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International #816
Why are the Japanese so arrogant? Also they are closet perverts, they ask me how much money I need to let them fuck me
Which countries have the cutest boys?
Post your national team celebrating its qualification to the world cup
How do we defeat the disease of nationalism?
WTF Poland wants to genocide Jews again
The murderous shithole of Burma
40-year old Swedish woman violated NAP in Finland
Be a brazilian
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/mena/ How do we recapture stolen territories from the crusaiders
Women are fucking inferior creatures and shouldn't even be classified as human because they're all traitorous whores...
Why are Italic people so swarthy, Iberic people don't look like sandniggers
What are your thoughts about Russia?
How do we stop Italian women from having sex with morrocan, Algerian, and tunisian men?
/fr/ - Le Fil Francophone
ITT: jokes that went too far
Roast me Sup Forums
Why is it that Japan has lost its power to the point that it's now not as influential as Korea?
Daily reminder that France, a former world power, lost to the invading German army in just two weeks during WW2
Destroying the rest of the eu
/slav/shit general
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Post your national/ethnic ancestry, others rate
It's all about confidence bro
A country of 6 million arabs is more relevant to global politics than 1...
/deutsch/ /bayern/
Hilo latino
Are catalonians
What are Filipino women like?
All of this comes from this small christian kingdom
Culture pals - /cp/
Start talking to a girl
/balt/ + /ausnz/
/ex-ussr/ general
Please talk about finland
Imagine being a 60+ year old retiree going for a park stroll, and seeing nothing but families of muds and their 12 kids
I am an American Indian. My tribe is Cherokee. My forefathers loved this land...
They actually fling shit at each other
Find a more autistic writing system
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
ITT We thank America for keeping the world safe. Thank you America
Is this meme Sup Forums's finest creation?
ITT: We post our Sup Forums themed desktops
What's going on here china
1. you ARE a cunt
Anyone here an Americaboo/Freedomboo?
If the Nazis created an Atom Bomb before the Allies, they would have nuked Washington DC, London...
Will your country accept Japanese refugees if Japan face extinction crisis because of volcanos...
Hilo latino
Guess the country
Post Your Country's Best Art
Sverigetråden - För svenskar och brödrafolk
Any nationalists on here?
Honestly the US leader is a joke
I am fucking PISSED OFF at this country
Which European country does the worst WE WUZ-ing?
Please stop bullying us
Why is China such a benevolent nation?
Let's create a more modern version of this classic joke
Just be confident bro
South american """""men"""""
Why do Europeans hate Band of Brothers?
I had a one night stand with some roastie and I accidentally knocked her up. Now her family is looking for me
/lat/ hilo latino
Why do Mexican right wingers support Trump?
/balk/ - Balkan thread
Compensating for something, Sup Forums?
Who makes the best games in Europe?
What race am I?
Sup Forums here Which eurotard board made this shitty meme
Brits will defend this
Southern Europeans:
"Good morning, user. How do you like your eggs?"
Stop using derogatory terms to refer to other people
Really make you think
Why do you people have to be so rude and mean to each others in here?
What do people do with pasta in your country?
In this thread we compliment Japan
How can this body be fixed by the end of the year in your country? Are my genetics too bad?
/cum/ canada usa mexico
Is he right about British plugs being superior to American and European plugs?
/ita/ - il filo
Kurva anyátok
Tfw there are not people of africa (muslims and niggers) in your nation
1. cunt
AmericANO calls your country unsafe becuase muh muslims
What race am I?
Friendly reminder that Southern Europeans are the men of this continent...
What is American culture?
What is wrong with burgers?
/fr/ - le fil myope
Imagine being this cucked
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
Le 80% Face
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Is it true that third worlders are taught there are only 5 continents?
Why do Americans worship their military?
/Sino/ - 中文
We need a latin union inside the EU to counter german hegemony
This scares and enrages the eucuck
Mfw I have a crush on a girl with brown eyes and brown hair
India and China go to war
1- Cunt
Tell us about your country's version of rednecks
I got Posh Spice
Danes are my favorite Nordics
Do you like Argentina?
Mexico and Brazil go to war
/cum/ canada usa mexico
1. Your country
/lat/ hilo latino
How do you cook spaghetti? I do this:
Some leaf user please help him get laid and I will personnaly come over and suck your dick
What did Britain's remain campaigners mean by this?
People are always talking about the muslims. What about the Saxons...
How do americans mate?
Why are all countries bad at science fiction except the USA, UK, Russia, Japan, and maybe Poland?
