WTF I hate brazil now!
WTF I hate brazil now!
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He wans't pretend being racist. He just didn't know it was racist.
WTF I love Brazil now!
top kek
gooks btfo
kpop is cancer
gotta put those westaboos in their place
Just banter mate
this post, also good for salty kpopfags tears
Brazilians are envious of koreans' beauty
>spend money fixing your cunt eyes
>huehue still makes fun of them
literally heuheuheud
They look like geishas with how much white makeup is one their faces
I hated them since the monkey soup
I wanna lick Jimin
But the soup is fake
Fuck off he's mine!
why is Sup Forums full of homos
*koreans' faggotry
this is K Pop?
they look like asian wiggers
Nop. The Mico Leão Dourado is almost extinct because northeastern and Cariocas made a traditional dish from him.
Fucking animals.
All our television people are hight on cocaine. It's a fact.
For non Hue people, Kasino is a brazilian meme, usually used like Sup Forums use GAS-GAS-GAS music in our webms.
Based Raul Gil
Just bantz.
The Korean butthurt was beautiful tho.
fat amd ugly white mongrell is just smiling, isn't it?
tfw no korean bf to be racist with him
I am racist
do you want to marry me?
They're ugly as fuck though.
He is not white. He is Spanish.
kpop is one of the worst things to ever exist
at least its hot
That's my fetish
East Asians are qt. Basically the only other people in the world aside from white people that I can find attractive.
South Korea is cute :3
based macacos
That's what happens when you pretend to be white
How does it feel you fucking gook manlets
>it's the italian faggot with his weekly thread about gooks