my woman and I just finished Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom. The best anime I've seen by far. I hate all that kid shit like tenchi, dragonball, inuyasha all that shit. I didn't know they made serious animes with serious characters doing serious shit for a wholesome goal. I always thought anime was "ooooooh my powaaaa new form BYAAAAAAAH"!
Please tell me for the love of God has anyone seen this and know of a mature anime where the characters don't have some gay powaaa story?
this was the very first anime that I ever watched and it is what hooked me into the,
Most that I have seen are not like it, though one that I fell in love with and to this day remains my favorite is the first season of Darker than Black.
Alexander Jenkins
Yeah me too man. I guess we've been spoiled. I can't watch any others
Brandon Johnson
I should ass though that DTB is focused on powers but the story is serious and dark and, well, it stands to reason that I loved phantom for the same reasons you do and I loved DTB as well and I have not really found many animes that I like that share these seriousish story lines.
Caleb Long
damn, I cant spell when I am excited for a topic.
Nathan James
Gunslinger girls. Ghost in the shell. Cowboy bebop. Gundam iron blooded orphans. Scientific railgun. Hellsing. Vinland saga. Code geass. Black lagoon.
Many more.
Carter Young
Steins Gate, Re:Zero, Parasyte, Death Note
Ethan Martin
yea, phantom spoiled me, I remember the scene where he killed the little boy as being a pivotal moment in my realization that this medium can push storylines way farther than I had previously been used to.
Lincoln Garcia
Oh shit, how did I leave out gunslinger girl.
I am the guy who is recommending DTB and Gunslinger girl is also really good, I actually bought the books. soo give that one a shot as well
Bentley Wood
never could get into death note.
Josiah Wilson
Elfien lied bro. Total tear jerker. Theres some kawaii girl anime tropes but that's it if you look passed that its brilliant
Cameron Richardson
damn, I also forgot about that one.
Point is I guess that there are a few out there.
Austin Gonzalez
>my woman and I
what a faggot
Luke Torres
GSG is a perfect balance of complexity.
Adrian Johnson
have you read the books to see how it ends. I won't spoil anything.
Henry Jones
Ah yeah and RE: Creators (unrelated to the other REs and way better imo). Parasyte is also excellent. Imma smack whoever says tokyo ghoul is better.
James Cooper
Yes. Glorious tragedy.
Nicholas Morgan
I can recommend Shinsekai Yori. A fantasy, adventure, mystery anime with a pretty dark atmosphere. Also, beside Darker Than Black which was already recommended, you have to watch Ergo Proxy. I love this anime, way too underrated
Jacob King
Lol watched all of those. I loved them especially parasyte so great suggestions very close to my taste Phantom still #1
Julian Harris
I had to read it online, I took a long break from anime and manga and when I started back up the books weren't in print anymore and the copies available were going for ridiculous amounts.
Aaron Wright
yet another I missed, ERgo Proxy, def a good one.
Nolan Scott
Anything by Satoshi Kon. Mushishi Mononoke Aku no Hana Monster Serial Experiments Lain Texhnolyze Shinsekai Yori Ergo Proxy Psycho Pass
There's plenty more, but you're right. Trying to avoid the standard annoying anime tropes is too fucking difficult.
Jose Perez
ooh, just thought of another one I like though it isn't really along the same lines as many that we have talked about but still good.
There may be different versions and I am not sure exactly which one it was that I liked.
Logan Hill
grr, mushi-shi
Jason Peterson
I would say only the first season of psycho pass though.
Ian Reyes
See that's what I'm talking about bro. I actually had my jaw dropped, my girl was tearing up. THAT is good anime Thanks for the list I wrote them down. Nice, love tearjerkers cuz I'm a total faggot. Thanks Yeah my woman picked out ergo proxy so we'll watch that next since it was our first guess
Thanks a shitload boys, thought I was going to get a bunch of one piece faggots
Tyler Barnes
Monster was awesome, the protagonist Tenma was a welcome contrast to all those fucking shounen and slice of life MCs that all look and behave the same
Ryder Jackson
add, mushishi and the first season of psycho pass to your list. I think you might enjoy them also.
Alexander Evans
Boogiepop Phantom
Hudson Sullivan
Ok I will and thanks for saving me from going past that first season
Liam Taylor
I also watched Serial Experiments Lain and i quite enjoyed it, but tbh i dont think i understood it 100%
Evan Thompson
also, if you want to watch something that is the complete opposite of what we are talking about here but really fun, try one punch man, I tried it and thought I was going to hate it but I totally fell in love. Just know that it is completely ridiculous by design.
Jack Harris
eh, you probably will watch the second. It will get you, just, well. you'll see. same with DTB
Michael Reyes
all this has me watching DTB over now. Hearing the Themesong just gives me goosebumps
Adam Richardson
Serial experiments lain Kinos journey Techoxolyze This is what comes to mind first. Most peoples lists are garbage here tho P good list. But some of these shows still have quite a few “super powers”
Daniel Bennett
Susekai na shota days.