/balk/ - Balkan thread
Handsome Sup Forumsernational men
/deutsch/ taucht ab
Convince me that Australia isn't the greatest country in the planet
Welcome to my reservation user, would you like to play hide the feather with me?
Research on Sup Forumss racial preferences thread
India is America's BFF
Finnish women are for ...?
What's her name
These are the best country to live
Do non-Americans understand King of the Hill?
Sverigetråden - Karolinska upplagan
In 2030, when India will be an hyperpower, 90% of Irish will be overweight and 50% obese
I like turkey
Why won't brits fight back?
The history of the massacre where Mongolia, China and Korea invaded Japan becomes a game
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
Live in, visit and nuke
If it's Boeing I ain't Going
Why are Americans so thin-skinned?
1. your country
Finland does not exist
Which country has the most effeminate boys?
What's the best language and why?
Americans post your ethnicities let’s put this Amerimutt meme to rest
Do you love Ireland?
Slava Slavi
Just saw this movie. Did things really go down like this or is it just polish propaganda?
What is Serbians opinion on Seagal getting his Serbian citizenship?
Why is democracy such an overrated and ineffective system that fails to deliver time and time again?
Kazakh girls are for ________?
Swedes, danes and finns all agreed in a recent poll on that Oslo is the best nordic capital
How do Brazilians live like this?
/flag/ + /extraflags/
This is what a 21st century Englishman looks like. Say something positive
Varg wants to burn this
/fr/ - le fil de la France et de l'Alsace-Lorraine
Right now, Japan apologizes to South Korea
Why the West keeps supporting this failed state?
Can we all agree on this?
Somebody help me understand this
Basic healthcare is Nazigommunism derb derb
White Men Responsible for 1/3rd of Rapes in Seoul, Korea
Sverigetråden - Vaniljknullupplagan
Ask an arab atheist something
Did Sup Forums make you more nationalist?
The word would be better off without him
Who is this man and why is he the cause of world destruction?
Russian anons between afghani grils and tajik grils who are more beautiful?
Only Germans and Hungarians truly appreciate the delicacy of this item
Why are the French so arrogant?
Why do many posters on Sup Forums refer to Poles as the niggers of Europe?
The black death is taking lives in Madagascar
/v4/ + selected acquaintances
Finland, The First World Country Of
I want to live in europe
Which western countries will not be an immigrant-ridden shithole by 2100?
Asian girls are for
Cool Graphs Thread
No culture
What the hell is wrong with the danish?
Big Paki Cock in Every British White Girl Orifice
Sup Forums is making me gay
Do you own French products? Which ones?
/deutsch/ Wheyfu-Ausgabe
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
1. Your country of origin
Why are Scandinavian boys such sissies?
What does Japan think about Finland?
Are there more irrelevant people than Arabs?
/fr/ - Le fil de la francohponie
Why are Latinas so thick when Spanish and Native American people don't really have big butts...
Europeans of Sup Forums
Discussion about Germany
Dokdo island
Im from Spain and i answer your questions
/rus/ general - Vatnik in Iran edition
I wish that were me
Europoor meme contest
Why are USA state flags so ugly? (Except texas and some others)
Countries that want to be part of the Paris climate agreement
Official thread of National Independence Day in Poland
/deutsch/ /bayern/
Sweden is a good countr
Should we put Americans in the naughty corner until they learn some human decency?
Am I white?
ITT: post your favourite architecture style from another country
Your cunt
Hi Sup Forums sensei
Finnish boys raped a girl
Kurva anyátok
Lebanon and Israel
Korean "masculinity"
Do japanese girls like middle eastern men? pic related; me
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
I expected to see white people banding together for the greater good of our existence
Why are so many US state flags just the state seal on a blue bedsheet?
Fuck marry kill
D-do you guys really hate the US?
Diagnosed with autism
Ever notice how the only people who obsess about being white are shitholes like slavs and spics?
Why are Japanese women so fat?
/cum/ canada usa mexico
All of Sup Forums is in meltdown mode because 3 or 4 Sup Forums posters are posting le 56% face
-[number] C isn't cold
I wish i was born Japanese
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Chad of S.korea
Why are countries that are close to equator poorer than northern and southern countries?
Why is Estonia such a wonder of a country?! Only 25 years ago it was devastated by communist rule...
Does country music deserves all the hate it gets? Or is it just despised for being a white people genre?
Someone with your flag is talking shit about another country you like
As a matter of fact I like Trudeau
Canada pulls out of giant, mutually prosperous trade deal because the Quebecoise might not like it
Your cunt
Sup Forums like black chicks
If it's not a TÜRK on horseback, then it's burden
Honestly, I tried my best to like this (semi-sovereign) """country""", I really did. They have a rich culture...
