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International #817
Are Latin Americans the product of generations of rape or did the Native women willingly procreate with the Europeans?
Daily reminder currycel is a chad larping as a beta
One chance at life
Post yfw when I move to your cunt
What is your trough on russian girls?
Be american
Richest 1% own half the world's wealth
Sverigetråden - Rom och cola-upplagan
Mfw I see Italian flags
Give me one good reason why you don't have blue eyes
Why are Scandies so defense towards their testosterone filled "women"? Pic related is how an ideal female looks...
Why Americans are so rude? I come here from Brazil and everyone is so disrespectful...
Which one of the highlighted hellholes has the worst reputation?
Is Nigeria the next Japan? Will we see Igaboos within the next few decades?
/luso/ - Fio Feminista
What's your country's most cancerous product
I look southern european
/AfD/ ehemals /deutsch/
/ita/ - il filo
Be so-called “master race”
/cum/ Canada US mexico
When you spot an American tourist in your city
Daily reminder not to race mix
America is objectively the best country in history derb derb
Guys, I think I fixed Europe
Is this correct?
Muh wh*Te """"""""ancient""""
Daily reminder to stop bullying amerifriends
Im a brown eyed brown haired 1.87 m man and these were my results
Your country sucks if your leader doesn't look as hot as trudeau
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
Post fictional flags you created
Is he the greatest leader of our time?
/anime/ ehemals /deutsch/
Post ur cunt's military
Does your neighboring cunts talk shiet about your cunt?
Why are they best race?
Thoughts about Europe in 1444?
When people start talking about Anglos and Americans join in as if they are
Why weebs are so annoying?
How common is this look in Italy?
Why these countries exist? No history no culture no nothing
What year should be the new year 0?
/fr/ - the fil fwancophone avec oun tiwet
Damn, do Swedish girls really look like THAT?
I can't believe Europeans eat horses
Latin American and Caribbean economic growth
Can we all agree that we have the most gorgeous first lady ever?
/ex-ussr/ general
WW1 ends
Are they Nordic?
I want an Argentinian gf now
I want a russian gf Sup Forums
Sverigetråden - Zaraupplagan
Be me, BLACK BULL in norway
Favorite dish from your country
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Japan is just better
You can post ITT ONLY if your country is going to next year's 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™
Should I sell my family's castle?
Tell me about the Forum of Ancient Civilizations. What are they planning?
We're officially slavs now
What...? I thought Britain was a white country?
Why do europeans give their letters hats
A religion originated in India
Mfw a weeaboo gaijin talks to me in anime-like Japanese
Born a peasant
What are italian girls like in personality?
Ahahah well said, fellow kekistani!
This is the perfect world prove me wrong
Indian Castes
What's the difference between Russian speaking Ukrainians and Russians?
Do you love Korea?
Post ITT if your cunt has bombed Germany
/v4/ + friends
11.7 million Turks live in the European part of Turkey...
I want to fucking kill myself!!!
Russia BTFO
/anime/ ehemals /deutsch/
Why is mexico so poor even though all that separates it from America is a fence?
/Mena/ مينا
Anime is for childr-
You will never see an alliance like this ever again
Wtf is their problem?
Let's have a discussion about Finland
Is Italy Nordic? Here my nuts are freezing
/luso/ fio lusofono
This isnt a real bomb but can someone shoop this to put in the amerimutt meme and something to piss off /you know what...
How do I deal with being from a historically irrelevant backwater country?
Is Canada the most useless country?
Why every weaaboo dream of to living in Japan and Tokyo?
Friendly reminder that ancient egyptians, romans, hellenes, chinese, japanese, babylonian, inca were all NORDIC...
You're not anti-Semitic, are you goy?
Question to Euros
1.Your height
The murderous shithole of Burma
Eyes of Sup Forums
Daily Reminder From Turkey
How these people know when a person is foreign or native by looks?
Nigger, mutt, jew and tranny. Is this the perfect representation of America?
