An American says this to you

>an American says this to you
What do?

Other urls found in this thread:

fuckign gomminst needs to go back to his own country

sick his cock


stab then raep

*shck his cock

>my heritage

Croats BTFO

wew lad what's with the hostility against croatia

>our history is taught to others
I spent more time on school on just the fall of the Roman Empire or the French Revolution than on the whole of American history.

*suck his cock
lol my fingers are so fat

you are just fat, burger

Same story here in America. We have one, LITERALLY ONE, class that teaches American history in the 12 years of school we have to take. Every history class is about other shit with slight connections to America.

>american """"history""""
Ah yes, the most boring thing I studied in school.

Mock the lepermutt in Spanish until he sharts.

Well there's not much to learn for now. America is a big boy - sure, but still a kiddo.

yeah a fat one at that

reminder that as of 2015, studies proved that the average American man is only a few kgs fatter than the average European man

What specific stuff did you find boring, Piero?


phone posters get out

That mention of muh heritage near the end of the rant really elevates the comment to masterpiece status.

why are amerigoblins so fucking proud of being retarded?

DESU learned no about important country's history is pretty fucking basic. Even I can get by talking about simple Russian, French, British, Chinese, Japanese, barely Indian, and ancient South American history.

Besides our history is piss easy.
>fuck you Britain
>Founding fathers write a bunch of laws which to this day govern a lot of the west as a whole
>idk lol
>civil war
>we won
>idk lol, industrial revolution and unions
>moon and cars n shit WWII
>Cold War
>we explode with scientific and economic advancement leading to what you see today and crazy shit like this

>no international movies

Top 10 most watched films in America:
Written, directed, and produced by a Canadian about a British ship that sank off the Canadian coast
>The Wizard of Oz
>Star Wars
>The Lord of the Rings
Starring a mostly British cast, filmed in New Zealand, based on a British novel
>Snow White
A German fairytale
>Terminator 2
A film written, directed, and produced by a Canadian, starring an unintelligible Austrian
>The Lion King
Literally Africa
>The Godfather
Muh heritage, except for the parts actually in Italy, produced by a Canadian
The story of a rebellious Jew in the Roman provinces, directed by an Aussi and a Brit, filmed in Israel, starring a Brit and 2 Israelis, based on an old Middle Eastern book.

>I know about Ireland and Norway. Simply because that is my heritage

It means she eats lucky charms, drinks guinness, and once watched a documentary about vikings.

inform him that he should interest himself about croatia because Croatia is one of the best countries in Europe if not in the world, and here's why:

>money and high purchasing power
>birthplace of famous inventor
>was a solid empire in middle ages
>gay rights
>already spend 100 of millions of dollars on importing Polish technology to more easily compete with Western Europe
>some people ride bikes to work
>praised by Nietzsche for its peoples musical achievements in Ecce Homos
>hs produkt vhs 2
>strong and predictable economy
>importing cars from Portugal
>white & European
>invented the necktie so you can look like a gentleman and not like a chino faggot
>almost every family has a car and a PC with internet
>low unemployment
>strategical partnership with Argentina until 2050
>implementing unemployment plan from Greece
>exporting to Serbia and Bosnia
>army uses homemade tanks
>industry based on exports and not on imports
>people wear modern clothes
>most people have smartphones

Tell him I respect his point of view and then go about my business without wasting time on him.

Don't know about him but I find US history boring because it's mostly just economic history and shit, no great battles or wars.

Which America are you talking about?

Well if he knows about Norway then that's good enough for me.

the one near you

I'm a map autist and American borders are all straight lines, mountains and rivers. Have been throughout history.

Not that there's anything wrong with that, it suits American topography, but it's boring.

Also "muh Civil War" is the closest thing America has come to an interesting war.

We never had American history. Only French Revolution, Nazi Germany, Vietnam under French rule and Vietnam War, and a bit about countries like Bolivia, Chile, Lebanon etc. That's it.

I never learned US history

OP here, we barely had history. Srivijaya and Majapahit nonsense, then British colonisation, then World War II and independence.
Didn't hear a single mention of the HRE, of Rome, Byzantium, or the French Revolution. Nothing about America either.

Now if you chose history as your humanities elective in grades 9-10 (which I didn't), you get to learn about post-WWII America and post-WWII Singapore. That's fucking it.

