The Stapler Man has returned!
Dubs decides where I staple my arm
The Stapler Man has returned!
Just don't
Staple your shirt but not your skin
Roll them Eyelids!
Yeah man
People tried that in the last thread where it was just my hand (i stapled my fingers, bones and nails).
If someone gets dubs and says "dont do it" i must oblige. But it's boring so I hope it doesn't happen
Please don't be retarded. It says "ARM". It is limited to the arm for this thread.
Pinky finger
Staple your arm into your dick
Well fuck me. I didnt bother reading that far. I was out for the proverbial blood
Its ok, it happens. Best of luck, friend
- Stapler man
Wrist veins
inside of your elbow
*Arm*. It says *ARM*
We're slowly extending reach thread by thread, we will get to the foreskin eventually. Calm down
I re- roll for the elbow after having read and understood the terms. Me not dum dum
Staple your foreskin closed then piss on cam
I'm wasting time of my useless life to get this, better fucking get dubs.
> I re- roll for the elbow after having read and understood the terms. Me not dum dum
Back of your hand
Oh sorry. Wrists then.
Amazing! user learns and succeeds, elbow it is. Give me a sec!
don't do it
Under the thumb nail faggit
In between thumb and forefinger
Dude you obviously have like ONE friend, and youre both fuckin' losers.
staple over some vein somewhere on your arm
Nigger meet kettle
Here you go! Didn't really feel it. Keep it going!
you mad man, wrist
>OP abandons thread once he sees this post
Literally which one
What are you talking about?
Nah man, i need the winner of that post to tell me where exactly and i'll deliver. I stapled my nails last thread bro
Under the nail
Roll for under nail
under nail ofc
brachial artery
What do we get for trips
I just wanted to give you a challenge. Cant have been easy to staple your elbow
Jeeze. I'm on a fucking roll lately. I'm the user that voted artery.
uh oh
K give me a sec i'm gonna mark it and do it
ulnar artery
Do it faggot
Under the elbow
Under pinky finger
can you staple two of your fingers together?
Staple your arm on a pillow
In the dick
Based, op delivers.
Checked for pulse and did my best. The deeper one definitely hit it because it started bleeding as soon as I pulled it out. Also stapled twice because you won twice
U dont. No blood on skin
No dubs so the thread carries on!
I commend your efforts. I apologize that my luck was so good and yours was so poor this day.
Reroll for another artery.
Also rolling for buttcheeks
but why dude
Ulnar artery
this shit's stupid, do somethin else
staple it in the kitchen.
Cause he got dubs and trips. Also I get bored
Thanks for delivering, Stapler Man!
A true hero without a cape.
staple thumb and index finger for permanent OK sign
Wrist, below the palm.
"buttcheeks" man I know Sup Forums attracts dummies but put an effort. The OP clearly says "arm". For this thread it's the arm. We will expand slowly as the threads go
Reroll for this.
OP here, this sounds fun, hope someone rerolls for this and gets it
sure bro, glad you like it I guess
I'd like to see this as well.
scaphoid carpal
roll for this white supremacy symbol
your nip or pinkie
Are you stupid or just gay? That little pansy piece of shit couldn't staple bone moron, the staple would just bend. Go fuck yourself faggot, staple your eye shut
I get all the dubs in random fucking threads, where are my dubbos when I need them?
Keep trying user! I believe in you
rolling for you, staplebro
OP here, you are a very rude individual and have a lot of personal issues. I hope you fix them in the future and become a healthier person.
one last roll from me, maybe it wasn't meant to be
New user rolling for side of your hand under pinky, like where you slam your hand when you smash a table or shit idk