Daily reminder that France, a former world power, lost to the invading German army in just two weeks during WW2

Daily reminder that France, a former world power, lost to the invading German army in just two weeks during WW2


>La RĂ©sistance

To help put things in perspective Poland managed to hold out for just over a month, twice as long as the entire might of France could. France had a moderately large air-force for the time and even fielded the Char B1 Bis heavy tank that was invulnerable to any tank the German army could field. Despite this of course they still crumbled in roughly 2 weeks

just a reminder that alexis de tocqueville is more american than you will ever be

Actually he's French so while he's more French than I will ever be he's not American at all whereas I am American

>Polish roads are so bad you can't even blitzkrieg them

>two weeks
>US in charge of counting

The french lasted for 46 days. The poles lasted for around 36.

read more books

>French Army is so bad they won't even fight you


French are weaklings and the most awful people to play games with.

and you lost against slant-eye farmers
and austrailians lost against birds


to help put things into even more perspective, both countries eventually lost, but Polish losses were much larger. both soldiers and civilians died in a fight that was not possible to be won, caused German retliations on civilian population and harsh treatment after the war. France surrendered the moment they knew they couldn't win and didn't waste their citizens lifes needlessly

the maginot line would have worked if it wasn't for belgium

>caused German retaliations
They would genocide you either way. That was quite the point of the war.

not at first, German propaganda and plans to exterminate Poles were an effect of our incompetent diplomats, an alliance and joint attack on Soviets was on a table few years before the war, their German propaganda called Poles "brotherly nation" then.
and even so, Germans eventually lost, so they wouldn't have. and those people that died because of dircet retaliations would have lived. Great Britain discoruaged ttheir citizens from taking any actions against Germans on the uccupied islands on La Manche channel, and retaliations on them wouldn't be 1/10th as big as those on Poles. thats what responible goverments and people do. they take only those fights thay have chances of winning and do not waste lives for no purpose. Polish partisans were attacking Germans even though every Germans were massacering entire villages in retaliation, killing 50 Poles for every German, and attacks themselves served absolutely no purpose. you have to be a fucking psychopath to act like that. not to mention The Single Dumbest Decision Ever Made in History, also know as Warsaw Uprising, also known as Mass Sucicde that Caused Hundreds of Thousands of Civilians to Die and Literally Served No Purpuse, Was Not Possible to be Won, And Germans Were Fucking Evacuating Anyways.

>Actually believing Hitler wouldn't slaughter polish people
You are so delusional, I don' t even know where to start. Remember what happened to the jews, that did not flee Germany. Who should have fought the Nazis? According to you, It would be better for everyone to surrender because muh casualties.
>brotherly nation
>believing nazi propaganda
Ugh... um.. Germans are untrustworthy, they say one thing, and do the opposite.

whats the point of fighting and dying when there are no chances of winning? what is the point of partisan attacks on an occupying army when they are just random killings with no military purpose and every attacks causes dozens of polish people to die? the effect after the war would be the same with or without those resistance movements except hundreds of thousand people would still be alive after the war, among them educated young people from good families that would have helped rebuilt the country after the war. one of our poets called those idiotic resistance movements and uprising "shooting at the enemy with diamonds", couldn't agree more. nations that simply layed low during the ocupation were much better off.
>Germans are untrustworthy, they say one thing, and do the opposite.
you're thinking about anglos, like when they pushed us to war against Germany to gain more time for themselves with faux alliance and just ignored us when the war actually started despite giving promises of helping. and after the war just sold us to Stalin. Germans are too autistic for deception

>expecting Belgium not to fold like wet cardboard against the Germans.


It was expected. Belgians threatened diplomatic and economic retribution, basically crying "but you won't trust us ;___;".
French leadership was to blame as well. It was politically divided and inefficient. Socialists sympathizer were actually a sizeable force. The ennemy wasn't as unanimously hated as in WW1 (because the propaganda machine wasn't as efficient)

Daily reminder that is was 76 years ago and nobody gives a shit except burgers.

>german casualties: 59 000
>polish casualties: 800 000+

>german casualties: 163 000
>french casualties: 300 000+

don't be too cocky, plumberscum
France lost almost 350000 people (deaths and casualties)