hey Sup Forums
been a while
only friend that i have ever felt has cared about me has now confirmed that they have moved on and do not care anywhere like they used to.
Kinda feel like not being here anymore.
How is your night going?
Feels bar open now.
Hey Sup Forums
Nights going alright, you want to talk about anything in particular?
Bump for feels
I am okay right now man. Typing some stuff out currently. Just tired of not being enough for anyone including myself.
What do you mean, enough?
I miss my friends in college and highschool. But we dont even talk that much anymore. It makes me wonder if we were ever friends to begin with.
Ive never been enough to keep people around in my life. There have been a couple people that have stuck around, but I know that it is entirely because I was a convenience to have around. Hell at this point I cant even find pride in the things that I am doing. objectively, I am at the best point of my life, but i have never felt so empty and hollow.
Can you think of any particular reason they left you?
It might just be the people you allow to befriend you. If you’re a loner than you are more exploitable than socialites
sorry to hear that
does it seem like they never cared? was there a catalyst for the change in their feelings about you?
as for me, I'm just ok. finally got paid from my first job in months so that kinda helped give me some motivation. looking to go back to school because I'm tired of how I'm living