Whats even the point of living as a fat person?

Whats even the point of living as a fat person?

In Canada I feel like trash for being fat.

No girls like fat guys. I keep reading about the health risks of being fat and im starting to realize how much worse it is than just looking bad.

I just dont want to be fat anymore. All the good things I can offer the world are nothing as due to how people respond to my fat.

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just unfat yourself

Just b urself


But I am myself

Just do drugs to replace your food addiction:)


People said I just have to stop eating so much. They lied. Now I haven't lost weight but lost the pleasure of eating tasty food.
I used to drink pepsi, eat shaverma, drink beer, eat candy, eat mcdonalds, eat ice cream and I was fat and moderately happy.
Now I don't have any of that and I'm fat and unhappy.

Just B.E yourself

I already am myself can you give actual advice

That's a sign of atypical depression

Its a constant cycle : Social misconceptions -> genuine anxiety - > depression and severe stress -> ADHD tendencies, wrecked composure and binge eating, drinking or even posting -> feel more depressed -> back to social misinterpretation of who I am

Very very bad, removes the pleasure from life

Eat healthy appropiate portions of food, do some exercise. Any other answer is a meme. If you're American tier fat skip the exercise and just do a healthy diet.

Yes, it takes willpower and it's hard, there's no easy out.

Go for a walk. Do this every day for at least an hour. Grow to appreciate the sights, however mundane.

I do that regularly it doesn't really help

I lost about 35kg over the last year and a half (from 130kg to 95kg now. Still a bit fat, but it has gotten a lot better obviously). Simply replacing soda with plain water and not stuffing my face all day with everything I could get a hold of was probably the biggest part of that weight loss, honestly.
I suggest you pick one bad habit you have, replace it with something better and then go from there.

The changes are painfully slow. So slow that I wonder if it's worth it.
Like 5 kg of loss in 4 months of strict dieting and everyday 7 km walks

Should I count calories? I keep hearing normies say that shit but not sure how legit it is.

There's this thing called thermodynamics. In what concerns you there's a number of calories you need to eat to mantain your weight, eat less than that and your body will be forced to burn its reserves of fat.

It physically is imposible for you to eat less and not lose weight, no medical condition exists that violates the laws of physics.

Chances are you're still eating too much, you're just eating too much of tasteless crap.

Is this normie nonsense or actually accurate? How much calories must I eat in a deficit of in order to lose let's say 15lbs?

I can confirm that this DOES NOT work. At least for me.
I don't drink soda, I don't drink alcohol, I don't eat candy, I don't eat fast food, I don't eat bread, butter and fried food. I'm still fat. I'm not overeating. Those who say "oh just simply replace soda with water" deserve a punch in the face. You niggers don't know what I'm going through in order to just not gain weight.

How many calories a day are you eating?

Counting calories works but here's the rub of that, you start bargaining with yourself and obsessing over every small meal. So you might tell yourself if you skip the fries and soda you can still eat that 800 cal burguer and then fill yourself up with vegetables.

I'm not saying it doesn't work, it's basically what you'll be doing if you go to a dietician, but you can save the pain of that by just eating normal home cooked meals (soup, a stew, salad, even desert) in NORMAL portion sizes.

End of the day you're going hungry, get your 3 square meals a day and unless you're in very bad shape or do actually have some condition, it will not go beyond just anxiety.

You're probably not going through anything, or anywhere for that matter.

That was moderately funny.

its fucking easy to lose weight

read the /fit/ sticky, twice....then read the fat person generals and fat hate generals for motivation

how to fuck do you get fat please somebody teach me.Been skinny all of life

If I eat less calories than I consume am I guaranteed to lose weight?

Motivation is a hoax. You either see the profit at the end of a bumpy road to success or you do not.

Then I burn I mean*

If I eat less calories then I burn up. Sorry just reading an article about this after googling

When you get hungry just drink water.

It was mostly meant as a light insult for the "punch in the face" and "nigger" commentary.

Hello? Can you tell me how many calories you eat per day just curious because trying to understand if normies are right

I don't count calories.
And yes, it is pretty obvious if you have a deficit of calories your body will be forced to burn fat to survive.