Tell me a secret about your country
The 90's
Do you like old Japan?
You wake up in Germany
Was British rule over America really tyrannical or was that just aristocratic whig propaganda to justify the revolution?
Another week wasted working instead of doing something conducive to my goals
/cum/ canada usa mexico
What are the elites planning to reduce the population of Africa? some awful plans to massively kills them...
Reminder not to bully japs on Sup Forums or they'll ask someone to kill them
Who is the second most powerful country in the world: China, or Russia?
Tfw no latin american gf
What do you think of italian snack?
Q to third worlders:
Almost 2018
Has Brazil always been the country of the future™?
When non-Americans think of the USA, what are the three main cities they think of?
Why many Russians live in South Korea recently?
/nachtschicht/ morgen Früh wieder /deutsch/
Finally i got it... The argentine is old... I have to get a new one
They lost all the wars they fought in history, got raped...
Daily "Things NEETs will NEVER experience" thread
Serious question: Why are most ugly brown people so fucking jealous and have inferiority complex (yeah...
How did Germany, the USSR, Japan, and Iraq all lose to THIS??? Are humans inferior?
This American male approaches you what do you do?
What do americans mean by this?
Show me something marvellous and beautiful from your country
Free Caucasia from Slavic Russian tyranny!
/fr/ - Le fil de la francohponie et du pays réel
When a white/european person speaks a latin language near me
What are the best countries in Asia to find a cute gf as a white guy?
Would you date a North Korean girl?
/cum/ canada usa mexico
A fucking toothpaste el-oh-el
How Germanic is Switzerland?
This kills the Naziboos
How old is everybody on Sup Forums?
1.ur cunt
Germanic ≠ German, why don't people get this?
White males get women outside their race moreso than any other type of man
If you defend Hezbollah you are at least a retard
Why do Americans do this?
/deutsch/ /nachtschicht/ wann?-ausgabe
Sverigetråden - Söta upplagan
Sverigetråden - låliupplagan
D-do you think Finns are ugly? Be honest!
Have you ever thrown a rock into the face of a dumb medshit?
/Romance/ - romantic country
What do you mean your idol is a man named Varg user ?
Have you noticed whenever a really attractive person enters the room, the mood shifts...
You're a count
Faces of Sup Forums
/ita/ - il filo
20 refugees took turns in raping a Swedish woman
Japan should be partitioned
Could I pass as a local in your country?
Sup Forumsernational military thread?
American "people"
Why are Finns on this board so gay?
/fr/ - Le francofil (post-ironiquement) nazi
What do you call this in your cunt?
Imperial Japanese Navy in 1939
I want to move to Norway or Finland, perhaps Denmark as a last choice
Korea is better then Japan
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
I'm getting a gang together to destroy this piece of shit fedora-tipping country once and for all
El monstruso
Europe hookup map
You wake up in Falador
This triggers the white man's historical inferiority complex
How can other EU women even compete with tall Danish women (average of 167.2 cm)? femlettes just cannot compete
What does Sup Forums drive?
Evaluate my Engrish
How widespread is nationalism in your country?
This infuriates and terrifies the continental european
So this is the power of Finnish advertising
The biggest crude death rates in the world
How do we save Russian men, int?
/fr/ - Le francofil
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
When will the eternal Da*e be stopped?
What factors led to the Russians being the most succesful Slavs compared to Poles, Croatians, Serbians, etc
How come Brits are the only ones that know how to make music?
How much are you paying for mobile bill?
Vidya empire of Bolan
/Mena/ - مينا
Why is Russia investing in military power above its own economic level?
There's a common misconception on Sup Forums that the janitors worked for Hiro, or the website
You have 5 seconds to prove your country deserves to exist before I get daddy Trump to nuke you back to the stone age
Does your country still make wine by having girls step on the grapes with their bare feet?
I'm bored
Is this accurate for you?
Be me
Are Indians the true Aryans? Or is it Persians?
My mother just called be audibly drunk and told me I survived an abortion attempt...
Sverigetråden - Fredagsfest
Tfw Macron is the reincarnation of Caesar
He doesn't want a South American union led by Brazil and Argentina
What do you think of Hungary?
Tfw no korean qt bf
Post cool pics from your local town
You wake up in Macedonia
/ita/+/fr/ - il filo
/fr/ - Le francofil Tridimensionnel
*meaningless guttural sounds*
/Schweizer Autismus/, auch bekannt als /deutsch/
How can people be so racist in 2017 FFS?
Portuguese + Italian + Greek + Spanish thread
Daily Japanese Thread - DJT
Which people in your county have the most hideous accent?