Feels bad to have brown eyes
Your country
I’m confused can somebody tell me how Nordic, Scandinavian, and Norse are different...
How do women in your country feel about American men?
All of Southeast Asia and Oceania is rightful Australian Lebensraum
/cum/ canada usa mexico
Kurva anyátok
Why do yuros get so assblasted when ethnic europeans in the New World (particularly white americans) refer to...
Are Southeast Asians more Indian, Dravidian or Mongoloid?
Post what it takes to work in porn industry in your country, JAV, Euro, US post citizenship/passport requirements...
Do people in your country put up offensive graffiti too?
1. Your country
/lat/ Hilo latino
Here is how we all will look like in 2100 and it's beautiful
Are Alawites and Maronites both Phoenicians?
/cum/ canada usa mexico
Meanwhile on bizarro Sup Forums
Tfw my stupid mother will pay a private psychologist/psychiatrist
Normies stealing Easter Toad
Why does Sup Forums hate us?
If Europeans hate Americans, why do they want American girls so much?
Be a virgin loser
Which one of these countries do you dislike the most?
Quick check
Strange Habits
Half White Thread
If Germany was so racist, why did they elect a foreigner as chancellor?
Sup Forums IRL
Which country has most aesthetic Kanji?
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
I want all Americans to die and suffer in hell for all eternity
Public Debt
Are there a lot of cute Latin Americans with pure Iberian heritage?
Have you ever heard about the Nagasaki Bikini?
Do people honest-to-goodness despise Americans that much, or is it a circlejerk?
/nederdraad/ /vlaanderdraad/
Give me one reason to not kill myself this week
ITT: Describe your country with one picture
/fr/ — Le Fil Français, Québécois et Indochinois
How many Americans have you met in your life?
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
Dear Danes
/nachtschicht/ aka /deutsch/
Your thoughts on Finland?
How do Germans manage to not go full nazi again?
What went wrong?
/ita/ - il filo
Speak the truth brother
Only relevant countries have invented their own electrical plugs
1/6th of Americans have blue eyes
/luso/ fio lusofono
Are girls allowed to love other girls in your country?
Would you rather live in:
Singapore tops latest OECD PISA global education survey, Japan, Estonia...
/Mena/ - مينا
/pony/ ehemals /nachtschicht/ bald /deutsch/
What is your opinion on this country?
Your thoughts on Russia?
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
Why is Malta the only good country in Europe?
Which language should I learn, Sup Forums?
He's coming!
/BLACK/ general
Are police forces fit in your cunt?
/nachtschicht/, Flut der Ebbe /deutsch/
Be me
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Sverigetråden - Gripenupplagan
Educated people
Chinese mathematic homework
ITT: We thank the country above you because of a singer or a musician
Who else play this here?
How do you come to accept that you will never get a girl solely because of your ethnic group (which determines your...
Something something cuck something black cock something ahmed cuckoldry cuck porn cuck industry blacked
Hilo piolaaaaaa hilo latino
Who started this mem?
/polska/ - edycja polskiego biznesu
El persecutor
Is the United States the only country wherein having a blobby, amorphous body is the norm?
Hurrr those Amerimutts aren't white amirite xD
I got a phone call that traces to Denmark, it says to be in Hong Kong in 28 hours
Have you ever felt like giving up on life?
What does Sup Forums want for christmas?
Hey, guys!
/fr/ - le fil 100 % ARYEN BLANC PUR Franc et GERMANIQUE
Le 80% Face
The average american household is $16,000 in credit card debt and posses 3.4 credit cards per person...
What is Slovakia?
/BRiD GmbH ehemals und nie wieder deutsch/
*Begs Europeans to love them and consider them as cracker*
Euros will NEVER (ever) taste a cold root beer float
I have recently discovered that there are Turks in Romania. And not they're not Gagauz they're Turks from Anatolia...
