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International #819
Sverigetråden - Tåhåupplagan
Rate my lunch
Is half slavic half asian the ultimate race mix?
Any European girls want to marry me? Pic related is me. Here are the requirements:
/BRiD GmbH ehemals und nie wieder deutsch/
Europe opinion map thread
Are driving exams extremely difficult to pass in your country too?
ITT, we name each other
Have you ever met an Argentine irl, Sup Forums?
/balk/ - Balkan thread
Estonians are losing money after rising alcohol taxes and are surprised
/fr/ - Le fil francophone et francophile
Your country
Tfw your country is Iceland
/lat/ hilo latino
Tfw no qt gf to commit suicide with
Post your local castle
What are y'all doing this Sunday night?
/International women/
Post foreign foods you'd like to try
Countries, personified
Men are better at everything that women even at being women, women are not needed in this day and age they are obsolete
We don't even need the goblin memes anymore. they're creating themselves
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
/jagen/ ehemals /deutsch/
Today I will remind them
Why are Russian people's lips so thick?
Pic related is 14 years old and probablyfucking
What happened to the American male? They used to be the tallest, wealthiest, and highest-IQ people in the world
Let's be honest for a second: without Americans, Sup Forums would be extremely boring
This is 100% objective rating
/ita/ - il filo
I don't care about politics, I just want Europe to be European. Is that too much to ask?
"Sup Forums is so stupid for being racist lol"
I am a Romani person. Why do you all hate me?
Alexander the Great was Nordic, kiddo
Culture Pals /cp/ general thread
You wake up in Oslo
Is latinoamerica part of western civilization?
/deutsch/ und /antihelvetia/
Does your cunt hate Americans?
Is this the future of the Russian people?
Christmas markets
The American is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a racist, rapist, nazi...
The absolute state of amerisharts
Why are Turks so fucking based?
Daily Japanese Thread - DJT
This is the last post I will ever make on Sup Forums
Do you eat pig? Lovely bit of pig
Why is Sup Forums full of self-hating shitskins?
Sverigetråden - Söndagsupplagan
ITT: We pretend to be whites
What are the hangover remedies of your cunt?
Why is this allowed to exist
/fr/ le francofil - du jour (tiret)
This is how the average Russian dressed during the Imperial era...
Why do snowniggers like to WE WUZ so much if virtually all the achievements in Europe were made by dark haired white...
Wtf I hate Belgium now!
What are you going to eat today Sup Forums?
Need to leave this shithole
Definition of "love" in your cunt
Describe your country in one picture
What are these called in your country?
"Robots are going to take all our jobs...
ITT: post superheroes from your country
According to german experts this city has most effective overall public transport system in Europe
Do you have earthquakes where you live?
Chile and the UK are helping us find our missing submarine
My dad is a fucking weeb
I wish I was Mediterranean
A bunch of fucking stars
Why don't you date with Black woman???
Mfw someone is so attached to his first love that he rejects every single girl in his life because it is not her
I have to pass 35 mins until my code compiles, AMA about my cunt
Why did the Mediterranean stop being so interconnected? Was it Islam/Christianity? Was it land transport being easier?
Have you ever been robbed in your cunt ?
/fr/ - Le fil francophone
ITT: your country's Canada
Sauna culture made Finland different from other Nordic countries?
I'm thinking of learning a 3rd language. Either German or French
Ywn have kids and a family of your own
1. youre cunt
And YOU have the audacity to try and undermine us?!?!
Post famous Finns
Why do Finns have an inferiority complex toward them?
Greatest love story ever told
Arr rook same
Post something you really like from the country above
What's the difference between Turk and Greek
Why are east asians so smart?
Why are americans fat and stupid?
Tfw no car and i have to walk everywhere
White people BTFO
Window view thread
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
/luso/ fio lusófono
/mena/ /moan/ /ⵎⴻⵏⴰ/
Is this real fucking life?
Guess my gf's ethnicity
What country has the best uniform?
Kurva anyátok
Sverigetråden - en svensk tiger
Why does "T" have five different sounds in American English?
Local girl killed herself because she couldn't find a bf
Why is Asia doing nothing to help stop the ethnic cleansing happening in Myanmar...
The Germans are very efficient. If a dog shits in a public place, it is picked up and the owner is fined
/balt/ + /ausnz/
I hate American-style dating culture SOOO fucking much...
I want my foreskin back
Why are the counties in the West of the USA larger than in the East?
100 years there will be very few pure Japanese left
/v4/ + /family frost/
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
For fuck sake I just want to live comfortably in a first world country
Why are Black women so superior??
Eu threatens with inflaming war in the Balkans
Why migrants act super patriotic when out of their countries?
Do you ever wish you were a 7'7 WHITE protestant male with an IQ of 150, huge ass WHITE COCK, chiseled jawline...
