Parisians stand up against Islamic threat

In the Clichy-la-Garenne of Paris, the Muslims took over the streets with the help of French cops so they could pray for Allah. Local Frenchmen and -women were fed up of this. Now they demonstrate against Islam.

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That's racist. Back to pol you fucking nazi

Secular Parisians are accused of nazism now

Because they are. Back to pol

are they refugees or identitarians?


>Islamic Threat


Idiot foreigners know nothing about France. French secularity (laicite) is so prevalent in our school systems that second generation immigrants are just as French as anyone else. Religious zealots are confined to the populations who are marginalized and lack access to state education and this goes for all religions. France is and always will be a country of free thought and rationalism so I ask you to do your own research or fuck kindly to your containment board.

ok but how do you explain terror attacks in France

With this
>Religious zealots are confined to the populations who are marginalized

Learn to read, Pekka

Communautarisme and a failure to assimilate and accept French values at school. These terrorists you hear of are often recent immigrants / visitors / dual nationals that have light to no ties to France whatsoever. You can find the same profile of terrorists all over the EU (london, madrid, berlin, brussels et al)

i know you are trolling but still, they were mostly born in France and french nationals since their birth>French secularity (laicite) is so prevalent in our school systems that second generation immigrants are just as French as anyone else
they are absolutly not for the vast majority of them and also no one, including white people, gives a shit about the secular propaganda of the school system, he might worked in the past but it's lost all its legetimity to everyone now

I visited Paris once. If it weren't for the iconic landmarks (now garrisoned by the military) I wouldn't be able to say it's a a french city.

Your country, and your people, are gone man.

it wasn't parisians, it's a suburb

France ≠ Paris.

I'm not trolling at all. What makes second generation immigrants "not French" according to you? They have French nationality and speak French and they were born here. You sound like a racist fdp so if there are any reasons other than skin color or the moderate practice of other religions please enlighten us mon frere

they simply do not consider themselves french, have you ever talked with them? Probably not given how naive you are. I'm not saying they are subhumans or that a minority of 2nd and 3rd gen immigrant like France but the majority of them hate France and worst hate french people, actually more than their parents hate it

Not him but of course i am racist and of course you need to be white to be French. It's nonsense to say otherwise.

Anyways even disregarding that they still don't have the same culture as French people at all, they barely speak French, they hate French people, they are terrorists, they are declared enemies of France, they are anything but French

>have you ever talked with them?

Of course, Im friends with quite a few arabs here. I'm also an expat so obviously my perception is not the same as yours. I imagine you see more of these "bled" types of youth in suburbs and not in the centre ville so it's not something I really see tb h. The arabs / muslims I chill with are incredibly secular / agnostic and drink alcohol and eat porc.

Yes that's the rich ones. I too am rich and live in the centre and the very few arabs and blacks you do meet are perfectly assimilated.

So what ? We all know they represent like 1% of arabs. They are completely irrelevant.

There are millions of muslims here, of course you'll meet a lot of them who are great people and actually like this country, but the majority of 2nd gen dislike it still, just watch the videos of people celebrating Morrocan victory chanting "allah ackbar" and "death to france", they are french citizens born and raised here. I thought you were trolling because even the most deluded leftist would not say that the secular school system would prevent people from turning to radical islam, now that i know you're an expact I understand better, let metell you that our "civic education" is a complete meme that no one takes seriously

this is literally the opposite huge faggot.

>just watch the videos of people celebrating Morrocan victory chanting "allah ackbar" and "death to france"
>those 200 arabs represent the millions
wow you seem very dumb

lol no
get out of paris go in the suburbs and talk to them, come back and say that secular education worked on them lmao
paris = 2 million people
suburbs = 10 million people

i am exaggerating when i say the good ones are like 1% but they really do represent maximum 10% of them

>falseflagging this hard
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no what i say it's the exact opposite, the most they are poor they are humble and helping people, the more they are rich the most dumb and anti french they are, the youngsters you see shitting on France are drug dealers earning more than the average salaryman

"The Muslims"

that's deluded, the rich one are gay hipsters and tolerable if not likeable
the poor ones aren't "humble and helping people" you're fucking crazy

more like 20,000 also you've been living there for a few months, I've lived more than 25 years in Paris suburbs, I know better than you what the majority of muslims here think and do. The few sons of diplomats, doctors and lawyers that you have met aren't representative of the muslim population in France at all

kek you seem to never talk with them if you unironically believe the richer arabs are pro france

Back to 9gag

Even the multiple muslim associations are against street prayers my dude, it isnt as controversial as y'all think it is.

>more like 20,000
kek is this your insecurity that talks ? they were 200 to 300

>muslim associations who get their money from the government tell what the government want them to tell
They represent no one, your average arab hate them (i don't blame them for that though) since they pretend to speak in the name of muslims while their legitimaty is based on government choice

i read that most muslims in france don't even know what the supposed ""official"" muslim representation body is :3

There is none.
It's not like American Christians give a fuck about the Pope.

Isn't France the country where a really large portion of the muslim community supports ISIS?
16% I guess a lot of native French people also supports ISIS lmao.

I would not be surprised, France will be the first european country to collapse, 50% of french births are non-white already and the idiotic upper-class like that one itt think that everything will be allright thanks to the secularism meme

>France will be the first european country to collapse
Fuck off, that'll be Sweden

>50% of french births are non-white already
source pls


50% of newborns are being tested for drepanocytose, a disease that only affect africans. that is the only way to know since race based census are forbidden

>idiotic upper-class like that one itt
that guy is an expat, nothing to do with the upper class
i can tell you a lot of actual upper class people do not like this at all, it's just that
1. we have to pretend to be leftist in public no matter what we say in private
2. a lot of people end up voting fillon because le pen's socialist economics scare the shit out of many people

>Russian poll
Yeah, that sound like real news.

>50% of french births are non-white already

There is no other solution

tu nies le chiffre?

Oui parce qu'il est faux

tu peux continuer de te voiler la face, la réalité vous rattrapera un jour ou l'autre et il sera trop tard

Mais ils sont où tous ces Africains alors ? En Algérie ?
Tu sais que l'Algérie n'est plus Française...

pas lui mais ils sont en banlieue parisienne

>Les banlieues, 50% du pays