Sverigetråden - Norska Sveket upplagan
Italians call Portugal "PortoCock"
Behold eurocuckoulds:
Chinese Secret Society Edition
/ita/ - il filo
/Sino/ - 中文
Why do all Russian men look like mongrel ogres except for this one? Is he a Swede pretending to be Russian?
Kurva anyátok
Why womens care less or just don't care about their ethnic group / race / nationality to the point of completely...
ITT: Post half MENA half European people
Latin American thread!
TFW you realize the Amerimutt meme is a Nazi meme that was created by fascists to foster European unity
Merhaba, my name is Ken-Khan
I don't like this country. Am I a faggot for saying that? I mean, is there anything to be proud of, of this country...
Americunts got rekt so hard they are accusing everyone of "shilling" right now
/nederdraad/ /vlamingdraad/ /Nederduitsdraad/
World Air Force Rankings
The absolute state of every other Greek "city"
Well, Sup Forums?
/lat/ il filo
Post 'em
What the fuck is going on in the Middle East? Saudi Arabia's government arrested half of their ministers...
Culture pals - /cp/
Do you think there are actual shills on Sup Forums? I've been noticing a lot of EU/Macron ones lately
Tell me everything you know about Arkansas
What does the text say?
/fr/ - Le fil Français et/ou Francophone
Sverigetråden - Fin upplaga
Why do people admire Scandinavian style?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
This video confuses and enrages Boeing executives
Russia is strong
Recommend me good russian entertainment
How well known is the song Erika in Germoney?
Which one of these shitholes is the worst?
Thoughts about Russia?
Less than 10 million population
Reminder to not racemix
Why are Brazilians so cool?
Give us three (3) reasons why we should marry a woman from your country
/balt/ + /brit/
Do you know how the Americans first came into being? They were Anglos once, taken by the dark powers...
Why Sup Forums fear communism so excessively ?
Post your worse cases of american education
How are you preparing for the Turkic century?
The Latin American, snownigger and sandnigger fears the southern European warrior
Should I take acid Sup Forums...
Whiter than you Muhammad
/deutsch/ /bayern/
Please learn these facts before you post anything about the Nordic countries
Snibedi Snabs X--DD
Tfw no turkish qt girlfriend
/ex-ussr/ general
How is like to live in a place with so much history?
What age is too late to go to university?
Sverigetråden - SD2D-upplagan
I asked /his/, now I want to hear Sup Forums...
Can you get arrested for watching loli in your country?
Insult poland
Amazingly comprehensive map of every country in the world that uses the MMDDYYYY format
There muthafucking snow in this muthafucking Slovenia on the 13th of November already! Has your country had snow yet...
Oh shit you're invited for dinner TONIGHT
Redpill thread
How do you decide who is white and who isn't?
Be 3 year old finn
Is this Sup Forums: the game?
Average Korean and Chinese neighborhood
*blocks your path*
Russian men are the Best men in the world
*it ain't me starts playing*
There are over 10 million north africans in the EU
Fucking Leftist NorthKorea Spy government is capturing all of the Right-wing politicians in Korea to just incapacitate...
Friendly reminder that ancient egyptians, romans, hellenes, chinese, japanese, babylonian, inca were all NORDIC...
/fr/ - Le francofil
Be wh*Toid
Another year goes by and I don't even remember what I did
I asked my mother to fill the map
India appreciation thread
Thoughts on this map?
Finnish alcoholic beverage tooks over Japan
Did your school have uniforms? What did they look like
Why is being a ""rapebaby"" a bad thing?
TURKISH must be a lingua franca of AFRIKA
How Italian are they?
How do I stop watching BLACKED.COM bros?
Why are asian males perceived as unmanly?
Do you want to hold an Sup Forums offline meeting ?
I'm only attracted to short petite asian women with small boobs, is this normal?
State 10 Canadian cities
Weekly Mutt Thread
What are some countries?
