It's 1800

It's 1800

Do you side with Napoleon or Britain and her allies?


Napoopan tbqh



For His Imperial and Royal Majesty Napoleon I, By the Grace of God and the Constitutions of the Empire, Emperor of the French, King of Italy, Mediator of the Swiss Confederation, Protector of the Confederation of the Rhine, Co-Prince of Andorra!

Don't see the appeal of old boney Tbh


Britain of course

based bizarrokraut

Based Prussia



I side with my brethern of the rhine-confederacy and glorious France. Until things go south and I switch sides and spit on Napoleon's name




but if I have to get involved then Britain, because at least they speak English.

UK of course
Would rather not fight with krouts desu much better to see them dead

You would lose

Old Wellesley >>>>>>> 'napooleon'

>Result: Dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire

Ah yes the great English victory at Waterloo, where Brits were in the minority (and I mean before Blücher's arrival)

Denmark-Norway siding with Napoleon, and losing the war, is what made us inderpendent in the first place.

So Napoleon all the way, I guess.

Great movie but weird choice of casting for Napoléon

Is this evidence then that Germans only win wars under foreign leadership?

With Venice

technically Brits won all their wars under foreign leadership since your royals are of German origin

Uhm, we're civic nationalists, sweaty x

The actor was know for playing 'crazed' characters

I'd say that's pretty good casting


fuck off paki

Technically all German achievements can partly be contributed to the Poles, due to the historicly high Polish influx in large parts of Germany.

Napoléon wasn't crazy and Steiger doesn't really looks like him

He was at least a 'little' bit crazy

Napoleon was a friend of America and would have ended br*t third world adventures

t. Pablo Hernandez

T. Beef Wellington

Napoleon, brits were on the wrong side of history


As a dirty peasant I'd probably be too concerned with my crops to care about some faggot military genius

None, they are the same shit.

we should've sided with the Brits, the French were nigger tier, we could've just pushed through all of the French and Spanish territory at once

Reporting for duty.

Napoleon pre-1807
Against post-1807

I would probably be too busy fighting with my neighboring Kanton over some religion and/or political disagreement.

French speaking minority would let him enter willingly to get rid of Bern domination and I will become a French puppet state and serve alongside the French army.

We have Bonaparte mentioned as an exemplar in our current national anthem, so take a wild guess.
That said he honestly was kind of an asshole, albeit a very charismatic asshole.