
modern equipment of the irish army edition

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willy poo bum wank



Got an urge to listen to a song, but I just can't work out which one. Do you lads know?


how many brits are still up

Belfast is not occupied

Pretty nippy out boys.

want to die

Belfast is under military occupation by the British empire

the australian experience

Thanks for the advice lads, chose this album

>Belfast is under military occupation by the British empire

This image really illustrates the two strategies of the Cold War Superpowers. The Americans focused on the containment of communism while the Russians focused on protecting their sphere of influence from foreign threats.

i have that mod, it's fucking wank desu

also play as cilicia

>I'm a mexican but I call others subhumans


why do we have 12 military bases on guam lol

it's a meaningless and inaccurate image

>blank mono-colour album cover with small, plain text
How to spot a trash album and artist in one easy step

doesnt even make sense probably the wosrt post of the night tyypical

Most of them fought with the US anyway

It's just saying total bases in that region, not just in that one spot.

you mean the yanks won and the russians lost

for some reason they decided to bundle every base in the regions together which is fucking stupid and unhelpful

what mod

weird game, i played as japan and went all the way to the end of the game without doing anything yet ended up as one of the strongest and wealthiest nations just by focusing on literacy and railroads

taxing seems to not make a fucking difference about anything, i was taxing at 100% and taxing at minimum allowed and there was no difference between thet wo

you're reading the map wrong but i don't blame you because there's no legend

there's way more than 15 military bases in this country

It's listing them in order, it goes 1-9 British bases, then 10-16 Us bases, 17-19 Russian bases, 20-21 French bases

they're just counting the bases from 1 to 21...

Yeah, but the point I'm making is the US had bases all over the world in order to deploy troops and stop communist uprisings. Meanwhile Russia had a lot of bases along the European border and Eurasia to protect itself.


Post it

The optimal way to tax is max on low and middle and none on high, with no tariffs

business idea

it's literally just counting up from one with a random selection of bases

there is no rhyme or reason to it other than that



wrong you want tax to be as low as you can manage so pops can promote easier

hey post it

You've made an enemy for life remember that

Wtf is that Spain ? Fuck off.

wow are you actually so shit at the game you can't do that

because those eurasian bases are former USSR territory
you'd see the same thing if the US shrunk while still retaining bases in the seceded states

Pops with higher taxes encourages them to become factory owners

it is a well known fact that gipsies from romania defend the unity of Spain hahhaha

t. juan fernando espanoza


lower tax = pops save more money = pops promote more easily = more factory owners, clergy, clerks, etc


who's that in quebec and nouvelle écosse


Post toot

death is the final unknown

hey there cutie x


what you said doesn't make any sense because pops need money to promote to capitalists (factory owners)

>that PNW


keep me posted

was not talking with you

Tried looking for a nice snack after lunch at work, but couldn't find anything satisfactory :(

where did you go, beto?

Trust me mate I know the ins and outs of this game and you want higher taxes on the low and middle

wish the american revolution had never happened and all of north america would be british 2bh

>canada independent from BNA
can you post pops?

Into my filter list


Bootlicking toad

Need a qt Irish gf


beto visited MGTOW forums

want to shot them all

post your mayor/lord mayor

same (specifically of the sersha denomination)

it's not independent, it's a satellite or a dominion or something. there's an event chain that leads to canada getting all of its land and becoming independent
i can't get the save to load unfortunately so no pops pics

need you out of business sunshine

want to have sex with a mexican woman

e-europe is white!!

post it!!

a-america is white!!

This is Brazil

mate of mine went to work in the fucking congo when he graduated
cannae fathom why

WILLY WAGGLERS ARISE!! *willy waggler rally call*!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for too long gsg has gone without a single waggle!!yes me mates it is seemest gsg has forgot how to WAGGLE their WILLIES!!!!!!!!!aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE MUST OCCUPY GSG WITH OUR SILLIEWILLIES AND TEACH THEM THE MAJESTIC ART OF THE WAGGLE ONCEDMORE!!!! are you ready boys? us wagglers have a proud history...we waggled for charles..we waggled for thatcher.....ahhh..the willy waggling haze of '87...ohh yes me mates...we waggled all the way from bristol to hai noi...me, old billy steve, me old mates gordon billy nicky and charlie..some guy named ian the clam...WE WAGGLED RECORD SPEED!!!!!!!!aaaaaaaaaAAAaaAAANOT MY WIILLYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA






AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!............aaaaaaahhhhhh....i cum on your face....relief ;)

That's actually what AmeriKKKa looks like

>gypsies from Ro

You don't honestly believe that. Thanks for taking like 17% of all of them tho, amico. Non dimenticheremo =DDDD

Catalans are Spaniards, even if they're Catalans. I might not agree with their independence, but I recognize their ethnic prerogatives. Which are complete and absolute to exercise in Spain. They have enjoyed degrees of autonomy unseen in unitary states, under a Constitution which they 93% of the Catalans voted for, and now they want to doom 40-50% of their fellow ''Catalans'' to anarchy, statelessness, lack of EU and Spanish passport, because they're arsemad they lost some general elections ? AND THEY EXPECT the Spanish government to just ignore the millions of Catalans who want nothing to do with this ? Fat fucking chance

I'd be more fine with federalization of Hungarians in Ro than Catalan independence. It's just the most retarded, unnnecessary, emotional movement in recent European history.

you are just a gipsie who receives handouts from SPAIN

catalonians are by far more civilized than those spaniard moors

if you haven't got a lord mayor you may as well not exist tbqh

this is detroit though. so its just a small representation of what our country looks like

any nigger poo man in

me with the atrocious hairline staring at the girl's feet


Didn't know Palermo was in Brazil LOL


WTF I love multiculturalism now

Laugh Out of Limits

well im waht you'd call a nigger but rather not go by it lmao

>im waht you'd call a nigger
wanna know how I know you're a nigger?

might do a cry

stop using the n-word
