My woman and I just finished Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom. The best anime I've seen by far...

Elfien lied bro. Total tear jerker. Theres some kawaii girl anime tropes but that's it if you look passed that its brilliant

damn, I also forgot about that one.

Point is I guess that there are a few out there.

>my woman and I

what a faggot

GSG is a perfect balance of complexity.

have you read the books to see how it ends. I won't spoil anything.

Ah yeah and RE: Creators (unrelated to the other REs and way better imo). Parasyte is also excellent. Imma smack whoever says tokyo ghoul is better.

Yes. Glorious tragedy.

I can recommend Shinsekai Yori.
A fantasy, adventure, mystery anime with a pretty dark atmosphere.
Also, beside Darker Than Black which was already recommended, you have to watch Ergo Proxy. I love this anime, way too underrated

Lol watched all of those. I loved them especially parasyte so great suggestions very close to my taste
Phantom still #1

I had to read it online, I took a long break from anime and manga and when I started back up the books weren't in print anymore and the copies available were going for ridiculous amounts.