How bad is herpes?

How bad is herpes?

>Don't have herpes
>Know hot girls who have herpes
>Avoid sex with them because they have herpes

Am I the only guy who does this? I've turned down sex with an 8 and two 10's now, because they had herpes. And they had the decency to tell me upfront. But I feel like I can't knowingly infect myself with an incurable STI that some dude gave them, it grosses me out.

Am I the only person who feels this way? Makes me sad. I know the answer is to 'find some non-roastie', but it's HARD. Girls don't save their virginity. It's rare to meet a chick who hasn't been with more than 10 guys by the time she's 19.

Fucking sucks.

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It'll make your pepe turn into a puddle of green slime
Don't do it user you've got so much fap left in ya

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Don't do it, there are plenty of hot girls out there whose pussies aren't filled with Ebola

Do ya really want herpes for a lay? Nah not worth it.

I get cold sores on my lips. Had it since I was a kid, and they are the worst. I'll put it this way, i got my ass beat a month ago, got my nose broken was all blooded up and the next day I was in high spirits. 2 days later I got a cold sore on my lip and that shit bothered me more than the broken nose and all the bruises.
It's gross looking and made me feel fucking awful as a kid. Thank fuck I never got it on my dick, I can't imagine how much that would suck. But apparently like 1 in 5 people get that shit on their lips? I never see anyone with it. Maybe I just dont notice cause im a hermit.
I also turned down sex with a girl who told me she had it on her vagina. I don't want it on my dick, plz no. But I've gotten blowjobs from girls who say they get it on their lips. Supposedly as long as symptoms arent showing they can go to town on you and it is extremely unlikely to spread. I aint a doctor though, just a bum.

google it. most people with herpes have one outbreak their entire life. my best friend has herpes, i still fuck her raw from time to time and i have no symptoms so far.

If you're having sex regularly you've come into contact with it. If shes not feeling an outbreak come on youre in the clear. That being said, it's not smart, but I know how it feels for the dick to win arguments.

Yes and no. Hypothetically there are 'lots of hot girls'. The reality is these are the hottest girls I've ever had the chance to go out with, let alone fuck, by orders of magnitude, and I straight up rejected them.

Being brutally honest with myself, my hottest gf was probably a 7. I have had two 10s say they are obsessed with me - not wanting a drunk one night stand or some dumb shit, they wanted a relationship. And I liked them back - fell in love almost, and then before sex they are like 'oh btw user, I have Herpes' and I just.... I make my excuses not to fuck and distance myself. Not quite ghost them, but practically.

Not a lay - a relationship. But I suppose if you aren't convinced you want marriage/kids, it's just a series of lays.

I do not have sex regularly. I'm not a chad with a great social life. Girls tell me I have chad level attractiveness. When I make a Tinder profile or whatever, I get plenty of matches. But my fear of STIs means I don't pull girls in bars much these days or use Tinder to find girls. I've only ever dated girls I've met IRL and built up enough trust that I feel like I know if they are a roastie. I was actually married for a few years, so that took me out of the dating pool. I've had one night stands with sluts. I was paranoid I caught an STI and the worst I ever got was thrush thank god.

I know to some extent you just gotta roll with it - my big problem is if you KNOW they have Vag aids, do you knowingly play Russian roulette with that?

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Id say if they wanted a relationship and were open enough to tell you about it, you should roll with it. There are meds to suppress outbreaks and all that. Research it some and see % stuff.

Dont do it!!
I have it
We used condom
Pussy juice flew all over the place and got me good

Every other pussy you fuck will have the risk of getting it, if you dig it out.. they'll tell their friends and you will be even MORE pussyless

Dont do it!
You'll infect someone yourself and it will be another weight on your ass.

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See, part of me feels like that fact they told me means they aren't complete cunts, and I don't want to give them a penalty for being honest with something awful. I'd hate if by rejecting them they learn not to tell people and make it spread even worse in society. We have more than enough people behaving like filthy niggers. But at the same time, they shouldn't have been a dumb slut and treated sex as casual. For women, it should be the most precious thing they have that they guard. She didn't respect herself or her worth, so how can I? I'm not casually fucking, why should I forgive her for fucking up?