ITT: Post meme pics only people from your country understand
El diablo
Be Basketball American
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Better at English
If they are 56% white that means they are all exactly 56% white
Kurva anyátok
Daily Japanese Thread - DJT
1. ur cunt
What’s the point of having sex with a condom? That’s like kissing through a window...
/danmarktråden/ æ fra jylland udgaven
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
What does Sup Forums think of mainland China?
The Korean comfort woman Sent to Hug President Trump
Show me the best cuisine your country has to offer
My beautiful country... :')
Which orc species is the most fierce?
Tfw discover I'm part scandinavian
What if I told you that the reason there are literally hundreds of this meme spammed in specific threads under various...
(american) Rappers
Post proof of your whiteness
How to improve Sup Forums:
Come home, white man
It's a pleasure that white man can still have values in this world
Start a bait thread on Sup Forums
Sup Forums is even putting their edgy posters up in Canadian universities now
Huge space-age skyscrapers in the middle of a desolate desert
Don't mind me mates, just getting a selfie before you obliterate humanity
/nederdraad/ /vlamingdraad/
Why is Sup Forums so tsundere with Sup Forums?
Virgin here heading to Brazil to finally get laid. Ask me anything
These girls want to immigrate to your country
How do japanese men assert their masculinity if guns are illegal and shouting in public is socially unacceptable ?
She is a brown nationalist
Finn population 5 million
You're cunt
/lat/ hilo latino
Be Korean
Sverigetråden - Skånska upplagan
Be English colonists from England
What does "Make America Great Again" imply?
Speaking to myself in english in muh mind
Go to Ireland
Your country have the culture of "staring eyes fight"?
/cum/ canada usa mexico
Get in here Katyabros
Mommy mommy why is step daddy Tyrone standing in the corner masturbating? What is the Huwite man doing to you mommy?
Be me
"K-kara bog-"
Is this map correct?
Why are Filipina women so cute and innocent?
This is considered white in america
Lets have a thread about the best parts of your nation. I'll start with mine
Okay you cucks lets see whos really
Be American
Will the madman be back this year?
Tfw i'm not norwegian or swiss
Save Europe user, make European children
Its ok user, you can tell me your feels
Hilo latino
/cum/ canada usa mexico
What is it about my country that makes everybody so obsessed?
/deutsch/, auch /nachtschicht/ AfD-ausgabe
Obscure Ethnicities
Does ur cunt have rally events?
Hello there!
Name my band, Sup Forums
Just be urself bro im sure you can compete with Chad, just be confident lol
Is there anything more beautiful than the love between a white man and an Indian woman?
I have no friends or gf but I want to travel to another country...
Only top destinations are allowed to post here
Why are all women from other countries so shit compared to a natural Norwegian girl?
Are spaniards white?
How can I ascend into the ultimate Amerimutt form?
/fr/ - le fil francophone
I thought sandniggers were smartasses that invented calculus and shit
Your thoughts on asian colonization of Canada?
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
The Byzantine Empire unironically lasted over a 1000 years
This goes out to the Swedish. How are holding up?
Why can't America into football (soccer)?
Is there any winning to life when you look like a mestizo (with lot of Native DNA) or Native American?
Would you rather live in:
Malta is the worst country in Europe
Does Sup Forums see Canadians as mutts too?
Lang/ - Language learning thread
/cum/ canada usa mexico
Brazil has the largest italian, portuguese, lebanese and japanese diaspora
How is "race" treated in Brazil? Is there "racism" in the retarded American sense?
1.Your cunt
Can we get posts from all countries so i can filter you worthless subhumans?
Literally everyone is able to learn English
Is there any winning to life when you look like pic related?
Dios mio
Why do Polish people constantly cry about being oppressed
Reminder that Swedish girls are for brown people only
E-everything's going to be alright, right?
Russian schools still use blackboards
Who will win? KARA BOĞA? or His enemies?
/ita/ - il filo
Anti-US demo seems to be taking place in the Philippines
US diplomacy
Have you ever met an American IRL? What was it like?
