TFW you realize the Amerimutt meme is a Nazi meme that was created by fascists to foster European unity

>TFW you realize the Amerimutt meme is a Nazi meme that was created by fascists to foster European unity
>TFW you realize that nazis made a few catchy amerimutt memes because they hate the degenerate and consumerist culture of the USA that took off
>TFW you realize that you were contributing to fascist memes by reposting amerimutts

I just deleted them all of my hard drive. I don't want to help contribute to this evil.

Finally caught on huh

Stop it!!!!

>foster European unity
But.. Isn't that what we want?

I just posted them because they rattled amerilards.

Obviously the 8pol fags are behind it. They absolutely despise anyone who isn't white. If you think about it the meme basically says the less white you are the most disgusting you become.

Literally nazi ideology, and Europeans sure have shown that behind their tolerance and whatever are still without a doubt racist pieces of shit

That's the best Sup Forumstards can come up with?

anyone have links to the OG amerimutt threads?

I want to see what birthed all this OC


I had this realization about a year ago about all the meme racism I used to enjoy on Sup Forums. I loved posting about rapefugees overrunning the border fence to black swedish women when I thought we were all having a friendly laugh and didn't REALLY hate them. Turns out the other guys wanted to exterminate them all along and I was participating.

I used to love posting spurdos day and night with no worries at all. Now I can't enjoy it because I know one wrong post and all my happy pärpäärrpär Jonne autisms turn to beerhall nuremburg time.

Here here Bros. Come in for a hug.

I like the Amerimutt meme, I think it's funny


Too late faggot, the reich rises!

I too fellow redditors, am outraged at this behavior

>made some tongue-in-cheeck NEETs vs wageslaves OC years ago
>afterwards started to see political adaptations of it
>recently came across a whites vs nonwhites adaption
>tfw your own artistic expressions have been corrupted into vile nazi propaganda

At first I was amused and a little honored my OC got reposted and used by anons to express their creativity and share their humor. Now I feel guilty and ashamed that distorted adaptations of my work are used to instill hatred in people. I have decided to stop making OC, because it does more harm than good.

>Europeans sure have shown that behind their tolerance and whatever are still without a doubt racist pieces of shit
This is absolutely true, mr 56%

Not him but, if I moved to a European country will I be considered automatically white

I'm pretty sure both left and right wingers are contributing to this. Left wingers because they don't like american white supremacists, and right wingers do it too because americans are mutt sub humans.

Not even kidding they are/were behind the "ngger hate threads" and the "how can wyte boyz even compete" threads on Sup Forums years ago. I know they were for a fact.

Their latest attempt was to the megapedes and "based Blackman" memes. I know there's a strong group on telegram which I tried to shill on. They spammed us with illegal material. There really some sick twisted people out there.


Are all of your ancestors from Europe? Then yes.

Antiamericanism is old, older than the world wars. With communism/USSR gone it was inevitable it would come back under one form or another.

le mutt eternelle

Is the 56% meme true or is it just a meme? Pretty sure it's still 62%

It's a meme.

You guys miss the point. The Amerimutt meme is fantastic, as are all these memes. I just didn't think it was really neonazis on the other side so much.

whiter than you, Anton

They're all from France, Germany, and England but not the Netherlands unfortunately.

>tfw not dutch masterrace

So you're probably a manlet, but at least you're white.

it's rude

Well actually I'm 183 cm but is that small over there?

Mutt-kun is cute :3

average is 183cm, so I guess you're alright

No it was literally started here by a south american flag or something as another >56% meme thread but a first goblin has been made and everyone made their own to laugh

wtf deleting all my amerigoblin folder right now

Sounds like good people

>the 56% white american laughs at 95% white european cuntree because mooslimes
the real reason

The moozlims will outbreed you quickly

Not as fast as changs will us

Kara boga


What an amazing discovery. You mean that making fun of other nations' races could mean more pride in the race of the people making unme of them?

>and Europeans sure have shown that behind their tolerance and whatever are still without a doubt racist pieces of shit
you have no idea how much I hope this is true

nazis were the good guys

you'll be chinks and spics before we'll be araps and niggers, but chinks and spics are better than araps and niggers