Has he exceeded your expectations?
/balk/ - Balkan thread
Why do you hate Israel?
Does China miss Japanese rule?
Just got back from a carnival in Miami. My brother and I were the only non-hispanic whites there...
Neanderthal/cromagnon heritage
We weren't defeated, we just left
Varg is asleep
Should we help them ?
Why she did it Sup Forums?
/cum/ canada usa mexico
Go to Sup Forums
Why do other countries hate America so much when we're always nice and are there to help them out when they need it?
What's it like living in California? Is it a good place to live?
Why can't Americans build liveable cities?
/fr/ - Le francofil
Does anyone else find themselves asking why they even come to this board anymore?
Varg said Greek Christians are bigger creeps towards woman than Arab Muslims
Why do Asians work themselves to death?
ITT: Countries you fucking hate
Mfw a white """human""" is breathing near me
Do other countries really think we're racist?
Why are americans so short?
Do you know how to use it? what? you don't? wow... you are a really stupid creature... what? you are american...
Are you depressed?
His country is so cucked they don't homeschool their kids
I just found out that I'm moving to italy after the holidays
American """""music""""" genres
Implying Brown Europeans aren't the actual Europeans
I love you China :3
I have been bullied in high school
Mfw I smell an estonian
Is just me or american posters make a lot of grammar mistakes?
This is ideal female bodytype
Why is American cheese so unnaturally yellow?
Why only Japanese lover named as weeaboo??
How popular is American animation in your country? How did people in your country react to the beginning of Up?
Why don't you listen to British music?
Just be urself bro, muscles dont matter at all XD you can easily compete with me
1. Fuck you cunt
Sup Forums help there's a fucking hole in my face
What is gaming like in your cunt? How mainstream is it?
Any questions tonight?
What crimes has the Eternal Anglo committed against your people?
If every european country was a chess piece, which country would be which piece?
I went to a new barber shop and this bitch got mad for only tipping 15%. That's normal right? How much do you guys tip?
Why do Europeans do this?
Why are there so many Blacks in France? It makes sense that they move to places like the UK...
Tell me about this place...
Does your country like Touhou?
Miss Helsinki 2017 winner
What percentage of Sup Forums lives a genuinely normal life?
1. flag
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
Germany, give Schleswig to Denmark
1. Your country
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Kurva anyátok
Please love England
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Post men from other countries you find handsome. Anons from those/other countries tell us what you think of them
Who do you think is the most pathetic poster on this board...
When can we end this Kara Boga meme please. It's worse than Easter...
Can he be considered French or German?
/cum/ canada usa mexico
Eu threatens with reigniting sectarian fights in Ireland
There are people on this board who unironically pretend to be black every single day
/ita/ - il filo
How different are Kurds, Armenians,and Persians in terms of language, food, and religion?
This is how the wh*Toid """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""man"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" fights
/fr/ - le fil francophone de la France éternelle
Steam Languages
Draw the typical subhuman from your country
Post things from your home that foreigners don't know what they are
Are there any countries more culturally opposed than these ?
If every european country was a Sup Forums board, which country would be which board?
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
Any Iranians here? Pic related is me
Where's the best place to go clubbing in your country?
Would you racemix with a poonisian girl
Post your cunt's school lunches
England appreicate thread
/nederdraad/ /vlamingdraad/ /Nederduitsdraad/
I post on Sup Forums because it fills my need to socially interact with other people
TFW still live with my parents
What are your predictions for the 2020's
Americans eat this
Imagine a world without whites
/BLACK/ general
Are you ready for Thanksgiving, Sup Forums?
Sup Forumsernational cocks
I'm enjoying a higher quality of life than you are
Post the most american picture you have
Post the hottest politician in your country
Palestinian girls are for _________
Weekly reminder not to racemix with Amerimutt
Is it true all the other boards (with the exception of /s4s/) absolutely hate us and hate our memes?
Would you racemix with a colombian girl?
Wants to prove his country is good at wars
Sup Forums humour thread
Is this the most irrelevant cultural region in the world?
Eyes of int
In what order should I read these books
How many posters are legit Homosexual or Bisexual vs just role playing for lulz?
Sverigetråden - EUupplagan
Why westerners hate buckwheat?
White people in Zimbabwe are marching in the streets celebrating being Zimbabwean
Ur cunt
Why do Europeans do this?
Truly the magnum opus of Sup Forums
Post ur cunt's air force
Can we have an uruguayan appreciation thread?
Qt boy is wonderful
ITT: Post a MILD criticism about another country
Studying in Warsaw
Russian men
Italians are white. From the southern tip of Sicily to the Tyrolean alps...
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Why dont we have any celebs browsing our board lads ;_;
/deutsch/ Ausgabe des Staates Israel
Is America the gayest country on Earth?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Are you prepared for winter, Sup Forums?