Is physics normie nonsense? Try not eating for a full day (simple enough for a normal person) you'll burn something in between 2000-3000 calories doing that. High performance athletes can burn as much as 5,000 calories in an hour of exercise (a fat person would probably die of heart attack at that level of activity) that's the reason they can eat burguers as a side to their main meal.

Construction workers in Mexico generally drink a lot of soda to make up for the extra calories they burn through extra physical activity, otherwise they eat normal. Think of it as an equation, fat people combine high input of calories (eating a lot) with low physical activity, meaning they burn less calories. You have to balance it out so that instead of gaining weight you're losing it. Eating less is generally less dangerous than working out more, you have to take it easy on starting physical activity when you do no exercise.

Okay in that case then what exactly is stopping me from losing weight? Can I just count calories? I thought I always just had a bad metabolism.

If you did couldn't you lose weight

Man, I don't get what's so difficult about this, you have to eat less if you want to lose weight, plain and simple. You can count calories, you can make up your mind to quit soda, candy and snacks, you can just decide to eat half of what you eat today. Regardless of method you're not escaping the fact your only way out will be to go hungry. Sure, you can "ease" into that and there's all forms of coping but it's as simple as that, you will have to deal with anxiety and cravings.

There's no magic formula like if you sprinkle a spoonfull of sugar in your hamburguers it will somehow speed up your metabolism. You will have to suffer for this.

Also if you're too fat and a poorfag you want to do the weight loss slow, possible health conditions aside, you'll end up with flaps of loose skin if you drop weight too fast for your body to adjust.

Just eat 3 meals a day and only one serving. And do only use chopsticks

This seems logical but how can it be so easy? I don't get hungry or anything I just kind of compulsively eat and also get worried my brain is atrophying if I don't eat.

Main reason I want to lose weight is because I kept reading about how much excess fat affects brain health and the correlation with many mental issues. I want to be smart.

mexican fwend can you give me some tips according to my lifestyle? you seems to know a lot about it

Nah man, I'm just trying to use common sense here, what's your lifestyle?

I never said it was easy, you have to stop eating compulsively and quit it with dumb made up excuses like your brain will atrophy, what the hell is that? It's just nonsense.

I feel you brah, I managed to gain a whopping 6kg in six months by stuffing my face like a pig every chance I get, but now I've gone back down a few kilos because G-d hates me. Currently at massive 72kg@194cm and the hockey season is about to start, that'll probably drop me back well under 70 before spring

Yeah, you mouth breathing retard, maybe the reason you're so fat is that you're too stupid to do anything else. Check out the sticky on /fit/. The concepts are simple. The hard part is actually doing it. Good luck, user, I believe in you.


Thank you user I hope I can change my life by 2019 or earlier

Could you please tell me a site where I can tell you about this. My english is shitty and I don’t want to expose my life.
I beg you to help me

How much do you eat per day?

As much as I can, which probably isn't all that much lel. I generally have zero appetite so I just forget to eat a lot, and most of the times I do I'm forcing myself to do it. Also I cycle everywhere and lift 5 times a week so there's pretty legit reasons why I'm a hungry skeleman, just sucks that even though I do make a conscious effort to change that I'm getting fucking nowhere

I've heard a theory that fats have big appetites and UNDERestimate how much they eat and skinnys have small appetites and OVERestimate how much they eat.

Seems to make sense to me.

eat less move more, landwhale

It's the calories. Not what you eat. Also don't drink Vodka.

It's definitely true, and equally sucky for both ends, feeling you're starving/force feeding yourself on daily basis is no fun.
You get used to eating a healthy amount but shit takes time and dedication


500kcal DEFICIT will net you 0.5~1kg per week aka 5kg per month.

Yeah yeah cool it normie

You can still be fit and autistic loser at the same time. All you need to know is in that place in sticky.

Literally no better than telling virgins to just bbbbbbbb themselves.

well you can buy a large house, grew orchids and be a famous private detective

i recall i once lost my appetite completely on antidepressants, it lasted for a couple of weeks, my doctor even wanted to make me stop taking them. shit was pretty amusing, like imagine you don't want to eat at all and the only way for you to know you should force feed yourself it's when your stomach begins to ache, but even when it aches you still don't want to eat and eating feels as a pretty annoying job

Honestly man some Canadian told me I was 250lbs. Since then I have lost 20kg just from exercise and a high protein diet