This is the place where most people who make their girlfriends wear elf ears would congregate.
Are there any tips on how to persuade your girlfriend to wear elf ears, especially during sex?
Wyatt Roberts
Colton Diaz
If you have to persuade her, she’s not that into you. Girls are down for basically any kink if they like you.
Joseph Baker
I don't even have a stable income.
Ayden Barnes
No no no. This is the place where most people who would make their girlfriends wear elf ears congregate.
Joseph Young
Daniel Ramirez
No one on this mongolian pretend game board has a girlfriend especially you.
Michael Parker
It's like inverse army ants.
Dylan Sullivan
Tell her that's what you thought eating ass meant, and then renege when you hear the actual definition from her. Come on.
Dominic Gutierrez
Ask her to. /thread
Caleb Stewart
>off topic
How does something get off topic on Sup Forums again?