What happens here?

What happens here?

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>fuck you USA
We don't want diplomacy

This is the Bhutan-India border. Guess which side is Bhutan.

Btfo street shitters

Following Britain’s victory in the 1865 Duar War, Britain and Bhutan signed the Treaty of Sinchulu, under which Bhutan would receive an annual subsidy in exchange for ceding land to British India. Ugyen WANGCHUCK - who had served as the de facto ruler of an increasingly unified Bhutan and had improved relations with the British toward the end of the 19th century - was named king in 1907. Three years later, a treaty was signed whereby the British agreed not to interfere in Bhutanese internal affairs, and Bhutan allowed Britain to direct its foreign affairs. Bhutan negotiated a similar arrangement with independent India after 1947. Two years later, a formal Indo-Bhutanese accord returned to Bhutan a small piece of the territory annexed by the British, formalized the annual subsidies the country received, and defined India's responsibilities in defense and foreign relations. Under a succession of modernizing monarchs beginning in the 1950s, Bhutan joined the UN in 1971 and slowly continued its engagement beyond its borders.
In March 2005, King Jigme Singye WANGCHUCK unveiled the government's draft constitution - which introduced major democratic reforms - and held a national referendum for its approval. In December 2006, the King abdicated the throne in favor of his son, Jigme Khesar Namgyel WANGCHUCK. In early 2007, India and Bhutan renegotiated their treaty, eliminating the clause that stated that Bhutan would be "guided by" India in conducting its foreign policy, although Thimphu continues to coordinate closely with New Delhi. Elections for seating the country's first parliament were completed in March 2008; the king ratified the country's first constitution in July 2008. Bhutan experienced a peaceful turnover of power following parliamentary elections in 2013, which resulted in the defeat of the incumbent party. The disposition of some 18,000 refugees of the roughly 100,000 who fled or were forced out of Bhutan in the 1990s remains unresolved.

super low co2 emissions & ethnic, religious cleansing.

thats about it.

They seem like a pretty cool country. Also their flag looks great.

Official Name: Kingdom of Bhutan
Population: 767,000 (2015 census); 758,288 (July 2017 est.)
Nationality: noun: Bhutanese (singular and plural) adjective: Bhutanese
Ethnic groups: Ngalop (also known as Bhote) 50%, ethnic Nepalese 35% (includes Lhotsampas - one of several Nepalese ethnic groups), indigenous or migrant tribes 15%
Religions: Lamaistic Buddhist 75.3%, Indian- and Nepalese-influenced Hinduism 22.1%, other 2.6% (2005 est.)
Literacy Rate: 62% (2015 UNESCO)
Languages: Sharchhopka 28%, Dzongkha (official) 24%, Lhotshamkha 22%, other 26% (includes foreign languages) (2005 est.); Principal Languages: Dzongkha, English

It's a bizzaro world where everything is geared towards keeping the country a tourist resort to fill the king's pocket.

It's really fucking creepy and they are in a dire need of revolution where hopefully most of the royalty gets hung.

Is it? My impression was that they hated outsiders and that the country was very difficult and expensive to visit.

Nah it's friendly as fuck,

the one on the right is bhutan

my reasoning is that I don't see any bhutan flags on Sup Forums but I do see Indian flags

Isn't the current king pretty cool? Everyone here thinks they have good government and are a happy paradise-like nation.

Either the greatest or worst country on the planet, depending on your mindset. They intentionally keep their people in the dark about the rest of the world, enforce extreme purity in all things (everyone has to dress the same, all buildings must look the same, all people must be the same religion and race...), it's run by a morally questionable monarchy that is perpetually "switching to democracy" so that people won't inspect its politics too much, it tries to keep itself out of the press outside of a couple romanticized articles to keep its mystique up, it has deported the most people and created the most refugees per capita because they were not Bhutanese...

sans the royalty part, it's exactly like Switzerland.

pls merrica. don't export "le democracy" in that beautiful little haven.

sans the money part too.

