syria
>their only aircraft carrier breaks down
>they lose a few fighters while trying to land
Quite embarrassing, desu
>their only aircraft carrier breaks down
except it didn't
>they lose a few fighters while trying to land
it's common when you have 1000+ flights a week
>1000+ flights a week
Your pilots barely have any flight hours and your ships use outdated electronics. Just cut your loses in the navy department and stop being an international laughing stock. Focus more on your airforce from the extra funding you'd receive.
>no respectable country on Earth wants anything to do with you
>have to make deals with tinpot shitholes like Syria and North Korea
How embarrassing.
Was that supposed to happen?
Toot toot
>Can't beat suicide boats and vietnamese farmers
1 million dead commie gooks isn't good enough for you?
actually our ships have the most advanced electronics in the world.
no it didn't
toot toot
Why does it run on diesel? Nuclear motor is much better
>dual purpose anti-aircraft/anti-submarine missiles
>kill 1 million gooks armed with chopsticks
>lose 500 k advanced soldiers
>claim decisive victory
>this is what retarded angloshits actually believe
It's actually somewhat true. Our Navy used to lie about their capabilities to get more money. They realized they could never match us on the surface so they put a lot of effort into submarine forces. Even with submarines as their focus, their subs were still technologically inferior to the U.S. subs.
Pride of the russian "navy"
What are you talking about
58,000 american soldiers died
200,000 freedom gooks
1 million commie gooks
>North Korea
2bh even they don't give a shit about russia anymore.
and literally the only reason why syria still does is because russia is the only country willing to spend lots of money and even lives of its own soldiers and officers to fight for syria. i wouldn't be surprised if assad would immediately switched the side and joined american team if he got offered help and support from the us (after the war i mean)
Because R*ssians don't know how to build nuclear ships
soviet subs were also better armed
>can't defeat suicide boats and vietnamese farmers
Yes, the Vietnamese defeated the U.S. navy...
If you're going to use old battles here.
>Lose entire generation of russian men to g*rmans
>Send the remaining to Gulag just to make sure you've killed them all
>Burn down half of country
>pol tier memes
ww2 america=/=america now
>Wounded = dead
All i care about is the American deaths
No clue in that case why they used diesel when they had reactor technology from subs. Supposedly that particular ship has been plagued with problems since it was launched.
then stop claiming NV deaths
>lost 50 k and killed 0
How can the largest country in the world be poorer than Italy?
how can richest country in the world use russian engines?
Rockets are meme engines. Talk to me when your aircraft carriers run on nuclear reactors
the elites (oligarchs) and putin's criminal gang are not poor at all. it's ordinary people who live in poverty. russia was always a country with extreme inequality, wealthy are tyrannical elites and poor as hell, miserable general population.
a famous russian poet Lermontov wrote:
>Farewell, farewell, unwashed Russia,
>The land of slaves, the land of lords,
>And you, blue uniforms of gendarmes,
>And you, obedient to them folks.
we literally NEED a foreign government to rule us in order to not suffer too much
Go back to fckn Serbia, scum
atleast we have tigers. Roar grr
Why do russians like Putin?
Because russians are drunk animals
No one likes him. It's just people that say they dislike him usually end up dead.
ah that must be the reason why every modern jetliner including the Comac C919 and Sukhoi Superjet 100 uses engines either designed and built by two American companies, a French company, or British company, or need to be designed and built under joint ventures with those companies
Rocket engines are literally the easiest part of getting to space
Christ Russians are pathetic
>vietnam america=/=america now
What do you expect from a country where drinking lighter fluid is a national pastime?
why do you think they do? most of those "independent polls" are either made up shit or they are performed using a phone. and if some random dude calls you and asks if you like putin or not of course you respond "yes" since if you say "no" you may end up being shot or at least got put on some list of dissidents or something like that. people in totalitarian shitholes like russia are too scared to say what they really think or believe
>Sukhoi Superjet 100
shut up retard
But, S-P-A-C-E
What a shit place to live. Russians have nothing to be proud of
The engines we use for space haven't been russian since the 90s with the exception of the Atlas 5, which is old tech. We use Boeing and Lockheed Martin rockets now
This man knows what he's talking about.
Sorry i wouldn't want to ruin what little achievements that the russians have left.
They can keep their rockets
i do agree. literally the only thing we are known for is beautiful prostitutes who would do anything to escape from this hellhole and who literally fill the brothels all over the world
>be aryan russian
>get bullied by shitty mongrels that achieved nothing before they invited jews in their countries
very sad feeling
B-but german prostitutes are far better than your St petersburg krokodile whores Rus-bro
>german prostitutes
most "german prostitutes" in german are in fact russians, czechs and poles
>w-were white
>f-fucking jews
You people are a fucking joke.
you won't believe how delusional some people here are
>sail from Crimea to Japanese sea to fight japs
>half the force dies along the way
>shoot at British fishermen at the channel because why not start an incident with the strongest navy?
>shoot and sink your own flagship and several others along the coast of africa
>get utterly decimated by a greenhorn admiral outside Taiwan
>entire navy reduced to 2 ships
will russian subhumans ever recover?
Because floating Chernobyl
Russia is weird. I can't stand their government and state, but the Russian people themselves are nice, good people in my experience. But then again, maybe the good folk leave Russia so I only meet them here.
>the baltic fleet sails from crimea through the english channel to japan
>norge education
>maybe the good folk leave Russia so I only meet them here.
this. also the ones who post on Sup Forums are usually the friendliest and least brainwashed of all, the rest are 1000 times worse, trust me
Russians never were into sailing anyway
>what was the russo-japanese war of 1905?
I thought the manlet putin had shills operating on every site including Sup Forums?
True, I generally have a good impression of Russian posters. Sure there's shitposters and propaganda posters, but Russian posters when politics isn't involved tend to be insightful and nice, if not full of self deprecating humour.
no, i was talking about ordinary russian posters, not some shills, trolls or whatever.