On the other hand... lets say I go for it. Imagine she's taking her daily medication, you have a 2% chance or whatever, and you fuck her for day or a week or a month or a decade, whatever then BOOM, you have it on your face or dick. And then break up. Then your dating life is fucked forever and you have to go around telling potential partners who are clean that you have it. Lets say somehow you might meet a clean virgin 10/10. You tell her, she says yes. Somehow. You take your med but.... bad luck, you give it to her, and she might have a flare up just before giving birth and need an emergency cesarean (I fucking HATE cesarean scars), or worse, not catch it and give it to the baby and the baby dies.

Why risk that then I can reject these disgusting fucking dumb whores and find a 7/10 who doesn't have it and settle. I'm fuming and I'm heart broken about this issue because it's happened recently and it's upsetting.

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Honestly, it doesn't look so bad.... but I still don't want it. And I feel sorry for you bro. How bad are the actual symptoms. And are you certain for sure that it's made getting laid harder? Do you lie about it like a cunt, or do you just suffer with it but tell chicks. R.I.P. your dick, bro.

It sounds like it matters a lot more to you than it would me, if that's the case then you seem to already know the answer. You care more about the person than looks, so if you know you dont wanna spend the rest of your life with a supposed 10, and would rather find a nice less pretty girl, than do that. I'd still say research it more thoroughly so you are more confident in whatever you choose

Looks do matter. I'm shallow as most guys. And like most guys, I struggle. I'm not a chad. to have any involvement with a 10 makes me feel hypnotized. I look past red flags. She has money problems. Her family is a mess. Her career plans might not work out like she dreams. She has personality flaws. Is she really a 10? Physically, yes. Beyond all doubt. Objectively. Everyone agrees. Been paid to model.

I guess my biggest issue is, I know I want a family one day. I need that woman to be the best mother possible. I know these hot girls aren't that woman for whatever reason. So they would be 'fun'. And I might be dumb, and have made some poor decisions in life, but I feel like knowingly sticking my head in a lions mouth wouldn't even be a fun thrill. Because in the back of my head I'm gonna be thinking 'ew' and 'diseased'.

I'm questioning myself because this has happened several times now. I don't know if I'm being a bitch, or very prudent. I bet ironically I probably have HSV-1 without even knowing it, or catch HSV-2 by accident with the next bitch I hook up with - and crawl back to the hot girls and they will have moved on and married and ad kids, lol. Would be great karma. Because lets be honest. They will all find a man eventually who will take their diseased sloppy seconds. Such is the nature of women.

>Honestly, it doesn't look so bad
That was after 6-8 months
The first 3 weeks where blood filled plumps all over my dick and shaft and up my stomach, used patches of shit to lessen the pain.
Couldn't even put on my pants and "Turn/Twist" before id see stars cause of the pain.

The symptoms affect your overall health, high fever and cold sweat(not to mention the mentality)

I don't tell them;like a asshole, and via trail and error found out I don't spread it when Im feeling good overall health.
If Im feeling a tiny bit of a cold(no other symptoms) I dont fuck about, cause then they get it.
Scariest part is I can suddenly get a bump and not notice it before its to late, so I scan my dick as Mass Effect 2 - Planet scanning for bumps before dicking down a girl.

Yes, rip my dick.
If I could get rid of it with doing a murder... i would murder.

If I could lay a positiv word(apart from postive for herpes :^)
It would be it get's less worse over time.
First time it lasted for 6 weeks and I had scars for 18 months
They showed up at bigger intervals and lasted less and less

Im currently going 12-14 months(i think) without a outbreak.
Outbreak can be as small as 1 pimple hiding in between some skin... all that is needed to spread and put another nail in my coffin.

I think you already have the answer bud. Put the dick away

KMS. This fucking BLOWS.

Are you on meds? That seems like a dick-move. How many people have you infected? Like, you say you'd murder to be cured. How do you think they feel?

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>so I scan my dick as Mass Effect 2 - Planet scanning

67% of the population has herpes, if you don't get it from one of those whores then you'll get it from one who doesn't disclose it beforehand.
I found out I had herpes when I went for STD testing, never had any symptoms. Nor do I tell sluts I have it because I assume they do too.
Get laid dude.

Only because every single nigger has it.

