Do white people pretend to be black in your country?

Do white people pretend to be black in your country?

lol yeah

honestly he looks like he's just part native or something

russian "rappers"
and then this cultural trash reaches us

He looks like a swarthy white, Like he has southern Euro in him.

doesn't help that half the pictures he has online are either edited or in black and white
never seem him IRL so I have no idea what he actually looks like

Why does he shave his forehead?

Yes, here some brown spics act like blacks even though they have 0 African ancestry.

Remember this daft cow?

It's that black straight hairline look. Widow's peak not allowed


this guy's about as black as j edgar hoover

Yellow people pretend to be white in my country


People who are 95% white say they're aboriginal because of a great great grandparent all the time

he's whiter than people from Sup Forums irl meeting




There are no white people in Britain

no, but niggers do the opposite to get jobs.

Why don't you kill them?