y'all are fucking retarded. i think everyone knows for a fact that the whole "banning porn goes against random" argument is beyond monkeyshit. how about we actually gather as Sup Forumstards again and be genuinely creative and funny instead of posting fat midget porn like a faggot would. you know who you are
Y'all are fucking retarded...
We know the only reason you care is because you come to jack off in which case we don't want you here in the first place
I mean.... you are right
fucking kek dude. im voting against porn you pube crumb. in this situation, it is a primal war; you are either with porn or against it. im against it, nigger
Fuck you
Sage ALL the shit porn threads and post original content
Mmm, it's been actually kind of nice around here. I'm all for people's freedom to act as retarded or degenerate as they please, but this, is just, Nice.
coom so much the only shit you can say is fuck you. your cumshots have more testosterone than you
There's a separate porn board for this reason you stupid newfag
Nah, fuck YOU leatherman. Maybe you and I should settle it right here in the ring if you think you're so tough.
who the fuck would care about seperate
boards, coomers come to here just because of the history of Sup Forums. they dont give a shit about what board they're on, they just want to wave their flaccid dick and cum on faggots' faces like you
How do I report porn threads without getting banned for false reporting?
Re-read op's post. He's saying he hates coomers
Miss when b wasn't shit now I have to roam pol and x for some entertainment
Sup Forums was never a porn board.
Serial meme murder feels so right in my soul.
I'm willing to donate half of the time I spend blasting Sup Forums shills, for all of 2020, to make this the worst thing since Habbo Hotel.
>b was always shit
in a way, yeah. doesnt mean we have to stay in the shitpuddle and actually try and better this board and rid of all the fucking coomers
Stop telling us what to do and do it yourself, bitch. I'm not here to amuse you.
you're fucking down syndrome. no one can do shit by themselves on this board, thats why we do it together. fucking faggot
The wwyd, Loli, social media fap, anything gay/furry/trap/sissy/having anything to do with dicks (because there's literally a board for faggots and they need to use it because there's nothing random about being programmed to suck dick by your Jewish overlords), cuck, "blacks r so gud, luk at how big peepee is whit boi", and celeb threads (unless conducting a new fappening or need material has dropped) need to go but I think the shouldn't share- even though it is overdone- is within reason.
I also believe that anyone wishing for a utopia of true randomness with very little porn should go check out robot9001 because it was actually designed to be just that.
Sup Forums is and will always be the shithole of the internet and porn has been here since the beginning. We just need to get rid of the cock suckers, niggers, jews, and people who fap to girls who still have clothes on.
Go fuck yourself. Sup Forums is not your personal Nazi army that you assemble and get to boss around. If you want us to act as your think tank or shill for you then pay us. I sure as fuck won't work for you for free.
These people have become institutionalised. They think that because Sup Forums is dogshit it has to remain dogshit. That mentality is the reason Sup Forums is dogshit.
Sup Forums was never good, but it was better.
Midget porn is also identified as nugget porn In the pornography industry