Why is it that the BLACK countries have way more achievements than the white countries?
My ancestors were building civilization in Egypt 2500 years ago...
Please love us ;__;
/ita/ - il filo
Leftists from your country would defend the woman or the black guy?
Americans were a mistake
Ywn be an artist of a famous Black Metal band
ITT: Great World Leaders
Tfw white and blond hair but brown eyes
My dad is spending the next couple of months traveling through Asia. He wants to know if he can send me back anything...
This is how the average Turk dressed during the Ottoman era. Truly a beautiful outfit. This man in the picture...
If you like Italy, you are a simpleton that is easily conditioned by romantic movies and books
She sees your Iberian grass snake
/sino/ - 中文
Can anyone from poland help me or basically anyone
Be Spaniard
What do you think they were saying?
/fr/ - Le vrai fil de la France
Tried to learn python for h4cking
Red pill me on Portuguese food. How does it differ from the other Iberian food...
/balk/ - Balkan thread
Danish """men"""
WTF is this true? Santa doesn't bring presents to all those people?
Where are you planning to travel next year?
The ideal borders of Germany, including Prussia
Sup Forums guilty of Divide and Conquer
The Yamato female. She is precious, she has soft white skin, and wide black eyes. She is very shy and quiet...
/fr/ - le fil des banlieues françaises
A gift from the Soviet people
Onkel adi ausgabe
Are russians really this gay, or is it just one guy?
What happened to Tatars?
If white people are superior, how come Chile is doing better than Argentina despite Argentina being whiter?
Who is the hottest president in the world and why it is the president of Croatia?
How is the shlomocaust remembered and commemorated in your cunt? Is it taught in schools?
Do you have a gf or a bf?
How can U tell the difference between Latinas and Arab girls?
Is it possible to start investing apartments (to rent them) in sweden? I mean how it works there?
Most beautiful girls you have seen. I will start
Give me ONE (1) good reason why the EU shouldn’t be abolished
/ex-ussr/ general
Le 56% visage
Last bastion of free speech in Europe
/cum/ canada usa mexico
This is the definition of Europe
What is this man's name and nationality?
Name one (1) morally superior country than this
How are they different from each other?
How do we make more Swedish men alpha and nationalist like this guy?
The /balt/ states of /ausnz/
/ibe/ = /esp/ + /tuga/
How do I get a chinese gf similar to this one?
1. Your race
Do American Whites hate minorites for their success?
Wow Amsterdam is an amazing city!
Europeons don't keep their non-whites segregated in containment cities
1) you are a cunt
Be 18 years old
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Is suicide a common thing in your country?
Do you have vans like this in the United States and Canada?
/v4/ + contractors
Meanwhile in usa
Kurva anyátok
If the Allies lost WWII
Your thought on Japanese girl
23andMe/Ancestry Thread
Draw the border between Negroid and Semitic populations
/deutsch/ Araber ausgabe
Mugabe says "I don't want to see a white face" to the white journalist
Why we are a black nationalist board?
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
How do we achieve the /dream/, bros?
Were the Soviet people betrayed in 1991? That year, a referendum was held...
Whatcha drinking tonight lads?
Destroying the remainders of the eu
Why are American companies so greedy?
1.) Your cuntry
38% of Australians voted against same sex marriage
Your cunt?
Sup Forums BTFO
Start making love with a girl
Best meme producers
Who immigrate to your country?
Tfw your country is just the side character to the main antagonist, America
What class do you belong to?
Do you have these types of streets in your country, Sup Forums? They are sometimes called "commercial strips" in the US...
Tfw bullied when i was 3-5 years old because i had long hair
Do americans really do this?!?
Spics vs ISIS
I want to live in Sweden
Was this the most aesthetic border in human history?
Why are e*ropean """women""" so fucking ugly?
Polandball Comics
This is how you know the terrorists haven't won. This. is. Freedom. Right here
The land now known as Canada was once home to both tyrannosaurus and ankylosaurus. Epic dino battles happened here...
Culture Pals - /cp/
So when do you start feeling like an adult?
Your country
Rank your favorite Latin American countries
/fr/ - Le /fr/ancofil
Just got my fucking ass kicked by a gang of abos at the bus stop
Sverigetråden - Mysiga nattupplagan
Rooms of Sup Forums
What happens in these islands?
Why are latin americans so violent?
/deutsch/ nachtschicht
Your country is now militarily aligned with all other states that begin with the same letter as your country
Do you love Japan?
1. Your country
A significant chunk of the Crusaders were French
This is a general reminder that the US betrayed a french Republican revolution, in support of Monarchism
Who is your favourite German person?
Can we have an interesting animal from your country thread?
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
/balk/ - Balkan thread
/cum/ Canada United States Mexico
Fall in love with a French Algerian girl
SO if Italians aren’t white, that means that the Renaissance was created by non-whites
Meanwhile on bizarro Sup Forums
Care to share a couple of words with us, Italy?
