Does anyone here do sim racing? I feel kinda autistic doing it but kinda better than playing a normal video game

Does anyone here do sim racing? I feel kinda autistic doing it but kinda better than playing a normal video game

At first i just wanted a normal arcade machine for my house but theyre like 5000 dollars and i really like drifting cars and stuff. I got this and its pretty cool the wheel is actually a lot more realistic than i thought and feels a little bit like drifting

Attached: 684578D9-C840-4002-AF40-340E9CFDD5D4.jpg (1536x2048, 325K)

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imagine buying a chair setup while using a fucking baby tv

try it in vr shits crazy with a full set up i do space sims but i wanna get into some racing games

Ah dude
I’ve always wanted to do this.
It looks fucking sick


I do it with a valve index as well, my setup just isn't as extensive as yours

where do you get the track outline/map from OP?

This. never tried it in VR but I hear it's really good.

I simulate driving over Sup Forumsacks for trying to raid this board

Cry more faggot