>Are you on meds?
No. med only supress/ make the outbreak end quicker. My outbreaks happen so rare now and last less then a week, the meds are borderline wasted on me.
>That seems like a dick-move
It is and I was going solo for 6 months cause I don't want to risk infecting girls anymore, before I got hooked on a girl that I fell for. Was just another thoot that seduced me.
Trying to get her of my head I went straight to tinder again and fucked regulary 3 girls fine and dandy, havnt infected them. Only 1 of the 3 girls remain, the other 2 moved on
Its a ticking timebomb before I accidently give it to the last girl
>How many people have you infected?
I can't say, but I estimate based on my trail and error 4 in the past 5 years
>Like, you say you'd murder to be cured. How do you think they feel?
The absolute same.
The way I got infected was how the girl didn't tell me she had it, funny thing was she gave both me and another guy it duiring what I tought was our honey moon fase.. but she sleept around like a slut anyways.
The other guy went armagedon on her and told everyone.
She deleted all her social media and even moved to another state(equivlient of what we have in Norway)
Do I sleep well knowing I've infected people?
No, anothe nail in my own coffin every time.
If I infect this current girl.. cause I can't get over this fucking thoot... I don't know what i'll do.
I need to end it sooner rather then later.

Im a asshole right here.
Renegade maybe.

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You keep dodging like its smash bros 64 and youre pikachu as fuck. Also maybe you had the opportunity cuz they were damaged. Oh well still got a functioning dick. Ive passed up my share too brother.

I’ve taken the virginity of 3 women, all 3 were objectively the hottest women I’ve ever had, and I’m only 30 years old. If I can do it, you can do it too.

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IT IS gross user. But that's the reality we live in. Especially since bestiality was jewrmalized. Remember nigras are 80%+ herpetic. So stop riding the thot carousel and settle down young.

>Also maybe you had the opportunity cuz they were damaged

Yeah and those niggers infect white whores who spread it around

Herpes type 1&2 plus shingles here.

4 years ago i got type 2 from a 8/10 black hooker (Condom ripped and came inside her) honestly genital herpes isnt so bad after the initial flare up stage which last about 3 months. No amount of valtrex could tame those first flare ups. After that the immune system keeps it in check. Sucks cause i am courteous and tell my gfs i have it. Most of them ddnt mind because they have it as well

I got a general STI test done after the last time I fucked a degenerate slut. I'm not sure if they even tested for herpes since I didn't have any sores. Probably not. Maybe I do have it. But if you don't know you have it, why fuck someone who you KNOW has it?

This. All niggers should be gassed.

Honestly, i think you should seriously be telling girls up front. If they also have it you can sleep easy. If they don't care surely that makes you feel like it's real love. And if they turn you down, at least you aren't being a feral nigger contributing to the total destruction of civilization.

But I'm still clean as far as I know, so I would say that.

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Oh absolutely. They were damaged girls! Find one who isn't!!! I've never met a single girl who isn't fucked in the head by some past emotional trauma. One was raped by her stepdad when she was 12 which made her depressed. One didn't have a dad and was a nympho. I've legit never met a girl who was sane.

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I can't I'm 33! I've married and divorced. I'm looking to settle down and I can't find a decent woman!

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You are a gentleman. However....
>8/10 Black hooker.
Bruh.... talk about burning coal and paying the toll. You got off lightly! There is no honour in trying to bleach stinky monkey pussy! I tried it myself. It always ends in tears. I guess you're just lucky you didn't marry the bitch and make mud babies. Count your blessings.

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Im like a gambling asshole
Hoping for the cure they keep pushing down the barrel "3 years away now guys" forever.

If the cure comes before I pass, I can have saved me self a bunch of pussy memories, if not.. then Im just a feral nigger.

Stay clean and skip any girl that has it.
I know for a fact girls would skip me.. if I told them up front, not to mention they'd tell their friends
At least if I give them, they don't tell... cause the'd out them selfs for having it; or at least be afriad of me telling my side if they'd say so.

Im not happy about my self, but it is what it is.

I once knew a guy who actually married a girl with herpes. She wasn't even that hot and worked some factory job making like 28k a year. He just wanted to prove to everyone he wasn't gay. Low and behold, she cheated on him left and right. divorced him, got the house and some money out of him too. He, to this day is still the dumbest person I know.

My fiance has herpes. We've been together for 3 years, i havent gotten it. She takes the suppressant meds, and i get tested every couple months.

If ypu wear a rubber and shes on the meds, youre fine.

>If ypu wear a rubber

Dubs of Truth

And when did she get it? Isn't the whole premise of having a serious relationship mean she goes on the pill and you don't have to wear a condom?

I researched this. There is no chance of a cure. It's not HIV, so rich people don't care. They can screen the adolescent sluts Epstein gets for them, or just ngaf because they are rich and gold digging whores health is irrelevant. So no pressure from them.