Thoughts, Sup Forums?
What does Sup Forums think of this skyscraper proposal for Portland, Oregon...
1. Your cunt
Why do Western Europeans keep destroying their historical buildings and ruining the image of their cities?
Why do you have such a feminine body user
I don't want to live in my country for too much longer
Be american
/fr/ - Le Fil Francophone
Things you'll never hear an Italian say
Which is the most overrated city or country you have visited?
Sverigetråden - Fredagsupplagan
This is what Russia would've look like if it wasn't for Am*ricans
With the exception of Slovenia and Czech Republic, I hate slavniggers
Currycel is the brown version of uncle ruckus
Wow that's a big boy
Whats your eyecolor Sup Forums ?
I unironically think this is comfy
/ita/ - il filo
Your reason for not leaving your country?
NWG - /non-white general/
Hola, estoy buscando a alguien de Argentina que se quiera suicidar y tenga un arma
When you see a Japanoid subhuman
Lil Peep is dead for real it's not a hoax
It's 1800
Be Israeli
Question for non white. How obvious is it when someone "virtue" talk to you...
Why arey you hate russia
I think we can all agree on this
Your cunt
/cum/ canada usa mexico
When you post here do you ever think:
Mods deleting curryc*l threads
An American says this to you
NOTHING cuter than Russian grill dancing to bollywood music
Americans will unironically defend this
Latvia has evaded the banter for too long
This qualifies for news in Britain
What is the worst thing your people has ever done?
Russian "playgrounds"
This enrages and terrifies the non-Anglo shitskin
Best EU year?
/luso/ - Fio Sem Weeabixas Homossexuais
My ancestors :)
1. Your country
What happens here?
/fr/ - Le Fil Francophone
How far back can you trace your ancesty? Are you related to anyone famous?
Post famous Africans
Norway + Portugal = true epic love
/deutsch/ ɐnɟ pǝɯ ʞodɟ sʇǝɥǝupǝ ɐnsƃɐqǝ
Why are there so many Fins in Sup Forums?
"Oh I'll start losing weight and getting fit next month"
What happens if you mention "the war" around Germans?
Vocaroo thread
Why do americans do this?
What Taco kit shall i choose today?
Sverigetråden - Nationalistiska upplagan
I can pay a cute Russian boy a 2500 euros if you spent chtistmas with me. I can also come get you from Saint Petersburg
Sup Forums recommends me which one of the blue cunts i move to
A westernized Indian girl comes to you and asks to be your gf
What is the worst country youd consider 'first world'?
Magyar love and tolerance thread
What is the best country someone like me could emigrate to work?
Be American
Friendly reminder that we are actually making amerisharts leave the website due to excessive amerigoblin memery
West Slavs
Want to end my virginity
Tell me please about english swearing. Are screw, frick, heck irrelevant? Is "to screw" rude? Is "a hell" rude...
What happened?
This is Baku. Baku is rich
/southerns/ - south europe
Why don’t you date with Black woman??
Do you have dialects of different language in your country?
Why can't you handle the banter?
What is/was your major Sup Forums?
What nationalities do you hate the most?
/ita/ - il filo
Wow, your little brother is so ugly and creppy
Repeat after me:
/sino/ - 中文
Poland will become a russia-tier authoritarian corrupt shithole within your lifetime
What do you think of lebanon
Are boys allowed to love boys in your country?
Do you like Our pew-pew, Fin?
Are Germanics the superior people
1. your country
I think japan need some of revolutionary spirit
How fast have you ever driven your car?
It's my dream to visit the US one day
Do you have a word for all foreigners, like "goy" or "gringo", in your country?
What makes Sup Forums different from other boards? What's the distinctive feature of Sup Forums?
Do they feel English?
Perfection doesn't exi
Turkey has withdrawn 40 soldiers from a NATO military exercise in Norway...
He LARPs as a white-hating nigger on a Kyrgyztani lace-making board
Russia appreciation thread
/Hitler/ ehemals /deutsch/
people implying Russia is somehow anti-muslim
Europeans literally pay for the arrival of BLACK and MUSLIMS BULLS
I just want to be fucking normal
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Europeans post goblin memes while arabs and africans are having sex (consensual mind you) with their women RIGHT THIS...
Hilo latino
I'm so fucking lonely
Duribg Finnish independency day the Swedish neonatzis invited 6000 Russian neonatzis to fight agaisnt leftist anarchist...
Finnish news had a story today:
Chinese people, how do feel about that putin is selling our country to you...
Why do americans put ananas on their pizza?
Typical German
Together, we'll rule the galaxy
The glorious new face of America
Wtf i want a portugese gf now
/megaCHAD/ aka /deutsch/
1 Your flag
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...