I will kill all jews
Fellow nordics
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
Posts amerigoblin meme
The most exhaustive anthropological study of the Japanese has been made by Dr E...
Do you have any ancestors that fought in WWI and WWII?
Why do foreigners on Sup Forums hate burgers?
Fishing level?
Is there any nationality you wish to have been instead of what you currently are?
Red=good, blue=evil
Friendly reminder
I have seen many Afghans acting superior to Pakistan. So reminder-
You make fun of Americans for being fat but you are almost as fat as them now
Talking about murder rates of countries
/cum/ canada usa mexico
Do Afrikaners have a future?
I look souther european
/nederdraad/ /vlaanderdraad/
Just get some confidence bro ;)
2018 in less than two months
Lightly banter an American
/fr/ - Le francofil dépressif
Why are race mixed kids so fucking ugly? Are there any examples of race mixing done right?
/balk/ - Balkan thread
Parisians stand up against Islamic threat
How do two countries united by blood and the same ethnicity live so far apart?
The best thing about the amerigoblin meme is the unity it brings between European posters
Italians eat a lot, yet they aren't fat, that's weird
Tfw no Northern Italian gf
Destroying the rest of the eu
Language thread for shitty German speakers
The Korea Observer reported in 2015 that many different breeds of dog are eaten in South Korea...
/deutsch/ Anti Hahnrei
What would happen if a girl stood on a street like this in your country?
My wish is that you guys stop bullying Sweden and start bullying T*rkey instead since they deserve it way more
Why are Colombian girls so pretty?
Would you racemix with a tunisian girl?
1. Where you live
Why do new-worlders (with the exclusion of Peru, Chile...
America is the most evil country to ever exist
Act like a Sup Forumstard
Be catalan
Your cunt
Guess the Country
What is it about East Asians that makes them so likeable?
Is this Sup Forums: the game?
When the French speak your language, do they speak it with noticeable French accent?
La créature
Why is finland so succesful?
Die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
In the case of some Sudanese tribes, males can have an average height of 1.9 m (6 ft, 4in) (!), while women of 1...
Visit London and Paris thinking Sup Forums is exaggerating about the muslim shit
HAHAHAHA Look this japanese girl...
Sverigetråden - Zarastormaktstiden upplagan
/fr/ - Le Fil de la francophonie
It's a nice sunny Sunday, here in the Bahamas
Citizen robots?
Do Greek (cracker) girls like African men like me? pic related: me
Germany is just 1/3 of colombia
"whiter than you muhammad"
Every nation gets the government it deserves
Leafs everyone
Is this Europe
Why did America's founding fathers hate Germanics and non-Anglos?
What happens here? Is it a top-tier state like Montana?
Finnish girls thread
Hilo Latino /lat/
/rus/- Russian Thread
Why do "Americans" (United Statians) hate Latinos so much? Are they gay?
Redpill me on Macron
What is it about this man that annoys southern Europeans so much?
Why don't europeons want to face the fact that they are committing demographic suicide with their immigration policies?
/cum/ canada usa mexico
Wooah... Northern Europe is... amazing!
Be Burger
Somalis vote for president: 2 out of 3 have relations to Finland
What is your country's equivalence of Remembrance Sunday?
What do Europeans do on Sunday when all the shops are closed?
Do you believe in God Sup Forums?
/v4/ + buddies
Russian boys
1. ur cunt
This country has 7%+ birth rate. How could this be stopped?
/Deutsch/ südafrika ausgabe
How come occasionally some people don't get robbed when they go to brazil on holiday?
Poland literally shifted West after WW2
Claims ancient near-eastern civilisations were white aryans with blue eyes
If I impregnate a blue eyed mixed race girl will our kids also have blue eyes?
Australians are my favorite posters
Anyone considering to vote pirate?
Why can't they admit warcrimes?
What is this called in your country?
Why can't they speak Engrish?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...