And it's difficult and expensive to cure and there is no ROI guaranteed, so pharma jews aren't interested. They wasted 100s of millions trying.

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Exactly. You are a cuck. Wearing a condom is being a cuck. If I fuck a girl I want to plant my seed in her fertile luscious pussy, enjoying skin on skin like god intended. Not fuck some rubber that is placed inside a diseased whores body so you don't accidentally touch the inside of her body (no offense to your fiance).

I kinda can't believe your post is real. If you are planning on marrying is the plan to use condoms forever? That's.... pathetic. Are you circumcised by any chance? I'm getting the feeling you are turbo-cucked.

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>It's not HIV
But shares traits with it, curing either will benefit the other.
Either way would bring us closer to freedom for our pp

What I'm saying is personally I would risk contracting herpes if it meant I'd get to fuck multiple girls who are otherwise out of my league. Maybe that's just me.

I also saw lot of anons saying how shitty herpes was for them so I wanted to pitch in and say herpes isn't that bad for most people who get it. Plus, once you have it, no more worrying about contracting it, so you can fuck more sluts.

>no more worrying about contracting it,
Just what the gays say about aids lmao

Although I agree that IF they cure Aids, surely that will help with herpes, i don't think they will cure Aids. It feels like cold fusion to me. They have never cured any virus really. They just treat the symptoms.

You're comparing herpes to aids? What kind of retard are you exactly

Thats not what I said
Makes you retarded nigger for making that jump

Gays use that same exuse about Aids


To me that is a very niggerish mentality. Let the house burn down for 1 good party. Throw away your life for a few cheap bangs. These are not the thoughts of someone who understands time and planning, surely.

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Yes. Both trick the immune system by hiding their proteins. They are kinda similar. Also, these days you only die from HIV if you are poor. Look at Magic Johnson.

Or Charlie Sheen

There's 2 types, one is Herpes simplex virus which is very common (ie. cold sores), and with little consequence. Other is the STD.

Throw away your life?
What do you think the life of someone with herpes looks like?

Herpes is bad enough that an 8-10 girl would be willing to have sex with you.

lol just do it faget

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>fiance has herpes
>wear a rubber
Why are you marrying a woman that you will always have to use a condom? No, fucking way I would.

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>be me
>only have around 10 partners total in my whole life
>past dozen years or so spent with the same person
>practically married
>get herpes from them anyway
this is one you might have to take a loss on OP js

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is there some Prep for HPV and herpes ? like a pill or mouthwash or creme ?

There is supposed to be a shot but I remember getting it and it appears that it wore off.

1) stop meeting women on H-Date, how have you possibly run into so many women infected who are so open and honest about it. I'm thinking maybe you're talking about hookers.

2) i assume you are talking about genital herpes... it would be dumb to assume anything else, but you never know on here. if you're talking about mouth herpes (cold sores)... dont let it stop you. Oddly enough if you get mouth herpes on your dick, it actually makes you immune to genital herpes. This is true. But mouth herpes on your dick will not be as disgusting and will only display a couple of times in your life if you're lucky.

3) i have always ranked genital herpes as the worst STD. Its uncurable, it is seen as being dirty, it hurts, looks gross.

4) if you DO have it... it probably makes for some interesting opportunities, you get to fuck the sluttiest of slutty girls who are being turned down all the time. Just spread your herp back and forth. Maybe H-date isnt so bad.

I heard you can only get it when you are young. And yes, it wears off. Also, don't het only give it to women?

>Nah man. Not hookers, but sluts for sure.

That factoid about mouth herpes on your dick blocking genital herpes is very interest if true. Will look into, desu.

Herpes the worst STD? What about AIDS?

What is H-date? Do you mean Hinge? FFS, how are you supposed to meet women these days?

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My gf gets them on her lips, she doesn’t kiss me for a few days when she gets them. I’m not sure if they can even spread like that though, as she’s had them since she was a kid too.
Seem to come when she gets really stressed or anxious about something. Which of course makes it worse.

Pic related is one where she has one, which is a shame because it thought it was a really cute pic from a fun day we had, but she won’t post it to social media because of that slight blemish on her lip. Says it makes her feel gross.

Personally I’ve had canker sores since a kid. Those can hurt like hell if in the wrong spot. Don’t get em much as an adult but when I was a teenager with braces, aw man... it was often painful to laugh or smile.
Can’t imagine having that on my dick, especially with how much a fap/fuck. Don’t do it OP, and other user know you’re not alone.

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