Sopa de cobra
1. What did you think of Scandinavia before Sup Forums?
Fun Fact
Say something nice about Lebanon
When will Russians go home?
Sverigetråden - Svenska upplagan
Shituanian hate thread
Based trudeau is there a greater world leader?
Be american
Britain too shitty for Syrian war refugees
Next year we are sending this handicap on eurovision... again. I really feel shame for russia...
American appreciation thread
Handsome Sup Forumsernational men
Just a country away from Japan or Australia
British food
/rus/- Russian Thread
This is what Finland would look like if Swedes minded their own business
ITT: Post a national hero from your country
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Last bastion of free speech in the world
1. You're country
Itt: Things neets will never have
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Self hating Muslim's of Sup Forums...
This thing shows up in your front yard and asks for the way to the American embassy in Esperanto
What the hell, Brazil?
Culture pals - /cp/
Single-handedly stopping another MENA war
Do you like Romania?
I live in the worst country of Europe
Why chinese can't use Hiragana Katakana?
/Laurenausgabe/ ehemels/ deutsch/
Whoops haha :)
/ex- USSR general/
Which countries have the most materialistic culture?
This is from a Finnish television show. The black boy is Finnish also so don't be racist...
I'm 34 and my girlfriend is 19. Is this acceptable in your country?
Daily reminder Jesus was middle eastern
ITT: Non-edited Portugal-bullying maps
What do you think of my country? good?bad?
1. You are flag
Russia in the 90s
Why are Africans such underdevelopment?
/fr/ - Le francofil ami des finlandais
Why do Australians dress like that?
Be american
Your thought on Korean girls
Better than vegemite
What's on your Christmas list?
Why do Russian women sound so sexy?
Disgusting languages thread
Who's actually responsible for these ameriorc memes? I remember some ameri-indian country anons posting them...
Who's the retard in your country that everyone laughs at?
Nords = Vikings
Say something nice about comrade Stalin
/morgenausgabe/ ehemals /deutsch/
1. Your native language
/dBg/ - Daily BLACK general
Argentina does not have Falklands
Whiter than you mohammed
Kurva anyátok
Be visiting Paris
Anti-semite BTFO
Europeans literally worship a middle eastern man as god
We are the best at something again
T-thanks for saving us america
Why is the rest of world so shit?
When was your childhood?
3rd worlders that have visited 1st world countries (the better ones), how did it feel?
Germanbros, were there more cops patrolling today, or are they not worried about this event anymore?
A Russian from St Petersburg can even undertand what another Russian from Vladivostok is saying?
/v4/ + /frogs/
What happens here?
Are you a nice country?
I don't understand why people say Sydney is such a shit hole
La muerta
American dick is so smarrr
How corrupt is your country? We see some corruption here and there, but nothing like some other countries have
/sino/ - 中文
What's your favorite flag?
Someone explain the mongrel meme to me...
Ywn be a japanese woman getting groped on a subway
American birthday parties
So, what's your opinion about this guy?
Fuck Japan
Has anyone else here taken a DNA test before?
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Amerindians and southeast asians have the worst body genetics in the world?
1. your cunt
Would you risk your career and suffer complete humiliation on Twitter by putting your hand on Bab's belly?
Recording vocaroos
Why is first world changing so fast demographically?
Why is Okinawa the unluckiest country in the world?
As a non-asian person, why is Shinzo Abe so controversial...
Handsome Sup Forumsernational men
Happy 9/11 amerilards
/cum/ Canada US Mexico
/lat/ hilo latino
Why are Asians so Westernized?
Be african
Making fun of MURICA thread
Would I be accepted in Scandinavia? My dad is half Danish and my mom is half Norwegian
Colombian girls are for:
Tfw my country's food is shit
Is Paris worth visiting?
ITT: Mexican countries you hate
One is a country that needs to be nuked
Neo Traditional
Sverigetråden - Båtupplagan
19 years old
Let's have a gondola thread
Even if you dislike the Chechens you have to admit that they are based...
Name ONE country
Do people celebrate Thanksgiving in your country?
Thighs of Sup Forums
Am currently learning spanish
When was the last time you saw Sup Forums got absolutely BTFO?
/Nacktschicht/ und /Ronny/, ehemals /deutsch/
Another day wasted working instead of doing something productive
What happens here?
What is the lest developed country on earth?
Mutt thread
I will argue with anyone about anything
Blonde women are so fucking overrated, i find pretty much every other kind of woman more attractive than them
Finland is the most autistic nordic countr-
Why are scandis sooo feminine?
What happens here?
Itt: post things NEEToids will never experience
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...