See, part of me feels like that fact they told me means they aren't complete cunts, and I don't want to give them a penalty for being honest with something awful. I'd hate if by rejecting them they learn not to tell people and make it spread even worse in society. We have more than enough people behaving like filthy niggers. But at the same time, they shouldn't have been a dumb slut and treated sex as casual. For women, it should be the most precious thing they have that they guard. She didn't respect herself or her worth, so how can I? I'm not casually fucking, why should I forgive her for fucking up?
On the other hand... lets say I go for it. Imagine she's taking her daily medication, you have a 2% chance or whatever, and you fuck her for day or a week or a month or a decade, whatever then BOOM, you have it on your face or dick. And then break up. Then your dating life is fucked forever and you have to go around telling potential partners who are clean that you have it. Lets say somehow you might meet a clean virgin 10/10. You tell her, she says yes. Somehow. You take your med but.... bad luck, you give it to her, and she might have a flare up just before giving birth and need an emergency cesarean (I fucking HATE cesarean scars), or worse, not catch it and give it to the baby and the baby dies.
Why risk that then I can reject these disgusting fucking dumb whores and find a 7/10 who doesn't have it and settle. I'm fuming and I'm heart broken about this issue because it's happened recently and it's upsetting.
Honestly, it doesn't look so bad.... but I still don't want it. And I feel sorry for you bro. How bad are the actual symptoms. And are you certain for sure that it's made getting laid harder? Do you lie about it like a cunt, or do you just suffer with it but tell chicks. R.I.P. your dick, bro.
Elijah Powell
It sounds like it matters a lot more to you than it would me, if that's the case then you seem to already know the answer. You care more about the person than looks, so if you know you dont wanna spend the rest of your life with a supposed 10, and would rather find a nice less pretty girl, than do that. I'd still say research it more thoroughly so you are more confident in whatever you choose
Jaxson Barnes
Looks do matter. I'm shallow as most guys. And like most guys, I struggle. I'm not a chad. to have any involvement with a 10 makes me feel hypnotized. I look past red flags. She has money problems. Her family is a mess. Her career plans might not work out like she dreams. She has personality flaws. Is she really a 10? Physically, yes. Beyond all doubt. Objectively. Everyone agrees. Been paid to model.
I guess my biggest issue is, I know I want a family one day. I need that woman to be the best mother possible. I know these hot girls aren't that woman for whatever reason. So they would be 'fun'. And I might be dumb, and have made some poor decisions in life, but I feel like knowingly sticking my head in a lions mouth wouldn't even be a fun thrill. Because in the back of my head I'm gonna be thinking 'ew' and 'diseased'.
I'm questioning myself because this has happened several times now. I don't know if I'm being a bitch, or very prudent. I bet ironically I probably have HSV-1 without even knowing it, or catch HSV-2 by accident with the next bitch I hook up with - and crawl back to the hot girls and they will have moved on and married and ad kids, lol. Would be great karma. Because lets be honest. They will all find a man eventually who will take their diseased sloppy seconds. Such is the nature of women.
Oliver Martinez
>Honestly, it doesn't look so bad That was after 6-8 months The first 3 weeks where blood filled plumps all over my dick and shaft and up my stomach, used patches of shit to lessen the pain. Couldn't even put on my pants and "Turn/Twist" before id see stars cause of the pain.
The symptoms affect your overall health, high fever and cold sweat(not to mention the mentality)
I don't tell them;like a asshole, and via trail and error found out I don't spread it when Im feeling good overall health. If Im feeling a tiny bit of a cold(no other symptoms) I dont fuck about, cause then they get it. Scariest part is I can suddenly get a bump and not notice it before its to late, so I scan my dick as Mass Effect 2 - Planet scanning for bumps before dicking down a girl.
Yes, rip my dick. If I could get rid of it with doing a murder... i would murder.
If I could lay a positiv word(apart from postive for herpes :^) It would be it get's less worse over time. First time it lasted for 6 weeks and I had scars for 18 months They showed up at bigger intervals and lasted less and less
Im currently going 12-14 months(i think) without a outbreak. Outbreak can be as small as 1 pimple hiding in between some skin... all that is needed to spread and put another nail in my coffin.
Lucas Johnson
I think you already have the answer bud. Put the dick away
Isaac Johnson
KMS. This fucking BLOWS.
Are you on meds? That seems like a dick-move. How many people have you infected? Like, you say you'd murder to be cured. How do you think they feel?
>so I scan my dick as Mass Effect 2 - Planet scanning
Christopher Clark
67% of the population has herpes, if you don't get it from one of those whores then you'll get it from one who doesn't disclose it beforehand. I found out I had herpes when I went for STD testing, never had any symptoms. Nor do I tell sluts I have it because I assume they do too. Get laid dude.