Def find yourself a hobby user. If not for friends just you're own sanity. There's not much to do in life but stuff.
Where are you supposed to "go out" and "meet people" at? Let's assume that I don't like clubs and bars...
I didn't even mean it as an insult.
Sorry i meant this pic
>join a gym
>dancing classes
>religious group (church, temple)
>hobby group (model trains, stamp collecting, whatever)
>coffee shops
i met my gf on reddit then we went on our first date at the local aquarium when we found out we lived close to eachother
Literally anywhere.
Go to places that interest you and you will meet people with similar interests. Do not go to "bars and clubs" if you hate going there, you'll just meet people you hate (and they will probably hate you too).
Do you like food and coffee? Go to a bistro/cafe.
Do you like an activity? Go join a group to do it or take a small class just for fun.
Whatever. Just do what YOU want to do. Find something to do that is outside of your home and you will suddenly find yourself meeting people.
If you have a job make friends at work.
Well I at least believe that you're as handsome as shit.