Does anyone here do sim racing? I feel kinda autistic doing it but kinda better than playing a normal video game

Does anyone here do sim racing? I feel kinda autistic doing it but kinda better than playing a normal video game

At first i just wanted a normal arcade machine for my house but theyre like 5000 dollars and i really like drifting cars and stuff. I got this and its pretty cool the wheel is actually a lot more realistic than i thought and feels a little bit like drifting

Attached: 684578D9-C840-4002-AF40-340E9CFDD5D4.jpg (1536x2048, 325K)

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imagine buying a chair setup while using a fucking baby tv

try it in vr shits crazy with a full set up i do space sims but i wanna get into some racing games

Ah dude
I’ve always wanted to do this.
It looks fucking sick


I do it with a valve index as well, my setup just isn't as extensive as yours

where do you get the track outline/map from OP?

This. never tried it in VR but I hear it's really good.

I simulate driving over Sup Forumsacks for trying to raid this board

Cry more faggot

I have that wheel. I like it a lot. Good feedback. Racing and space flight are the two things that I'd really love VR on

It's the nurburgring

You can get basic setups i bought just a wheel and 2 pedals plus a stand for like 300 i think its even cheaper now

If its really bad i think they have used wheels for like 120 dollars and they just latch onto a desk perfectly

i know that, but did you make it yourself or did you buy it from somewhere?

Nah that’s a pic off google I just got a basic stand

I think user meant "where did you get it?"

Nice set-up, I'll have a similar one someday

Not sim racing but have the setup for F1

Attached: F4376217-12D2-41C1-A226-A98BAD362514.jpg (1536x2410, 764K)

oh, then heres mine. I still need to get an emergency brake for it

Attached: sim_wheel.jpg (1938x3264, 1.04M)

...before the F1 wheel

Attached: 79C0E712-8797-4474-8C6C-5546152E334B.jpg (1719x2046, 652K)

Always wanted this for forza. Don’t know what wheel I’d get. Only thing autistic here is your pop figures.

its not his

Where did you get the wheel stand, that's fucking perfect

I got it from amazon

I go out at 3 AM and race on nearby interstates, if that counts.

Attached: BC06FAA8-42D5-442B-8CAA-AE522168281E.jpg (2100x1575, 680K)

Isn’t that sim racing?

Oh wow other people do it too. I never heard of it until now. I think i saw something to do with it one time on amazon but the only wheels i could find were like 500 dollars so i quit.

That’s the same wheel i got. Any chance you play on xbox? Everyone’s on pc

I've always kinda liked the idea of the racing rig, but I'm not actually into the games so it never really happened.
A flight rig always looked like it'd be a good fit for MWO (and predecessors) too