I thought the 7 years War, Revolution, War of 1812, and their Civil War were all very interesting.

>7 years war
>US history

Literally a war between France and Britain

>Don't know about him but I find US history boring because it's mostly just economic history and shit, no great battles or wars.

Which, because Americans don't listen, spread to North America as well. USA didn't technically exist at the time, but you know what I mean. It also led directly to their revolution.

New world history is mostly boring

South American is anyway

wtf, I love Croatia now

that gypsy looks pretty white, whiter than most pictures ive seen

civil war was the greatest war of the 19th century after the napoleonic wars

I thought it was a Muslim convert

Realize that we produce the most media and sadly it's actually true. You can get by entirely on domestic stuff and not feel bored with time gaps.

If you want your media to be internationally relevant, your country should first try to be relevant.

No, that was the Crimean War. There's a reason why Russia is always trying to get Crimea. It's eternally geopolitically relevant, just like 1853

Why are you so assblasted about America today?

>muh Churchill
You realize he was half-American by birth right? And that his entire strategy for WW2 was to petition the USA to join?
Using Churchill for anti-American propaganda purposes is hilarious

Boxer Rebellion, 2nd Boer War, like 3 Anglo-Ashanti wars, War of 1812, etc

I just assume that street beggars sitting on the ground in those clothes are gypsies

They aren't "using Churchill," they just mentioned he was the MP's ancestor.

I guess humanities fags learn some more stuff. No mention of Rome anywhere here too. I'm sure most of my classmates have never even heard of the Byzantine Empire.

>Founding fathers write a bunch of laws which to this day govern a lot of the west as a whole


They imported some gypsies to my small town a few years ago. No idea why Euros hate them so much, they seem alright to me and they fit right in.

But that's how it's done. You don't mention your ancestors unless you're trying to namedrop for easy empty-calories social capital. It's the same as >muh heritage Americans who sit inside their basements and do nothing all day but dream about Old Grangrangranpaw Heinrich who left Germany in 1860 to avoid getting drafted by Bismarck.

It's definitely name dropping, I just don't think it's related to the man's opinions on Trump.
I also posted it because it's the only Miliband pic I have

If gypsies "fit right in", you must be living in an actual shithole from hell.

It's a paradise here

I fucking hate Europeans

none of those even come close to it in scale, and two of them are barely even in the 19th century

Oh, it's another yank "muh K:D ratio" episode.

>US Civil War
The story of 2 ingroups fighting over the exact wording of a shitty constitution and an issue every other civilised country had already resolved with a vote. Great leaders include Abraham "I'd rather be wrasslin' than forming a dictatorship" Lincoln, Ulysses S. "delerium tremens" Grant, Nathan Bedford "Father of the KKK" Forrest, and Robert "Sorry I beat slaves please don't tear down my statues" Lee. The war ends and you have free slaves, animosity, and a fucked up sothern half of the country. We have something to laugh at

>The War of 1812
The story of a powerful growing menace taking advantage of the Napoleanic Wars and trying to annex a peaceful neighbor because, in their greed and narcissism, they believe it to be their manifest destiny and the brave men who denied this to them assisted by an ancient people who would make this war their last stand. Great Leaders include Isaac "yank slayer" Brock, Tecumseh, Stonewall Jackson, and John Paul Jones. The war ends and you have the USS Constitution, Johnny Hortons Battle of New Orleans song, a navy, and a national anthem. We have a country

You fucking idiot

Look up the Taiping Rebellion

>it's the only Miliband pic I have

only thing i learned during school about usa was slavery

Some of my favorite movies of all time are not american. The brits and french make some good movies, italians do too.

>American history

Obviously its only one lecture since its nearly nonexistent.

Maybe the War of the Triple Alliance but it wasn't fought by any major powers so nobody cared about it.

Sweden only has about 150 years of history where anything notable/cool happened anyway.

Alright, show us on the doll where the American touched you.

>and an issue every other civilised country had already resolved with a vote

There was _quite_ a bit of money involved with slavery in the Southern US and when there's a lot of money at stake, people don't like to give things up easily. This wasn't the case in most other countries.

Croatia's per capita GDP is only $12,000. You need to listen to their posters sometimes, they'll tell you the place is mediocre at best and still suffering from commie mentalities.

