Y'all are fucking retarded...

y'all are fucking retarded. i think everyone knows for a fact that the whole "banning porn goes against random" argument is beyond monkeyshit. how about we actually gather as Sup Forumstards again and be genuinely creative and funny instead of posting fat midget porn like a faggot would. you know who you are

Attached: 49C8C4BA-C21F-4202-8A61-F415B215DAC5.jpg (1388x319, 108K)


We know the only reason you care is because you come to jack off in which case we don't want you here in the first place

I mean.... you are right


fucking kek dude. im voting against porn you pube crumb. in this situation, it is a primal war; you are either with porn or against it. im against it, nigger

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Attached: coomer4.jpg (1191x1080, 181K)

Fuck you

Sage ALL the shit porn threads and post original content

Mmm, it's been actually kind of nice around here. I'm all for people's freedom to act as retarded or degenerate as they please, but this, is just, Nice.