The Stapler Man has returned!
Brody Nguyen
Brody Perry
your nip or pinkie
Landon Lee
Are you stupid or just gay? That little pansy piece of shit couldn't staple bone moron, the staple would just bend. Go fuck yourself faggot, staple your eye shut
Jackson Mitchell
I get all the dubs in random fucking threads, where are my dubbos when I need them?
Liam Sanchez
Keep trying user! I believe in you
Ryan Rogers
rolling for you, staplebro
Gavin White
OP here, you are a very rude individual and have a lot of personal issues. I hope you fix them in the future and become a healthier person.
Isaac Jackson
one last roll from me, maybe it wasn't meant to be
Michael Turner
New user rolling for side of your hand under pinky, like where you slam your hand when you smash a table or shit idk
Elijah Torres