Daniel Kelly
texhnolyze is pretentious dog shit that makes me want to kill myself. It's the kind of disaster like a train derailing where you know it's horrible but you just can't look away.
Gavin Russell
I didn’t think it was too pretentious tbh It still has quite a few anime tropes that ground it
Oliver Torres
Surprised no one has mentioned Jojo's bizarre adventure. Turn your brain off and settle in for a wild ride with a great sound track.
Isaiah Torres
Lol that’s the farthest thing from mature, and lacking super powers you could post It’s a very anime-y anime, and it sounds like this guy isn’t into that
Owen Turner
The most mature thing you can do is have fun and not care if other people think it's immature. "Mature" anime that are all metaphorical and stuff often times end up being boring and bland. Ergo Proxy is an example of that, though I did love Phantom and DTB, so they aren't all bad.
Adrian Gutierrez
>I hate all that kid shit like tenchi, dragonball, inuyasha all that shit. I didn't know they made serious animes with serious characters doing serious shit
>lol that sounds just like jojos
Enjoy your Saturday morning cartoons, kiddo
Caleb Baker
one thing I forgot to mention. When you watch DArker than Black, watch the credits and beyond, everytime. It is small, but it adds a lot.
Jaxon Martinez
Some anime do air on saturdays, that isn't really an insult if that's what you were going for. Sad truth about anime though is that most of it is immature now, even the ones that have serious themes get watered down to be kid friendly nowadays. You are almost required to go back to older anime if you don't like immaturity.
Benjamin Anderson
Right, you gotta pick through a lot of garbage to find something good. I think that’s where a lot of people start to believe they don’t like anime, but really there is a lot of good stuff to watch
Lincoln Ross
I have watched a lot of anime but nothing has ever come close to resonating as long or as deep as Darker Than Black has.
From the subject matter, the character development, the story arcs, the tone, the crazy intro song, the awesome jazz that plays during, the ending ballad, the poems that setup the next episode. Everything about it has stayed with me and made me judge almost everything I see against it.
Every time I see it or hear it I am taken right back to the time I first saw it and the amazement I felt watching it all unfold for the first time.
Evan Martinez
I can't even watch it around other people because if I feel like they aren't enjoying it properly I get really stressed.
Grayson White
Durarara might work, and haven’t seen it mentioned
You might be into slice of life anime’s, normally they are much more grounded. I remember enjoying kiki or something like that back in the day. It’s about some girls in a rock band or some shit, which sounds terrible, but it’s not
Thomas Butler
I'm not recommending this anime because it's so over the top theatrical for entertainment's sake that most people don't realize the underlying themes, but Choujin Koukousei-tachi wa Isekai demo Yoyuu de Ikinuku you desu! Yeah stupid long name, covered so many different adult themes in probably the most immature childish way possible, again not recommending it because it was objectively terrible, it's another "turn your brain off" anime because they watered down the mature themes so much.
Noah Russell
Perfect Blue An idols who becomes an actor descends into madness as a stalker makes attempts on her life and her co-workers lives.
Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honnêamise Rag tag underfunded military science division with a dream, to launch a rocket into space. My personal favorite anime.
Planates Spacefaring garbage collectors whos daily job is to keep dangerous debris clear from shipping lanes to prevent tragic accidents.
Monster A doctor saves a boy instead of a mayor which costs him his career, his reputation and his fiance. The boy returns to haunt him years later, having become a sociopathic killer
Mushi-Shi The calm, highly spiritual adventures of a man who journeys from village to village, cleansing unusual spirits from human victims.
Brandon Scott
Lol you sound like a Brony No one wants to watch your children shows, even if they have ounces of mature themes within them. Disney does the same shit, and people eat it up. “Hurr durr it goes over the kids head”. But still the only people who like them are brainlets
I’m not going to sit through 4 hours of people making the motion through various anime tropes, just for a sentence of wisdom. I’d rather just watch something else
Nathan Thompson
You talk about it "going over the kids head" and then it totally went over your head that I said multiple times the show is garbage and you have to actually try to see the mature themes in it which defeats the whole point of a show being watered down for "fun".
Nathan Rivera
now that I think of it, the only thing that may have come close to matching darker than black was Nier
Anthony Martin
>I’m not going to sit through 4 hours of people making the motion through various anime tropes, just for a sentence of wisdom. I’d rather just watch something else
Thomas Martinez
I prefer one-shot animes or animes with no actual plot whos main theme is centered around comedy.
Seitokai no Ichizon was my fav. Shobitch was pretty good if you think that seeing a girl make 8th grader sex jokes is funny—which it is.
Jacob Hernandez
What you're describing is the usual pleb shounen anime. You're looking for seinen anime.
Blake Ward
If you haven't already seen it, azumanga daioh would be right up your alley.