Ah yes, only America made money off of slavery. Everyone else just did it for fun

>our history is taught to others
easy when is 5 page with figures


In Mexico they banned it on paper but in practice the hacienda system was slavery in all but name. Brazil didn't abolish slavery until 1888 because of same reason--a huge part of their economy was tied up in slave plantation agriculture.

Canada had no plantation agriculture so banning slavery there would have been trivially easy.

He's right, I don't get it? Do other non-American countries seriously expect Americans to sit around and learn about them? There are 250+ countries out there.
Done with USA being expected to babysit everyone else. We have our own problems and you aren't that interesting.

I never mentioned Brazil, Mexico, or Canada, there were large, powerful, and wealthy European nations that made a lot of money on slavery and the trade.
Also, slaves were a part of the HBC which was much larger and wealthier than the contemporary American south.

>He's right, I don't get it? Do other non-American countries seriously expect Americans to sit around and learn about them? There are 250+ countries out there

Along with the numerous admissions in this thread that most people learn little to nothing about American history in school. Ergo, why would we be expected to know the history of Lithuania or something?

Yeah of course they don't learn American history (least of all the UK LOL, and we all know why they want to dance around American history).

But don't you understand? USA's job is to be babysitter and nanny to the rest of the world and just like the nanny needs to read the fact sheet for the kids she's babysitting, we need to read the fact sheets for all 250+ whining screaming shitting nations that we are stuck with.

Believe it or not, some diehard Confederates moved to Latin America after the war, particularly Brazil where slavery was still legal.

Or their claims that American history isn't interesting when there are many many countries that had very long stretches of their history where nothing exciting happened. As I said, Sweden has over 1000 years of history but most of it doesn't involve anything noteworthy, including everything post-Napoleonic Wars.

Little of the world's history is impacted by America for more than 200 out of their 2,000+ year histories.
American history though is entirely impacted by other nations. There isn't a single noteworthy facet of American history that doesn't involve another country, usually several of them. To understand most or all of new world history one needs a decent working knowledge of old world history. The reverse isn't usually true.

>There isn't a single noteworthy facet of American history that doesn't involve another country, usually several of them
I'm fairly sure every country in the world's history was closely tied to that of another country, often several of them.
>To understand most or all of new world history one needs a decent working knowledge of old world history. The reverse isn't usually true.
You do realize you're also a New World country.

high-five him

>durrr durrr durrr
So we learn about the other countries insofar as they impact our history, as so:

>Revolutionary War--we kicked UK's ass
>Civil War--we kicked the CSA's ass.
>WWI--we kicked Germany's ass
>WWII--we kicked the Nazi and Japanese ass
>Cold War--we bullshitted around and toppled the USSR

We don't need to go back into the history of ye olde feudal UK, Germany, Japan, or Russia, let alone what they've been up to in the years after we kicked their ass. Nobody cares.

1. don't reply to one in the first place
2. if you are stupid enough to get into arguments online and you don't consider talking to a yank a waste of time then just keep calling them obese and uneducated (common core is good topic)
3. depending on how intelligent your race-mongrel kameraden is at some point it will be pointed out that America is (read: was) a superpower with nukes and high tech technology. Remind them that all their shit was stolen from the nazis either directly or by denazifying former nazi scientists

bonus points if you laugh at the "land of the free" for the absolute lack of freedoms.

also mentioning that they don't have free health care is a double edged sword

>I'm fairly sure every country in the world's history was closely tied to that of another country, often several of them.
Yes, and that's why they learn about the history of other countries.
>You do realize you're also a New World country.
Do you see any Canadians ITT talking about how stupid it is to learn about other countries?

>American education

I didn't think I could summon a Lithuanian poster that fast. Talk about extreme butthurt. :^)

honestly the more I find about the Americans the more I hate them.

I once thought they were the good guys.

Why did you have to learn about those countries?

There's no fucking way this was not a troll post

You seem like you have a bit of a single focus today, OP.

I sincerely hope more American soldiers die.

No, it probably wasn't. There are a lot of dumb people here.
>hurr see all Americans are dumb
That's not how numbers work.

t.Marko von Ahmedovic

The only culture I can think of, that actually prides itself in it's own ignorance and lack of knowledge is the US. This thread once again proves it.