That's how a lot of central asian countries are like though. They don't have the same cultural mentalities as the west at all. If the UK or some other western country tries to ban pornhub, you see everybody on the Western internet bitch about it. If a country likes Mongolia or Kazakstan bans entire websites like Reddit and Youtube for no reason, or arrests Christians/certain islam sects advertising their religion, a few people are like "FURK" and then forgot about it.

No the kings are all shit. It's "paradise-like" because he has his dick so far shoved up their ass they don't can't even feel it anymore but their country has been shit for a long time.

It's not that they haven't made progress, but an increase of $100 for a tiny population of 800K should be nothing.

sounds very nice

They are a small country with very little modern infrastructure. One dam that is maintained by a couple of Indians they have drive in produces the power for the entire country + excess that they sell to India. Almost everyone is a farmer or other manual laborer perpetually, even though the country makes lots of money on tourism and new age nonsense. Their current King seems to be an improvement over past ones; back in the 20th century when Bhutan was more isolated than North Korea they did all sorts of shady things to ensure that they didn't fall out of power.

It's not a real monarchy. Some dude said he was king and used the eternal anglo's backing to make sure everyone agreed. Before that, it was controlled by a bunch of high ranking monks.

Oh an increase of $100 since 2007 I should add. Their average GDP per capita is now 2800.

They get shilled here in Singapore very hard. Mainly because of their GNH nonsense.

>It's not a real monarchy.
are you implying that the inbred retards in Buckingham are in any sense """""real""""?

It doesn't matter what kind of governance is there, as long as the place is relatively peaceful and not an eternal battle field.

every form of governance has it's own +ve and -ves.

>It doesn't matter what kind of governance is there, as long as the place is relatively peaceful and not an eternal battle field.
Top kek no.

Maybe by third world/eastern europe standards.

They're like if Tibet was still independent and had a king instead of a monk as their leader. They're "peaceful" but at the same time they are very backwards and they are purposely kept ignorant.

>Top kek no.
very cogent reply.

So what?

Booootaneeees paaaasssspooooo

Looks like an Asian version of Europe. I don't see the issue, all countries should be ruled like that.

>Maybe by third world/eastern europe standards.
it is a third world we are talking about. Isn't it?

Secret happiness rituals
We must invade them and learn it for ourselves

That's the tourist area.

Listening to it right now and having a laugh

A lot of ethnic conflict.

duh! I thought there are no poor people in Bhutan.

Here comes the shill I was talking about

The entire city are filled with those buildings. Of course there's going to be poor people but as you can see in pic related they are disappearing

That's a city. Of course it's developed. 70% of the population is rural.

doesn't look bad at all. i love how much nature there is

Like a blast to the past.

buffer state. if i were them i'd leverage the fuck out of India and China for gibs.

I was talking to a kinda cute girl there from interpals who might come here but then I forgot to reply one day and it's probably too late now

Is there any kind of country where you combined a country that thinks like Bhutan but the religion is something abrahamic? I don't really care personally for Buddhism

Thinks like Bhutan in what sense

Kinda cool
Big conservationists and ecotourists
Not without it's issues, but relatively stable especially in the area it's in

Travellers and Magicians was the first movie filmed entirely in Bhutan and the first movie shot in Dzongkha

I remember that I watched it like maybe ten years ago with English subtitles and then i watched it again like five years ago but it seems that YouTube removed the video, but I found one with a Portuguese translation if you're interested, it's a wonderful movie and I would recommend it very much to anyone interested in Bhutan, I shows you a snapshot of Bhutan's beautiful landscape and a doorway to Vajrayana Bhuddism thought with interesting characters and without being "profound" nor boring


maybe if you go a few centuries back. Liechtenstein, Andorra, San Marino would be my best guesses

somewhere in the Rocky Mountains?
move to BC or something

First K-pop concert in Bhutan 17 June 2017
