>She's either fat
Well, the pictures right there, Captain Dicktard. Draw a conclusion from it, halitosis is just bad breath so yes she does have it as said in the OG post. Doesn't explain why her body would smell fucking terrible though.
>She's either fat
Well, the pictures right there, Captain Dicktard. Draw a conclusion from it, halitosis is just bad breath so yes she does have it as said in the OG post. Doesn't explain why her body would smell fucking terrible though.
Your responses do not provide evidence she didn't clean her ass.
And, unless you're fat yourself, fat people have this cheese stick to them, no matter how clean they are. It can vary from mild to spicy- but it's ALWAYS there if you're a fucking lardass or whale.
No shit but how the fuck can it be a "she's either fat" when the goddamn picture is in front of you and easy enough to judge? Are you retarded, how can you be looking at a picture of sometime and still not be able to tell if she's fat?
Those teachers are literally reacting that she smells, dude. That guy's face shows it all
But also, I know plenty of fat people that don't smell so fucking bad that their smell is enough to attract the attention of a large room. Hell, not even Airsoftfatty stinks too much to be around and he's a fucking big guy.
There's a fat chance she's a body builder and not fat. Or has a gaping asshole from a side job.
She has rolls tucked into her pants
Are they rolls of fat?
I have a sand belt on right now, and it looks similar to that under my shirt.
She slept with a black teacher assistant while we were dating when she was in college. She def doesn't wash her ass
Baby wipes, mother fuckers. Use baby wipes on your ass after you wipe your ass with toilet paper and your ass will feel clean and fresh all day. I started using them after I moved out and got my own place and since then I've always had a packet sitting next to the toilet. Just have a small rubbish bin with a lid next to your toilet because you can't flush them.
You can use toilet paper and have the paper come away looking clean, then use the baby wipes and you'll always see a brown skidmark on them. Those poo particles are going to be rubbing up against your underwear you dirty bastards.
And for any stupid fuck who says "eeew then you'll have wipes with shit marks in a bin in your house", better the shit be in a bin and not still on your anus, you dirty faggots