Have any of you ever had some wacko become obsessed with you for no reason?

Ok, whatever, at least I got to finally fuck this unattainable bitch. I waited until Sunday to call her (didn't want to seem desperate and also assumed she had plans Saturday), and I left a message that I had a good time and looked forward to getting to know her better.

I figured she was just shy or had a bad breakup or something and that I'd gently keep after her and eventually she'd lighten up and we could see where it went.

But NOOOOOOOOO....... She avoided me at work the next Monday (we generally spoke or chatted several times per day) and I finally got to talk to her as she was leaving and ask her why the hell she was being so cagey all day.

And she went fucking BATSHIT! Cussed me out for not calling her Saturday, said shit like "Now that you've fucked me I guess I'll never hear from you again, I KNEW you were a fucking asshole" blah blah blah. A HUGE overreaction over a single fuck, in other words.

I tried to calm her down, told her I definitely wanted to see her again, reminded her of my message Sunday ("YEAH, YOU PROBABLY SENT THAT AFTER YOU GOT HOME FROM FUCKING ONE OF YOUR OTHER WHORES"!!!) but nothing would calm her down.

She was frosty to me the rest of the week, so much so all our coworkers had quite a laugh about it. I stayed friendly, kept asking her to lunch, asked if she'd like to get together over the weekend, whatever. She just ignored me or said "I have other plans".

So after several days of this, I dropped it. I hate she's mad and I certainly didn't want to make her feel bad, but fuck it, I didn't do anything wrong.

Anybody still here? I don't want to keep typing if there's no interest.

I'm watching

am here

me too


So I go about my business, and the following week she burst into the computer center where I worked with the other tech geeks. She stormed right up to me and said "You're wrong if you think you're going to treat ME that way and get away with it!" I honestly thought she was going to slap me, but she just stormed out. All my buddies are like "damn, dude, what did you do?" and I'm still mystified.

Tried to talk to her, but she wasn't having it. The following day, some of the other girls I'd hooked up (including her cousin) told me she'd pulled the same shit with them: stormed into their office, and said "I GUESS YOU CAN HAVE HIM IF YOU WANT HIM!!" They were mystified about it until they pieced it together that it was about my dumbass.

So her manager had a chat with her and told her to calm down about the whole thing. She apologized, just said she'd had a rough few weeks or something, just blew it off.

By now I'm starting to get a REAL creepy vibe from her. As beautiful as she was, I'd really did want to see her more and I was crushing on her hard. But after all the weirdness I was kinda over the whole damn thing and wish I'd never even gone over there.

So the next week was completely different.


2002 nsa usa with fragile x syndrome started stalking me

Quick question... was she Sicilian or have a Sicilian/southern Italian last name?

She came in every day dressed to the 9's. It was a business environment, so suits and ties were the norm for guys, and business suits or skirts were the norm for ladies (this was way before 'business casual' became a thing).

But this crazy cunt comes in wearing what looks like a cocktail dress for a fancy dinner party. Her hair is PERFECT, her makeup looks like she's about to hit the runway, she's just 100% dolled up. The dudes are drooling, the women are scowling, but fuck, she looked amazing.

The next day she came in wearing a shiny vinyl 'club dress' like she was going out dancing. Again, she looked amazing, but this definitely isn't business attire.

She pulled that shit all week, and with me went from openly flirting to ignoring me completely. HR finally had to tell her that her clothing was inappropriate and she said it was just because all the other "old ugly bitches" didn't like her.

By now my buddies are having a field day with this. At home, I'm starting to get hangup calls and whatnot (cont)