How come some adults don't wash their ass? Serious fucking question

How come some adults don't wash their ass? Serious fucking question

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Don't oppress. Include.

How hard is it to get accustomed to the smell, wear perfume, or clothespin your fucking nose. Fucking snowflake.

Maybe she can't afford soap.

Stop before you criticize and think.

I was thinking this, if she smells bad to other niggers then that shit must be fucking terrible. You shouldn't be able to smell another nigger over your own nigger odor

A goddamn TEACHER can't afford soap?

She's a fucking teacher, not some little child. Total difference. How the hell can she not afford soap for herself and does teaching?

I found the full pic and holy fuck those reactions

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don't forget fat people

>those teachers faces at the back
>that man's face with disgust
>that woman staring at the man

Holy fuck

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She's either fat or has halitosis.
Women that rant, are not medical doctors, and I would not take their testimony or advice as evidence.

>She's either fat or has halitosis

Fat people can still be clean and if you have halitosis then that is your fault for having extremely poor hygiene.

I'm still shocked a teacher has shitty hygiene like this