My density is astounding. Just proving my point.
>looks like a vagoo
>functions like a XY chromo vagoo
You can only pick one.
My density is astounding. Just proving my point.
>looks like a vagoo
>functions like a XY chromo vagoo
You can only pick one.
looks like a fat armpit fold. but congrats on cutting your dick off. it's a wound that will close, that's all. m-m-muh functions the same reeeee. nope, it's a scabby wound the body wants to heal.
Yeah man because a cut up dick definitely does have the same functions as a functioning vagina. Except for almost every biological function you can imagine.
Sometimes even schizophrenics are treatment resistant to medication such as clozapine though.
16k USD with flight and hotel
>chromosomes affect how something works past development
You are dumb
but it bleeds like a real vaginaaaaaa
I actually never thought about that. Holy fuck, how do you stop it from trying to heal.
Okay dead eyes, believe what you want. I’ll sleep easy knowing I haven’t mutilated my reproductive organs in a veiled attempt to come to terms with my self hatred.
Feel free to name them
Pro tip
>self cleaning
>doesn't require dilation
>vaginal flora bio identical
>tastes like your average pussy
All I give you is
>doesn't bleed every month
>no ovaries so external intake of estrogen required
Neither are bad tbqh
I don't think you're right. But then again, I fail the captcha all the time lol